Sci-Fi Promo – The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8

Greetings, travelers!  We’ve got an excellent way to jump start your “pre-week” with an old friend of Tellest’s.  Andrew Charles has consistently delivered outstanding sci-fi stories, and a new one just dropped over the last couple of weeks, so it’s time to see what the Coalition and her crew have been up to.  Read on to learn more about The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8.

Back bigger and better than ever, Andrew Charles is ready to make magic in the celestial skies with the eight book of his sci-fi series in The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8.  One of the things that the author has always done well is find ways to surprise his readership.  The Coalition series always feels fresh and teeming with possibility, and that’s even more in place here in the latest entry, thanks to new dangers, new factions, and of course, new characters.  Charles uses the new cast members to help immerse fans into the vast universe he explores, presenting with different philosophies, varied desires, and interesting backstories.

Recently outclassed and outgunned by advanced civilizations, the Coalition embarks on an unprecedented program to develop new weapons. A crisis emerges when mercenaries hijack convoys of vital materials.
Mikal Rush, a junior lieutenant in a local defense squadron, is chosen to infiltrate the mercenaries to discover who is behind the attacks. As a child, Rush was found roaming the streets of Katann. His lack of societal markers and piloting skills make him the ideal choice for the dangerous mission. Rush is joined by Ensign Plia Salkey, a Wylin Ensign with comparable skills who is equally unknown.
The danger of discovery is a constant companion as they join the ranks of the mercenaries and rapidly rise in the ranks. Their nerves are frayed as the danger ratchets up to a thrilling crescendo.
Find out what happens when Mikal is given an impossible choice.
This may be the most thrilling of the Coalition books yet, with challenges and intrigue around every corner.  The book reads in the same, snappy way that the author’s works are known for, but there’s just something here that a lot more oomph to speak of as well.  With adventure ready at every corner of the galaxy, Charles seems to be able to find it with ease.  It’s a good time to be a fan of sci-fi, because we have the next great creators ready to serve you.  As always, you’re in good hands with Andrew Charles, and his latest is sure to delight you as well.  So don’t wait.  Check out The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8 on Amazon today!

And if you’re looking for a visualization of what this book is all about, check out the recent trailer that was made for its release:


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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.