Here at Tellest, we’re committed to bringing you the best fantasy stories and fantasy promos that we can. That includes helping you along the way to find other great talents and their works of passion. Over the past year, we’ve managed to work with hundreds of authors in our Otherworld segments. These authors might have fantasy tales that closely mimic that what you see in Tellest, or they might be as far beyond as the stars themselves. But what they all have in common is that they were written specifically with fans of the genre in mind. These writers deserve your attention, for if you’re here, you’re looking for your next great read.
Below, you will see a list of headings that will lead you directly to each of the sub-genres that we’ve slotted these stories into. Some of them may need refinement as time goes on, but we hope that we’re able to tell you enough about them to pique your interest. Clicking on the covers will bring you to each story’s Amazon page, where you’ll be able to see blurbs for the individual works. We truly hope you find your next favorite story right here!
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Children’s Fantasy
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Traditional Fantasy
Tick Tock Goddess Clock: A Quinine Adventure
For those who enjoyed the larger than life barbarian hero of Raymond Duane’s Quinine, they’re about to get more from Tick Tock Goddess Clock: A Quinine Adventure—a lot more. The author absolutely knows his brand, too, because all a sequel really needed to be successful was leaning into the over-the-top action, the snappy, fun dialog, and the weird and exciting world of the Hand. It’s about time a barbarian has a sequel that’s bigger, bolder, and badder than their debut. There is magic at play here that is playful, creative, and surprising, and it will no doubt hook readers and bring them across an adventure they won’t soon forget.
Readers will fly through this story faster than Quinine flies on the back of a winged wolf, as the story moves from one entertaining set piece to the next, and each exudes the magic that comes from a world that is special, and a mind that is not afraid to let creativity flow. Duane certainly gives fans tasty meals to feast on, and there’s no lacking in that matter from cover to cover. This world is the kind that fans of classic sword and sorcery will truly enjoy getting lost within. If you’re looking for a tremendous fantasy experience, and you love to double-dip, this is the story for you. Check out Tick Tock Goddess Clock: A Quinine Adventure on Amazon today!
Having the feeling of a classic epic mixed with the sort of fantasy that you can only dream of, Raymond Duane’s Quinine is unlike anything you’ve ever experienced. For one, it’s got a world that feels familiar, yet takes place on what is believed to be the sprawling hand of a tremendous goddess. This sort of grand scope is not a one-off in Duane’s presentation, mind you. The author has a vision for the world that is tremendous, as though there is no horizon that he can’t see past. But as much as things feel epic and boundless, there are still some familiarities that again evoke classic fare that you might have experienced over the last few decades. Quinine presents as a wittier barbarian archetype, and his foes are bombastic and thrilling. To some extent, it reminds of a famous warrior from Cimmeria, or a battle-hardened prince from Eternia. Fans of these classics will no doubt be ecstatic about getting another character who can remind of these time-tested champions of fiction.
Spectacle is wonderful in fantasy, but in the case of Quinine, there’s substance beneath it as well. You never get a sense that anything the author worked on was anything but meaningful. Language and prose flows cleverly, and at a cadence that is perfect for the content. And the world itself grows out with poise and deft control by the creator. This is pulp fantasy, but it is as far from schlocky as you can get. All in all, it’s a great experience that fans of fantasy will no doubt enjoy. Raymond Duane has written plenty of Quinine adventures before, so there is hope that another is right around the corner. If you’re eager to dive into this fantastic universe, don’t wait. Check out Quinine by Raymond Duane on Amazon today!
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 is a fantastic look today at some of the strongest candidates for your favorite storytellers of tomorrow. Running the gamut between science fiction, science fantasy, traditional fantasy, and more contemporary works, these issues are perfect for any and all fans of speculative fiction. A dozen stories by up-and-coming authors fill the pages, accompanied by beautiful displays from equally talented artists who will no doubt be composing covers and concepts alongside the prolific worldbuilders who have won the most recent contest. They are joined by award-winning authors, who elevate the contest winners alongside them.
It is always a treat whenever the Writers of the Futures books hit the shelves. The big 40 is a huge deal, and Galaxy Press is treating it as such, with excellent preorder bonuses as you can see here. Let it be known though, that these stories stand strong on their own, and they’re enough of a reward all on their own! This issue releases on May 7th, but don’t let that stop you from preordering today. Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 40 on Amazon today!
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34
Introduce yourself to a dozen of the most talented storytellers of today, before they become the most popular authors of tomorrow. L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year was the April 2018 release of the serialized anthology, but it has lasting power, thanks to the work of a dozen creative writers, in addition to the beautiful imagery of twelve captivating illustrators. The Writer’s of the Future issues are flexible on the speculative fiction spectrum, but this issue leans a little more toward the fantasy genre. Real experiences—which are divulged in the brief author profiles preceding each story—help to inform the fantasy, and it gives the collection a lived-in, richer veneer. Whether you’re looking for something with a more contemporary flair, or something with the presence and stature of a traditional fantasy, you’ll find representation here in this collection, and you’re bound to find a new favorite story or author.
It’s important for writers of speculative fiction to be aware of this anthology, because it could be a game changer for those who partake. With cash prizes, exposure aplenty, and the chance to have one’s work seen by the masters of the craft, Writers of the Future is one of the most prestigious writing contents available for fantasy and sci-fi storytellers.
It all comes back to readers though, and fans of fantasy and sci-fi should make sure that these anthologies are always on their list—and if they missed any older issues, they’re all available on Amazon. This one is particularly catching, especially if you’re a fantasy connoisseur. Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 34: The Best New Sci Fi and Fantasy Short Stories of the Year on Amazon today!
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 37
The Writers of the Future series, posthumously presented by L. Ron Hubbard, is a collection of the incredible speculative fiction by the best and brightest of our time. Earning praise from the likes of Brandon Sanderson, Terry Brooks, and Larry Niven, these stories are the perfect ones to cozy up to, whether you’re a fan of science fiction or fantasy, as there’s enough of both here to leave readers, and indeed, even other writers, pleasantly content and excited for more. The series has a new release each year, and I chose to immerse myself in L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 37, because the stories therein have a spark of brightness, hope, and wonder shining through.
There are countless releases in this series, each an anthology of magnificent stories and beautiful artwork, and they have tips and ideas for writers and worldbuilders as well. Best of all, the series is on sale through the end of the month, so you can get a tremendous amount of value if you move quickly. I loved this set, and my favorite of the bunch was Half Breed, by Brittany Rainsdon. I’m excited for you to find your own favorite as well! Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 37 on Amazon today!
L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39
Whether you’re looking for a hearty laugh, a surprised gasp, or a catching and stinging emotional barb that will stick with you, the talented winners of L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39 will demonstrate why they’ve been selected as the best and brightest up-and-coming storytellers and illustrators. They’ve just hit bookstores with the latest anthology today, ensuring that fanatics and connoisseurs will have plenty of new hits to enjoy, from soaring sci-fi romps, to more intimate looks at the human condition, and the pain we both inflict and persevere through. Along the way, you’re treated to stories about the writers as well, helping you to understand why they’ve written the sort of award-winning content they have. Those who pick up the book will also see the lovely illustrations of over a dozen gifted artists, who help to bring the stories to life in their own way as well. It all coalesces into something that isn’t merely a collection of tales without a common thread, but a beautiful experience that you’ll no doubt appreciate.
This is one of those treats that I look forward to every year, and once you begin to make a habit of it, it’s a hard one to quit. It’s all so varied, fresh, and captivating. Whether you like space opera, time travel, or quirky urban fantasy, this is the collection for you. These are the best new voices of fantasy and sci-fi, and it is a wonderful opportunity to find the next great stories that will stay with you long after you flipped the final page. Check out L. Ron Hubbard Presents Writers of the Future Volume 39 on Amazon today, and make sure you check out the other quick links and info below!
The Butcher of the Eternal Forest (Author’s Expanded Edition)
Spending time in J.A Bergloff’s kingdom of Atlen is a great way to be immersed in a rich fantasy world that feels lived in and layered. In the author’s debut, The Chronicles of Atlen: The Butcher of the Eternal Forest, now retconned to serve as the second book in the series, readers were treated to deep and resonating history and mythology, making it feel like Atlen was discovered by devout archaeologists, and not spun out from the aether and one talented storyteller’s mind. This new expanded edition allows an already impressive part of Bergloff’s tapestry to spread its fiery wings and take to the skies.
The Butcher of the Eternal Forest was already a formidable release, boasting an epic storyline and plenty of room to explore. But Bergloff’s new release of the tale, bundled with a bonus novella in The Rise of Hakon, really adds tremendous value to this portion of the chronicles. Throughout all of the author’s works, you really feel the passion coming through. This is someone that bleeds creativity for the genre, and wants nothing more than to deliver something spectacular for their readers. The great news is that there’s now an even better way to experience it all. Check out The Chronicles of Atlen: The Butcher of the Eternal Forest (Author’s Expanded Edition) on Amazon today!
Dog of War (Book 1 of the Dog of War Saga)
Dean Kastle writes like a warrior poet, every one of his action sequences gliding about like expertly choreographed dances of steel on steel. That’s integral to his style, because Geth, the hero in his book Dog of War, is so keyed into battle, whether it’s a skirmish on a street, or a bloody bout alongside his best friend Phelan. Dog of War follows the pair as they escape their harsh lot in life, as well as the vengeful gaze of justice. To be clear, Geth is a hero, but he’s done some things that he knows are anything but good. But he’ll do anything for his friends, and there’s still honor there amidst the darkness that his anger can sometimes summon up. When he finds a new liege lord to raise his flag behind, he has to try and determine how best to rein in his rage.
Beyond Kastle’s incredible fight sequences, his world of Eria feels rich and lived in. It never feels like the author is making things up as he goes, but as though he’s helping guide readers through towns and cities that truly exist, and into the unchecked wilderness where anything is possible. Geth’s adventures take him through many twists and turns across Eria, with enemies at the gates, and within them. Between explosive battles, sinister betrayals, and courageous trials, there is something for everyone here in Kastle’s first feature-length book. Check out Dog of War, book one of the Dog of War saga, on Amazon today!
Sword Songs
Take one look at any of the stories in Dean Kastle’s wonderful collection, Sword Songs, and you’d be hard-pressed to believe that they haven’t already been on the scene for years. For one thing, Eria and the Sworn Realms just feel so lived-in. There isn’t any part of the anthology that feels like Kastle has conjured it up on the spot. To be clear, he very well may have, but he’s got enough talent to present his world in such a way that you’d believe it was already there, and he was just giving readers the best tour they’ve ever been on. From wonderful prose that is just as strong in its descriptive passages as during frenetic, smart fight scenes, to snappy dialog and inner monologs, Kastle ensures that readers will be rapt throughout.
If you’ve been looking for the perfect anthology to scratch your fighting itch, Kastle’s collection is the one you’ve been waiting for. It’s delightful in all the best ways, and you’ll be drawn to each of the characters, as they all have their strengths and quirks that make them wonderful additions to his pantheon of heroes (and those of less moral fiber, as it were). Best of all, Sword Songs helps to set the stage for Kastle’s upcoming epic Dog of War, which takes readers even deeper into the fantastic world he’s created. Even if you read Dog of War first, however, this anthology helps to fill in the blanks, and adds a rich foundation to the backstories of many of the characters. Don’t hesitate to pick up your weapon. Check out Sword Songs by Dean Kastle on Amazon today!
Wings of Ember
Spend just a few moments in author Michael R. Schacht’s debut novel Wings of Ember, and you’ll recognize someone who is dedicated to their craft and eager to please their fans. This gaslamp fantasy feels like it’s part of a rich, lived-in world, as though in experiencing it, readers are looking through a window into another realm that’s always been there. While Schacht certainly puts a good deal of the story on well-liked protagonists Dayne and Nalada, and the supporting cast, they never feel like they’ve been dropped into a world that is being constructed around them. That’s not to say that there’s not an engineering feel to things, mind you. The author shows his passion for the gaslamp subgenre across each chapter, leaving the story dripping with style. And Schacht presents magic in ways you don’t often see, either, leaving readers on the edge of their seats as they wait for what comes next.
Stepping into the world of Terideal is like learning about thousands of years of history, and joining at a particularly exciting point in time. Calling Schacht a writer or an author is incredibly reductive, as he’s spun up an entire universe that’s ripe for exploration, and still manages to make the smaller intimate moments feel spectacular. Across the story, readers will get a sense that they’re partaking in the start of something brilliant, with formidable ongoing potential, but also a satisfying conclusion. If a captivating world, interesting characters, and a stellar story have caught your attention, don’t wait. Check out Wings of Ember, by Michael R. Schact, on Amazon today!
Forged in Gold, Book One of the Golden One Trilogy
Katie Schoumaker has been honing her storytelling skills for over a decade, and it shows with the release of her wonderful debut, Forged in Gold, Book One of the Golden One Trilogy. An immense epic, filled with foundational lore about the world, this author knows how to develop something that is captivating. While books like these can sometimes feel a bit intense, Schoumaker balances it out with rich, dynamic characters, worldbuilding that feels expressive and interesting, and a story that grows as its secrets are revealed. And while it is vast and tremendous in its scope, the author helps to bring understanding to her readers not only through beautifully-crafted descriptions, but also with a glossary appendix that helps to keep things straight.
Forged in Gold is a shining example in masterclass storytelling. While the main story will grip its readers, there is such thought and care put into the world that it never feels as though threads of the plot are coming together because they need to. Rather, it is though everything has been set in motion long ago, the world coming together naturally because of thousands of years of lore and mythology. Schoumaker already has the next two books in the series plotted out, and they promise to be just as spectacular as the debut title that’s already turning heads. There’s never been a better time to stand beside the queen of Akkinor. Check out Forged in Gold, Book One of the Golden One Trilogy on Amazon today!
Light the Shadows (Under Elfhame’s Stars)
Author Lucia Laurence is on track to deliver a lavishly detailed and captivating fantasy romance series, if we go by her debut title, Light the Shadows. Her Under Elfhame’s Stars series starts by introducing us to the world of the fae, playing with real-world folklore in some fun and clever new ways. Laurence’s research into all this mythology lends to a foundation for her world that helps to immerse any readers. Once they’re solidly fixed in this fantasy universe, its greatest strength, the characters, begin to let their stars shine. Whether you’re talking about their starting traits, their development over time, or the poetry of the dialog, Laurence ensures that readers are in good hands.
Laurence’s characters feel real, as though she is able to enter the world and see them from beneath an invisible veil. The author feels more like a careful watcher than someone pulling the strings, which should speak highly of her ability to make everything feel so real and natural, especially in a world abound by magic and wrapped in mystery. Laurence has crafted this story with the utmost care, and that emotional spirit resonates throughout the tale, carrying through to the characters and their relationships, and any fans of romance will no doubt be hooked on them shortly after meeting them. If you’ve been waiting for a catching fantasy romance, with a companion title right around the corner, don’t wait to pick up this great story. Check out Light the Shadows (Under Elfhame’s Stars) on Amazon today!
Orphan’s Quest: The Great Forget Fantasy Series Volume 1
It’s no surprise that Terry Ironwood’s debut fantasy, Orphan’s Quest: The Great Forget Fantasy Series Volume 1, became the number one release on Amazon when it hit virtual shelves. It’s an epic fantasy meant to appeal to young adults, but really, any fans of fantasy will fall in love with this series. It starts with characters that readers will enjoy journeying alongside. The titular orphan has all the qualities that people would want from their hero, without feeling like too much of a blank slate to attribute their own wish fulfillment on. Ironwood didn’t fall into that trap, and instead, the cast of characters is a huge strength. The rest of the story serves as a fun coming-of-age story across a land that the author describes in rich, attentive detail.
Despite the book’s epic scope, Orphan’s Quest speeds forth at an even, quick pace. Before readers know it, they’ll be heading toward the final pages of Ironwood’s first tale. But all along the way, it will be an entertaining experience, and readers will be on the edge of their seats as Chip aims to pass the hardest test of his lifetime. With two books already out now, and another three fast on the way, it is a wonderful time to dive into Ironwood’s exciting world, and begin your journey alongside Chip. Check out Orphan’s Quest: The Great Forget Fantasy Series Volume 1 on Amazon today!
The Calling
Author Liam Lombard presents a world that is cast in violent darkness and enveloped in a withering veil, with his debut, The Calling, the first book in his Farom’s Mysteries series. From the opening pages, readers will be knee-deep in writing that deftly flows from the pages, with striking action sequences handled with catching cadence, or flowing, descriptive passages that immerse them in a world defined by richness and novelty. Lombard brings together two characters from vastly different parts of the same world, stitching their tales closer and closer together with a wonderful balance, ensuring that everything feels in its place at the right time. The Calling consistently builds on its momentum, inching ever closer to a powerful crescendo.
With some echoes of a Tolkien-esque world, The Calling has the ability to drop readers into a story that has the potential for great darkness, but isn’t afraid to shine a little light on some of its characters from time to time. It is in striking that quirky, innocent view against the toxic, dangerous landscape that Lombard’s debut really has the means to draw in its audience. And with character development and interactions that will no doubt excite and delight, it’s easy to be whisked away by the story. If you want to be captivated by a a world that is as enthralling as it is dynamic, don’t hesitate to dive into interesting land of Farom. Check out The Calling by Liam Lombard on Amazon today!
Searching For Zen: A Tale Of Divine Destiny
Author Albert T. Franklin reveals a debut fantasy awash in light amongst the darkness with Searching For Zen: A Tale Of Divine Destiny. This book has an endearing heart, and it brings readers along for a journey that could help them see that there is hope even when things could seem bleakest. In this way, it is something that most people can appreciate, even before the author builds further on his tapestry by adding action sequences that will tighten their grip on fans, and draws back the curtain on secrets of the world that Zen, the emotional center of the story, must discover. But the true attraction of this book, and where Franklin excels, is with the creation of Searching For Zen’s found family. The group that readers will find themselves spending time with are so wholesome and uplifting that it feels like being wrapped in a warm blanket, and they’ll crave for the quieter moments when the fellowship can simply be with each other.
Franklin’s debut fantasy is a smooth-flowing adventure of grand proportions which finds a wonderful balance in all it presents. Those along for the ride will find themselves eager to weave their way through the book’s twenty-three chapters, meeting new members of the fellowship and witnessing as Zen unlocks greater potential in himself, and a greater understanding of the world. Perhaps there is more in store for Terragaia. In any case, readers will get some closure in Zen’s tale. Whichever direction Franklin decides to go from here, fans of fantasy should be on the lookout for whatever he adds to his catalog. But first, they should check out Searching For Zen: A Tale Of Divine Destiny on Amazon today!
Bridge of Blood and Thorns: The Isdralan Chronicles
Beth Connor has a penchant for telling captivating stories, and there is no exception to that for her newest release, Bridge of Blood and Thorns: The Isdralan Chronicles. She does that primarily by having casts of characters that readers want to spend time with. They feel rich and dynamic, as though they’ve lived a whole life, have goals and dreams, and are multidimensional, rather than just a name on a page that is working at the behest of the storyteller. That these characters are able to come together and coalesce within an intriguing world that benefits from the same forethought is a tremendous boon, and demonstrates the care that the author has for all she creates.
For those who are just discovering Beth Connor, the author elevates her role far beyond what it typically entails. Even calling her a worldbuilder feels a bit understated, as she is developing a sort of literary universe that is very open and welcoming. She’s invited other authors to assist her in creating catching and immersive experiences, and as the architect headlining everything, she has a keen eye for quality and always demonstrates a care for everything Isdralan. That extends to this third book in the Isdralan chronicles, and it shows in the phenomenal writing, the wonderful characters, and the expressive world. Do yourself a favor and, And when you’re done, be sure to check out Bridge of Blood and Thorns: The Isdralan Chronicles on Amazon today!
Prodigy of Flame: The Isdralan Chronicles
We’ve spent time in Beth Connor’s world, but now we see it from an entirely different vantage point in Prodigy of Flame: The Isdralan Chronicles. While her previous work, Micah and the Candles of Time led us into Isdralan and gave us a tour of the world from a human’s point of view, we’re diving deeper into the mysteries and mythology of this rich and storied land, exploring its grand tapestry, and the cultures of the people who live within it. A greater focus is placed on understanding the magic of the realm as well, as the lead character in this chronicle belongs to Kaci, someone who is learning the ways of the flame and of precognition. Indeed, the story opens on a prophecy of sorts, as Kaci sees herself in a vision of the future, setting the wheels of fate in motion right from the first few pages. Connor toys with the struggle of control, especially over something so volatile as the arcane, and uses this as well to push the protagonist forward into her destiny. It is easy to feel some sympathy for Kaci, and the author does a lovely job of creating other characters within the cast who also provide an emotional payoff for the reader.
As the veil lifts away from the mysteries of Connor’s wonderful feature follow-up, readers will be treated to some of the most endearing relationships in fantasy. Prodigy of Flame is at times both cozy and chaotic, and it is that calculated juxtaposition that makes the story a breezy read, even with its considerable content. The author effortlessly balances a story with tremendous heft alongside deeper character moments that charm readers and have them rooting for them in more ways than one. While the story begins with some ambiguity toward the notion of destiny, it draws closer to it for the residents of Isdralan nearer to its end. And while its final pages leave readers with a satisfying conclusion, it also leaves the story open for additional time within Connor’s wonderful world. Check out Prodigy of Flame: The Isdralan Chronicles on Amazon today!
Micah and the Candles of Time: The Isdralan Chronicles
Spend just a short while with any of Beth Connor’s books, and you’ll see that there is a tremendous amount of passion for fantasy. So it is in her feature release, Micah and the Candles of Time: The Isdralan Chronicles. Connor whets her talents on a considerable and magical new realm, the eponymous Isdralan. This majestic land hidden beyond the veil of our world is filled with incredible sights and revelations, and brings her young protagonist to learn things about himself that he never could have dreamed. Akin in some ways to Alice in Wonderland, this story reminds people that even when things can become difficult, there are always places your heart longs for.
A delight for the senses, Connor’s fantasy is perfect for young and new adults who have active imaginations, and want to be immersed in a world of sprawling potential. This book in particular is interesting in its exploration of parallels to the main character’s life, but it is so apparent that there is a wealth of splendor there to entertain and captivate readers of all ages. It grips you and doesn’t let go, and will linger in your mind long after you turn the last page. There is more coming from the world of Isdralan, so there’s never been a better time to see what wonders are in store for you there. Check out Micah and the Candles of Time: The Isdralan Chronicles on Amazon today!
The Golden Gull: The Isdralan Chronicles
We have taken multiple trips into the world beyond the veil, Beth Connor’s magical realm of Isdralan. But we’ve never seen it in quite the way that she and a cavalcade of cohorts brings multiple versions of it to life, all surrounding a central set piece in some very interesting ways. In The Golden Gull: The Isdralan Chronicles, readers are treated to a collection of different vantages that throw the titular ship into various perspectives, taking the familiar fantasy feel of Isdralan and tossing it on its head in peculiar and interesting ways. Connor has surrounded herself with capable and captivating storytellers throughout this collection, tapping into their talents to enrich the already magical tapestry of the worlds she builds.
A collection of this magnitude finds a great deal of its success based on its leadership and direction, and to that point, a heap of praise must be laid at Connor’s feet. While it is impossible to discount the skills of all the writers involved in this project, Isdralan is a playground built from the ground up from Connor’s mind. She gives the talespinners the sandbox to play in, as well as some interesting toys, before letting them run rampant, bending the rules and testing the boundaries. Yet we can’t discount the strength of the writers either. There are no weak links here, each of these champions of prose and storycraft delivering something that is certain to delight and astound. The variety of works at play here will have readers eagerly turning from one page to the next, always looking to see what new adventures are in store. If you want to see a stunning group of speculative fiction authors who are operating at the top of their game, this is certainly the place to do it. Check out The Golden Gull: The Isdralan Chronicles on Amazon today!
The Avant Champion: Rising
C.B. Samet has made a name for herself across nearly thirty books in the last several years, and she’s earned plenty of awards for her diligence, her craftsmanship, and her imagination. The first book we were introduced to was the compelling first in a series, The Avant Champion: Rising. She’s since followed up with three books in the main series (with another coming on the way), as well as some spin-off material. Samet effortlessly blends together great world-building, tremendous character development and an adventure you won’t want to let go of.
Samet writes strong, satisfying characters who show dynamic growth across her books. Employing a mix of adventure, intrigue and romance, the author puts together tales that are fun and inspiring. Readers will no doubt tear through the story, eager to get to the next one. If you’re looking for a great epic fantasy series to get started on, this one’s for you. Check out The Avant Champion: Rising on Amazon today!
Everknight: A Heroic Journey of Uncompromising Honor
Author Stefan Emunds has a long history of writing catching content, but he adds layers of style and substance with his feature fiction debut, Everknight: A Heroic Journey of Uncompromising Honor. A twist on Arthurian legend with a focus on a knight’s virtuous path, this is the sort of book that will certainly appeal to those who love tales of medieval fiction, of the quest to do what is right, and the evils that can tempt or mislead those with a higher calling. This tale explores the heroism of a character, and how that can be both their greatest trait and their ultimate downfall. It’s a captivating tale that will have readers invested throughout.
Emunds has taken special care to ensure that everything is presented with a pristine veneer. There are nods to medieval prose, but it is accompanied by modern sensibilities, and flows at a delightful pace, ensuring that the audience is never forced to linger at one point for too long. Everknight is the sort of story that you can dig into and find yourself finishing in a single sitting. It is a quest like no other, and it will have you eager to see the fate of its lead character through to its conclusion. There’s no better time to dive into this incredible Arthurian tale. Check out Everknight: A Heroic Journey of Uncompromising Honor on Amazon today!
Nautiluca Book One: Fireflies
Spend just a moment on the Nautiluca site, and you’ll notice that special care has been taken to make it welcoming to its readership. Nautiluca Book One: Fireflies is a web novel that takes deep, rich looks into its content, and introduces readers to captivating characters and gorgeous art. It is apparent at once that great passion and dedication has been built into this world, from eloquent prose to interesting dialog between an interesting cast.
Fireflies is elevated by its characters. From Olive’s innocence, to Amiela’s stoicism, and even all the chaos that Ranya brings to each chapter, there is plenty to root readers into the world, and to see how much the cast changes and grows over time, including their care for one another. In a world in disarray because of mysteriously-induced climate change, Nautiluca tells a story of found family, and how important it is to reach out, and to keep hold of those we treasure. Magic indeed has its hold on the world in other ways, with witches and demons weaving their way into Nautiluca’s overall tapestry in some manner, depending on your perception of it. But perhaps those names are used unjustly, and the story is about learning more about what people are than just one’s first impression of them.
The pace and cadence of Fireflies is great as well. There is a river-like pattern of ebbs and flows that takes readers on a spectacular journey, and it immerses readers at once. Though the story certainly tackles some scarier moments, and elements of a world in disarray, there’s a certain coziness and warmth to it that will have readers eagerly wanting to learn more about what’s waiting for them in the next chapter. Nautiluca has been growing as a web novel for a long while, and it’s only going to get better from here. In the meantime, don’t hesitate! Check out Nautiluca Book One: Firefliestoday!
The Sins of Kings (Book One of The Last of the Valdryz)
Author Daniel Thomas Valente lands an exciting and sprawling debut in The Sins of Kings (Book One of The Last of the Valdryz). Balancing the spectacular bird’s eye view of a mighty continent along with more touching and intimate stories of its citizens, Valente’s novel finds a suitable flow that will captivate and immerse fans in its world. The author also finds a comfortable medium between low and high fantasy, delivering story beats that feel as though they could have been pulled from history, but with a sort of pop-culture flair that will certainly appeal to those who like a little more magic and mystery in their tales.
Following characters through events that will pull on a reader’s attention and not let go, The Sins of Kings is a tremendous page-turner. Watching the machinations of the realm unfold from ground level is exciting, and this debut author wields his writing talents in a way that will have fans believing he’s been at it for decades. With a kingdom ready for additional stories set within its borders (and perhaps beyond), there’s never been a better time to dive into Valente’s world. Check out The Sins of Kings (Book One of The Last of the Valdryz) on Amazon today!
The Broken Prince (The Lavender Company Book 1)
Author Daniel Allen has a love for history that is apparent in the care that he gives to his feature-length debut, The Broken Prince (The Lavender Company Book 1). The story revolves around a character who is written in wonderful shades of grey, and watching him grow and develop is great fun for readers. Despite there being no spellcraft in the story, Allen still injects his prose with magic, ensuring that the tale is enchanting throughout, and endearing himself his characters to his readers. The author has a way with words, most notably those he lends to his intriguing cast of characters. They’re witty and quick to trade verbal barbs as well as they are jabs and hooks in a tavern brawl. But Allen also knows how to craft a sense of grandeur in his tale as well, and he takes his lead on a journey of tremendous proportions.
The Broken Prince is a wonderful balancing act of medieval tradition, big personalities, great moments of spectacle, and disarming humor. Though it is a sizable first book in Allen’s saga, it flows at an even pace, and will urge readers on. Before they know it, they’ll turn the pages of the final chapter, and be hungry for more as the story draws to a close. Allen ends his feature debut solidly, but he leaves enough on the page to elude to what is yet to come. It is a great time to get to know Allen, Mitteland, and the Lavender Company. Check out The Broken Prince (The Lavender Company Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Length of Years (The Inquisitor’s Account Book 1)
Author Xan Kaplan has a wealth of knowledge to lean on in order to develop a fantasy debut with tremendous substance. In The Length of Years (The Inquisitor’s Account Book 1), they juggle character perception, development, and the secrets that they keep. The author explores the concepts of being unwise to believe in stereotypes or what you see on the base level. As a story that follows inquisitors and their investigations, The Length of Years requires a careful balance of subterfuge and revelations, and Kaplan rises to the occasion. There’s a great deal of foundational worldbuilding as well, and the world feels as though its been alive for years instead of being a mere backdrop for the events that surround the characters.
The Length of Years is at its best when it explores the relationship between its interesting cast of characters. Between battles of wits and the drawing of curtains to unveil catching mysteries, there is always something new to look forward. With a story spanning many of the lead character’s years, it is sizable without feeling as though it lingers anywhere for too long. Rather, it feels focused and engages readers in a way that will captivate them throughout its many pages. Kaplan allows some revelations to leave loftier weight upon the back end of the book. Whether this Check out The Length of Years (The Inquisitor’s Account Book 1) on Amazon today!
Unlocking Fire: A Bluebeard Retelling (Tales of Bones and Roses)
Author Liv Strom takes some of the old tales that we might be familiar with, and adds new life—and new darkness—into them. So it is with her Tales of Bones and Roses series, including the prequel novella, Unlocking Fire. It is a brilliant tale strengthened by a delightfully wicked cast of characters, and a city filled with magic and mystery. Indeed, this setting is one that readers will no doubt love to return to time and time again, whether for a reread of this book, or for any of Strom’s follow-ups. For Unlocking Fire in particular, there is a duality that runs throughout the story which will get its hooks in readers and not let go. It also tells a tale about trust, how important it is, and whether it is deserved.
Unlocking Fire is delectably sized to make a bit of a hearty snack-sized read. It’s robust enough where you don’t feel like you’ve raced through it, although it captivating enough that you might find yourself turning the final page before your realize it. Strom certainly has experience telling fantasies with a bit of a darker side, and her latest is a real treat. With the author’s writing picking up further with another fairytale retelling in just a few short weeks—and a follow-up for Ansa and Alexei later—there’s never been a better time to dive into her writing. Check out Unlocking Fire: A Bluebeard Retelling (Tales of Bones and Roses) on Amazon today!
The Reindeer’s Heart and other Short Stories
Author Stephen H. Clayborough brings to life over thirty interesting stories across over 300 pages in The Reindeer’s Heart and other Short Stories. The author has the benefit of a very active imagination as well as an assortment of Scandinavian folktales that get a reimagination here. It is apparent that Clayborough has an appreciation for the old stories, yet he brings new emotion and cleverness to them, and also fills his tales with a fair share of irreverence when the situation calls for it. Some of the stories are funny, some of them will send a chill up your spine, but each of them is handled with the utmost care, and nothing feels out of place.
It’s an eclectic bunch of stories, for certain, but they will stick with readers long after they’ve finished them. Feeling in a way like gothic fairytales, there’s a certain vein in which Clayborough develops his shorts, and they all feel as though they could be loosely connected. By the end of the tales, fans will also realize that they might have learned a few things about an unfamiliar culture that they weren’t aware of before. If you’ve been searching for a special sort of anthology that drips with style and has a wonderful flow, you need look no further. Check out The Reindeer’s Heart and other Short Stories, by Stephen H Clayborough, on Amazon today!
Layla and the Golden Flower (The Golden Flower Saga Book 1)
Author Aida Mestour breathes life into her debut, Layla and the Golden Flower (The Golden Flower Saga Book 1), by focusing on what is at the heart of the story. The power of emotions is almost as powerful as magic here, and the author is adept at pulling the curtain back from Layla and allowing readers to immerse themselves in her experiences. Indeed, readers will find themselves attached to all of the characters that Mestour introduces, and to the world, first introduced with a twist of whimsy as Layla finds a brief peek of it in her youth. But the author has a way of bringing magic and majesty to the world we’re familiar with as well.
With as grand an adventure as this, the author’s debut moves quickly, though it strikes a careful balance, making sure that readers don’t miss the opportunity to linger about here and there to learn about the world. Mestour knows how to write fun surprises and cliffhangers, helping to zigzag with her pacing, and keeping readers on their toes. This tale is an attention-grabbing portal fantasy that won’t let go, even after you turn the final page. Luckily, it looks like the author has every intention of following up with Layla and Aezra, meaning there’s no better time than now to dive into this wonderful series. Check out Layla and the Golden Flower (The Golden Flower Saga Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Last Shadar (The Tribulations of Eloria Book 1)
Author Dan Rendell wears his love for fantasy on his sleeve in his wonderful debut The Last Shadar (The Tribulations of Eloria Book 1). The author begins his tale by introducing readers to an everyman hero, Jack, who becomes the perfect guide to a world beyond our own. Jack is disillusioned with our world, and when the magnificence of another calls out to him, its pull is too strong to ignore. Rendell puts together an entertaining world that feel familiar, as classic fantasies of our past, but there is one tremendous difference in Eloria: they are aware of humans and our world. It may not seem like anything worthy of note, but it gives things a breezier feeling, and the focus can be put instead on Jack’s impression of the fantasy world that extends before him, though of course seeing a human in the flesh does leave the people of Eloria curious indeed.
Rendell usually plays with lighter fare in his book, but he’s not afraid to handle darker material. But it seems he is aware that, especially in these trying times, an escape is something that’s needed, and Eloria makes for a wonderful spot to take a holiday—at least in most cases. As it is reminiscent of the Chronicles of Narnia as well, there are some spiritual elements, but it never becomes too heavy-handed or preachy. It can be enjoyed by anyone who has a love for whimsy and who believes worlds could exist beyond our own. And itis accompanied by lovely pictures which help paint the visuals of Eloria, enhancing the reader’s imagination. If all this sounds like it is something you would enjoy, don’t hesitate. Check out The Last Shadar (The Tribulations of Eloria Book 1) on Amazon today!
Blue Lotus : From Utopia to UBI
Although it is just one planet amongst many in our universe—just a grain of sand within the Sahara—Sophia Xiang’s Blue Planet holds infinite promise. It is there that the realm of UBI lies in wait, and demonstrates the way to find the perfect life for all its inhabitants. Xiang’s novel, Blue Lotus : From Utopia to UBI, is a story that also serves a purpose as a way of thinking. Blue Planet should reflect onto our own world, and is a place of independence and liberty, but also one where its inhabitants can depend on each other, and serve each other in fairness and harmony. There’s a certain poetic flair to all of the writing within Xiang’s tale, and it helps to take readers down a winding path, as this is the sort of story that cannot simply race from start to finish.
Xiang’s story makes for an interesting blend of different ways of thinking. There are elements of western and eastern fantasy in abundance here, all captured in vivid, beautiful imagery. The author paints the world with her worlds, and offers up a comprehensive vision of a possible philosophy that envelopes Blue Planet. It is certainly the sort of tale that makes readers think, and because of Xiang’s command over her prose, and the confidence in which she writes, it certainly does feel as though the world she’s fashioned could exist right now, soaring through the cosmos. This six-book series could be just the one you’ve been waiting for if you’ve been waiting for, especially if you’re looking for signs of an ideal life that could be found, if we could only discover how to live in harmony. Check out Blue Lotus : From Utopia to UBI on Amazon today!
The Yawning Gap (The Wanderers Cycle Book 1)
Those of you who have seen our promo for C.V. Vobh’s The Warlock may have already had a taste of the Wanderers Cycle. But the author’s first feature-length foray into his world, in The Yawning Gap, is absolutely stellar. Vobh’s prose is a wonder all in its own, as there is a delightful poetry to the used words, and a cadence that drives the story forward alongside majestic characters. The author excels at bringing them to life as well, and they each have a “figure of legend” feel to them, captivating readers and ensuring they want to learn more about them. Vobh takes the utmost care of his characters, giving them time to shine whether they are heroes or villains.
The Yawning Gap is every bit the sort of story that a passionate, determined, talented fan of fantasy would write, and readers will kick themselves for missing out on this. The world feels very rich and deep, with repositories of lore, prophetic songs, and immense potential. The leap from The Warlock to Vobh’s full length work is phenomenal, as it shows that he can expand on the breadth of his skills without sacrificing anything to reach the other side. All in all, this story hits all the notes that fantasy fans want to experience. With more from this series yet on the way, there has never been a better time to dive into the incredible world that Vobh crafts. Check out The Yawning Gap (The Wanderers Cycle Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Warlock (The Wanderers Cycle)
C.V. Vobh is well on his way to crafting a fantasy world fit for the most passionate of readers. His debut, The Warlock, is a snack-sized entry in The Wanderers Cycle, which introduces people to his craft and the fantasy realm he builds. There is a careful balance that one must strike with a shorter tale, and it is one that the author accomplishes with ease. Vobh has a poetic and interesting cadence to his prose, luring readers in with a typeface siren song. This is seen in both descriptive passages and in dialog and inner monolog. Every step of the journey leads to one more captivating detail, or to character development you want to see to its end.
Feeling like an effortless blend of action and adventure, of mysterious happenstance, and deft humor, this bite-sized tale will certainly resonate with fans of fantasy. This establishing shot of the world being built, together with an intriguing character that you want to journey with, will nonetheless keep readers hungry for more. With Vobh’s series getting its feet under it rather soon, there’s never been a better time to dive in, and experience his craft firsthand. Check out The Warlock (The Wanderers Cycle) on Amazon today!
The Trials of Knights (The Heroes of Lotine Book 1)
Author Horace Whitehouse hits the ground running with his debut fantasy, The Trials of Knights (The Heroes of Lotine Book 1). He gets right to the point, demonstrating that his lead characters are capable of surviving within the harsh world. Lotine is a realm where such things are not always promised to those who live in it, and Whitehouse paints his tale with shades of grey to let his readers know that anything could happen—any fate could befall the people of Lotine, even the main characters. Though the world is detailed and vast, readers will keep coming back to the characters as the driving force in this tale. The relationships that develop are strong and enticing, and you’re always left wondering what might transpire between them in the future.
Consequence is another big point that Whitehouse makes throughout the tale. Every choice plants a seed, and that seed can either blossom into something beautiful, or something gnarled and dark, decaying and withering, and leaving a pox upon Lotine. Still, amongst the dreary trials the heroes face, there are yet reasons to hope, and to look toward the sun with dreams of a glimmering future. With another book on the horizon featuring the survivors of Whitehouse’s first tale, there’s never been a better time to dive into his work, and see if it captivates you. Check out The Trials of Knights (The Heroes of Lotine Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Javelin of Ragnar: The Rystarr Saga – The Weapons of Power Book 2
With the second book of their Rystarr Saga, The Javelin of Ragnar, authors J.R. Thorpe and J.R. Thorpe are poised to explore their world to greater details, and to raise the stakes even higher than in the debut. Having already cast a wonderful ensemble of refreshing characters, and establishing the ground rules of the world, the authors are free to peel back the layers of the story, inching readers ever closer to The Bursting, one of the great events that is due to occur in Rystarr. There is magic abound here in the sophomore tale, as everything is carefully blended to great effect. Nothing feels heavy-handed or undercooked. Having two overseers of this growing saga ensures that the best of fantasy is present here, a captivating story wrapped within in an immersive tale which grips hold of readers and doesn’t let go.
It could be easy to lose yourself in the many directions you could travel in the Thorpe siblings’ expansive and detailed world. Layers upon layers of lore and mythology exist not just to steer the characters forward, but to give Rystarr a richness and lived-in feeling that calls forth to readers like a siren song. But the authors have developed a story with just as much pull, just as much enchantment, holding attention enough that the mysteries of Rystarr remain—perhaps paths to explore in greater detail at another time. A fourth book has been announced, meaning that fans of sweeping, epic fantasy can find even more enjoyment out of this growing saga. And there’s never been a better time than now to dive in. Check out The Javelin of Ragnar: The Rystarr Saga – The Weapons of Power Book 2 on Amazon today!
The Arbalest of Gamaliel: The Rystarr Saga The Weapons of Power Book One
Sibling authors J.R. and J.R. Thorpe love their fantasy, and it’s clear as anything to see in their first book, The Arbalest of Gamaliel: The Rystarr Saga The Weapons of Power Book One. Rystarr is an intriguing world, filled with a breadth of lore and mythology that could take the writers Thorpe well beyond their planned three book series. As much as depth as the world has, the authors have also ensured that their characters receive their due, with each of them fully realized and dynamic. And the rest of the story blends so well together with prophecies, strange magic and growing tension.
If you like your epic fantasies to have scheming deities, empowered demigods, deep and rich mythology and a storyline that wraps everything up with a nice bow, you’ll love the world that the Thorpe siblings craft here. Rystarr has amazing potential, and it’s the kind of place that you’ll love to spend time in. With two other books on the way, this series is bound to soar to even greater heights, but it all starts here. Check out The Arbalest of Gamaliel: The Rystarr Saga The Weapons of Power Book One on Amazon today!
Andalaya (Epic of the Sages Book 1)
Author Corey Rusick set out to do one thing when they released their debut fantasy, Andalaya (Epic of the Sages Book 1): deliver a tremendous story established in a world bountiful in lore and legend. They passed that test with flying colors, as this first-in-a-series is incredible throughout. It would not have surprised me to find that Rusick was merely a pen name for a more storied author who was trying to sneak under the radar. Instead, what we have is someone who is just overjoyed by the medium, and sets his passion within it. Andalaya isn’t a place that can just be created on a whim, and it’s clear that a great amount of care and creativity was tapped to bring it to life.
Rusick’s characters are some of the additional highlights here, as there will be some who you can’t help but adore and want to see through their hardships, while others are wonderful for all the wrong reasons, and you very much want to see them find their comeuppance. No one feels one-dimensional, and you can feel the world living and breathing around the cast, down to the bit players. The author is clever in his storycraft throughout, ensuring that every deception is surprising yet powerful, and that every twist of fate feels earned. It’s because of the careful balance, and the dedication to Andalaya and to his craft that Rusick is able to mine such precious material out of this absolutely legendary debut. Here’s to more to come from this world—but don’t wait and miss your chance to be among the first to read this amazing tale. Check out Andalaya (Epic of the Sages Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Scoundrel’s Blade (Chronicles of an Outcast Book 1)
Author Alkiviadis E. Halkiotis unveils his epic fantasy debut in The Scoundrel’s Blade (Chronicles of an Outcast Book 1). A character-driven story, The Scoundrel’s Blade follows a lead that you see grow along the way, fighting demons both real and internal. Readers will be hard-pressed to leave Avathar’s side, greatly desiring to see him find redemption and peace. While Avathar is certainly a large part of the story, Halkiotis makes sure that he doesn’t carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. Rather, the Forgotten Kingdom is filled with rich lore and mythology worthy of the grand age of the elves. But what makes the author’s world seem markedly different from much traditional fantasy is that there is a deep psychological underscore to be explored, and Halkiotis achieves this to great effect.
Halkiotis’s book is a captivating adventure, composed by a creator who readers will instantly recognize as someone with passion for the project and the genre. Creating a robust world such as his is an accomplishment on its own. But inserting a character with rich development and then bolstering them with other interesting characters, and making sure that they add to the setting, instead of just existing within it is quite a feat. With a second book on the horizon, there’s never been a better time than now to dive into this talented author’s work. Check out The Scoundrel’s Blade (Chronicles of an Outcast Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Enpirion Project: Exordium (Book 1)
The debut work of author L. Bossi, The Enpirion Project: Exordium (Book 1) is a love letter to fantasy—and to worldbuilding—in a way that solidifies the author as a someone who is dedicated to their craft. Aetrelys is a vast place, filled with lore and mythology that adds to the context of the story as it unfolds. Yet even with a world that can be painted in broader strokes, Bossi focuses on one interesting character who readers will find themselves attached to very quickly. Enpirion leads readers through the world as their guide in some ways, but the author toes the line effectively, ensuring that Piri has more to add to the story than mere hand-holding. Indeed, it’s easy to be swept into Piri’s plight, and to learn what it is he fights for, and what is at stake.
Bossi lends their talents to more than just storytelling, at least in prose form. They are also a gifted illustrator, and both their website and the print editions of the book highlight the world in the way that they conceptualize it, bringing it to life in a way that is immersive and captivating. Bringing those skills to bear is important for such an undertaking, because this trilogy—with its first two books already out—requires a deft hand, ample foresight, and the ability to balance everything effectively. This multi-hyphenate creator sticks such a landing, and ensures readers and fans have much more to look forward to. You can check out The Enpirion Project: Exordium (Book 1) on Amazon today, but also consider heading to The Enpirion Project website to get a special signed versions of the book, with Bossi’s beautiful illustrations in all their glory!
Ranger of Kings (William of Alamore Series Book 1)
A saga nearly a decade-and-a-half in the making, the William of Alamore series has been a passion of author C. J. R. Isely that offers plenty to the intrepid fantasy reader. Ranger of Kings, the debut of the series, introduces you to the world of Alamore, where the author will prop up her tent for the next several books. This labor of love is given gratification at once, as everything that Isely writes seems carefully crafted, precise in its entry into the world. Isley develops a strong and interesting world, and layers it with delightful characters who you want to know more about. It’s a wonderful read for budding fantasy lovers.
Page after page, readers will be rushing forth as they try to learn the next clue as the story unravels. Though it is a substantial offering, it will still feel as though it’s over too quick, with fans hungering for the next in the series—though it marks its end in a satisfying way. Luckily, the second book in the William of Alamore series is nearly upon us, releasing at the end of July 2021, so there’s no better time than now to introduce yourself to the Isely’s impressive fantasy world. Check out Ranger of Kings (William of Alamore Series Book 1) on Amazon today! Also, don’t hesitate to head over to the author’s website, where you can sign up for her newsletter to get a free story, The Falcon and the Stag, set in Alamore.
The Cutthroat Prince (William of Alamore Series Book 2)
Fans of C. J. R. Isely’s first book, Ranger of Kings, didn’t have to wait long for the sequel. In The Cutthroat Prince (William of Alamore Series Book 2), her captivating characters find themselves engrossed in more trouble that you’ll want to follow along with. Once again, Isely excels at crafting a world that seems intricately developed, with a deliberate hand on everything there is to see. The second book focuses its lens on things like the politics of the world that Will lives in, as well as the culture that exists from one country to the next, and even on chivalry and horsemanship. Though it feels scholarly in some regards, the story never loses a step in its prose, which at times feels moving and poetic.
The Cutthroat Prince introduces interesting new characters, elements of intrigue and new hazards. There are new perspectives to look at Alamore with, and new secrets to reveal. It’s a slightly longer story, but readers will still be hungry for more after they turn the last page. And despite the second consecutive close of her books, Isely makes it clear that there is still more to say of Will and his world. Don’t sleep on this book or its predecessor. Check out The Cutthroat Prince (William of Alamore Series Book 2) on Amazon today!
Also, don’t forget, you can still sign up for Isely’s newsletter to get a free copy of her novella, The Falcon and the Stag, also set in Alamore. Furthermore, both books are no available in audio format.
The Fallen Heir (William of Alamore Series Book 3)
It’s been just over two years since author C. J. R. Isely began her William of Alamore series, and for some, these past years couldn’t speed by soon enough. The third book in her series, The Fallen Heir, is finally on its way, and it is as captivating as the first two. This coming of age series is coming to a point where William is no longer a lad. He’s dealing with more important and weightier decisions, and can’t lean on others to make the right call for him and his friends any longer. In that way, since it’s right on the cusp of young adult, it’s really a book that is ideal for many ages. Younger fantasy fans will enjoy the first two books, but the series is written in such a way that it can be picked up by anyone, and it will entice and enthrall regardless.
Isely’s books are well-received and gaining popularity, and it’s easy to see why. After spending some time in this new tale, it is looking more and more like the author will be able to keep up her stunning track record, all while expanding her world and opening up new possibilities. There is still plenty to learn of the author’s rich world, as this takes us as far as we’ve been from the initial tales featuring William of Alamore. It’s perfect for fans who are itching to know more. While you’re reading the first two books in the series, make sure Isely’s latest is delivered right to your e-reader when the book releases on April 12th. Preorder The Fallen Heir (William of Alamore Series Book 3) on Amazon today!
Rogue Amongst Royals (William of Alamore Series Book 4)
We have been following the work of C. J. R. Isely for some time, and it all began with her wildly entertaining Ranger of Kings, the first book in her William of Alamore series. After several other books have released, including a spinoff and a prequel, excitement builds for each of her upcoming works. The one that is worthy of anticipation now is Rogue Amongst Royals (William of Alamore Series Book 4), which has had its release date moved up from December of this year. Any chance to dive into the world of Alamore is a welcome one, as Isely develops deep and rich characters who survive and grow in a sometimes bleak world. Despite their youth, there is real gravitas to their stories, and that helps to immerse readers into the story. In Rogue Amongst Royals, we’ll see more history and background from the characters we know and love, and we’ll also see some interesting tie-ins from earlier works.
In Rogue Amongst Royals, we’re perhaps seeing a turning point for our characters, as it begins to pitch us toward the second half of the series. The road gets harder and darker, and that means that there are risks that are set to be taken. Those who have been reading the Alamore books are no doubt itching for more. As hinted at earlier, Isley indicated that she aimed to get the book ready early, and that she did. There’s never a better time to preorder the newest book in the Alamore universe. Rogue Amongst Royals (William of Alamore Series Book 4) releases this weekend. Don’t miss it!
Shadow of the Sword: A Tale of Alamore
Life around Alamore is not without its darkness, but author C. J. R. Isely finds enough to put a squire through the ringer in Shadow of the Sword: A Tale of Alamore. That darkness is not without reason, as it helps to tell the story of how the squire made of himself a knight of the king’s court. Laster has been a mainstay in the main universe in which Isley writes, the William of Alamore series. But to see his origins here adds new depth to the character, making it easier than ever to appreciate his personality, mannerisms and concept of loyalty and duty. It doesn’t just expand on him as a person, but carves out more of the world as well, adding layers of richness and backstory to an already exciting literary universe.
Though Shadow of the Sword is a prequel story, it reads like its own little epic, and Isely’s passion for her work and her world is apparent on every page. That translates very well into real and sometimes raw emotion that comes through its characters. It’s not easy to draw out worries with characters you know survive until later, but Isely shows that there are still stakes, even if death is not part of the picture. With this latest tale, the author has once again shown why she is a master of the craft, and why she should be one of the fantasy authors readers follow. With a world that just keeps growing, it’s a great time to dive in to this literary universe. Check out Shadow of the Sword: A Tale of Alamore on Amazon today.
A Fantasy Cultivation Journey: Reborn of the Elements: Journey to the Outpost
Prepare yourself for a portal fantasy the likes you’ve never seen before in Miles N. Dion’s truly epic A Fantasy Cultivation Journey: Reborn of the Elements: Journey to the Outpost. This story will impress readers, as it has a lot of wow factor, brought about namely because of the tremendous care that Dion has for his world. Jorde is quite different from the world that we know, and the author has done everything in his power to ensure it feels rich and captivating, alien in its presentation, yet with familiar elements that allow readers to slip into an immersive feeling. It helps to have a compelling lead character in Zaeris, nee Harvey, who brings us along on his journey.
There is some level of novelty here in Reborn of the Elements, but it is the strength of Dion’s prose, his characters, and indeed the world he’s crafted that gives it lasting power and builds formidable interest for its readers. There is a tremendous breadth of lore and mythology to be explored in this world, and yet readers will no doubt be drawn to Zaeris and his experiences as they unfold. Of course, things unravel in the most delightful and exciting ways all the way up through the end. One would hope that Dion has more to unlock for this incredible series. Check out A Fantasy Cultivation Journey: Reborn of the Elements: Journey to the Outpost on Amazon today!
Tale of Houndin Part 1: Giro’s Chalice
Setting the stage of his growing world of Ladalu, which has lore that he developed before the first pages were even written, author CM Gerdes has released his feature-length debut: Tale of Houndin Part 1: Giro’s Chalice. His tale is a mystical escape, and an immersive experience that takes people away from the world they know, and thrusts them into something magical and remarkable. Ladalu is teeming with gods and goddesses who exercise their influence over the realm, and there is bountiful mythology that Gerdes is working on to ensure that the world feels lived in and lively. The author weaves the elements of the world into the story with a soft touch, leaving readers feeling like they’re learning about Ladalu without a feeling of forced academia.
While Ladalu is abound with some of the fantasy mainstays that readers and fans have come to enjoy in the genre, Gerdes manages to set his world aside with breathtaking views, witty banter, and a few fresh takes that ensure it feels every bit its own. For folks who are keen to dive into a new world that is growing in leaps and bounds thanks to a passionate storyteller, this is a lovely entry point into a new literary fantasy universe. Check out Tale of Houndin Part 1: Giro’s Chalice on Amazon today!
Gods Among Us: This New World
Author Khalid Arzamendi has launched an interesting debut in Gods Among Us: This New World, a tale that changes our world in some tremendous, interesting ways. While this is Earth, it has changed drastically, allowing Arzamendi to use some of the familiarity of our world while forging new mythology and lore. The prose has an otherworldly feel at times, helping to engage readers in a world that is rebuilt in strange and wondrous ways. There is a duality of light and darkness in this world, and that is present in the unfolding story as well, for while the lead character is indeed young, he and the others in his world face dark and dismal truths throughout their lives.
Magnar’s tale is as fun as often as it is foreboding, though he is lucky to have a cast of interesting friends who help him along. It’s a brief read, but it is addicting throughout, and it doesn’t waste precious words or pages on things that are unworthy to the reader. While the story has a strong sense of self, and could end on an enjoyable note on its own, it does have the electrifying promise of more in its final pages. With that in mind, there’s never been a better time than now to dive into Arzamendi’s reimagined world. Check out Gods Among Us: This New World on Amazon today!
A Flame in the Throne
Author Kira. F. Lindon brings an intriguing and captivating story to life with her debut, A Flame in the Throne. It presents an interesting juxtaposition between classic, more traditional fantasy, and contemporary fare. Lindon makes it easy to root for her characters, even when they’re involved in darker tasks and tactics. They are integral to the story, and Lindon does a wonderful job of making them appear rich, dynamic, and nuanced. Of course, the world of Truduva is not without its own curiosities, and it is in those nooks and shadows that you can see just what potential the author has carved out for herself here.
Lindon’s story is filled with snappy chapters that leave readers hungry for the next reveal or bit of conflict. Just when you think you know what new truths begin to unfold, another door opens, presenting readers with a new option to explore. The tale comes together in just the right way to keep readers entertained and engaged throughout. And with a new book in the series primed to drop in August of this year, there’s never been a better time to familiarize yourself with the kingdom of Atrellia and the world of Truduva. Check out A Flame In The Throne by Kira F. Lindon on Amazon today!
The Cataclysm (The Cataclysm Series Book 1)
Aaron Jackson delivers a world beset upon by one of the worst disasters imaginable, and then unleashes life and all its challenges upon it in The Cataclysm, the first book in a trilogy that was just recently completed. Jackson shows at once that he cares deeply about the world, even in light of the decimation he writes about. There is a richness to the lore, and to the way that characters react to the events of the disaster that occurred one hundred years before. It doesn’t just serve as a backdrop, but as an integral part of the story, and as the tale progresses, readers will see various vantage points that compare the world before to what came after.
With a large and interesting cast of characters, and enough immersive history remaining of the world even after the cataclysm, Jackson’s work is easy to get lost in. Whether you’re looking back at the dire events that reshaped the world, or forward at the harsh reality of life on Argana that everyone must contend with, the author ropes you in, ensuring you don’t want to let go until the last page. With the second book released last month, and the third book arriving just last week, there has never been a better time to dive into this fantasy of epic proportions. Check out The Cataclysm (The Cataclysm Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Elven Witch (Children of the Elven King, Part 2)
Author Helene Krejsager has honed her considerable talents throughout the years, and brings the sophomore tale of her Children of the Elven King series to light with The Elven Witch. There is a level of devotion that the writer has for her craft, and it is visible in the interesting characters, the rich and vast world, and the shadows around every corner that Krejsager leads her readership toward. Her vivid imagination translates well into an immersive tale, ensuring that every step of the way, the audience feels like a part of the adventure, spending time with the characters instead of just watching them through a distant lens.
Krejsager keeps her audience at attention, ensuring they’re always waiting for the next surprise or reveal. But even when it comes to witnessing the banter between her characters, readers are bound to have a good time. It’s a fun excursion, and it will stick with readers after they partake of it. With a third book nearly upon us, there’s never been a better time to dive into Krejsager’s wonderful fantasy world. Check out The Elven Witch (Children of the Elven King, Part 2) on Amazon today! You can pick up the first book here, if you’re interested!
Prelude to After The Hero: A Curious Tale (The Curious Tale Book 0)
Josh Fredman, perhaps better known regarding his books as The Sinistral, allows readers a step into his world in the first of many of his stories to be ready for mass consumption, Prelude to After The Hero: A Curious Tale (The Curious Tale Book 0). In it, the audience is introduced to wonderful worldbuilding, as the realm of Gala feels fresh and unique. The Sinistral puts great effort into eliminating the feeling of tired tropes, instead giving The Curious Tale a dynamic presence, with characters that are not merely heroes and villains, but people with vast driving forces and goals behind them. Indeed, everyone feels like they have a place—not as if on a stage, but as a living, breathing part of the world.
The Sinistral doesn’t just write a world, but invites others to be a part of it. It’s complex and multilayered, but it is also elegant. Tremendous forethought went into the story and the prose, and it’s that care that grabs readers by the hand and gently whisks them forward, rather than stringing them along. The audience is meant to coalesce into the world that’s been built, instead of watch as it passes by. It’s enthralling, and considering this story is just one part of The Sinistral’s mighty chronology, it’s a lovely first stop. It will also likely earn readers a new favorite author to pay attention to. Check out Prelude to After The Hero: A Curious Tale (The Curious Tale Book 0) on Amazon today!
Author Gregory Macdonald doesn’t try to reinvent the wheel when it comes to his fantasy debut, Daglander. Instead, he keeps the whole wagon rolling, and showing some fresh new scenery along the way. Daglander features classic races and monsters, but Macdonald makes them his own by introducing a spin on the world itself, as he helps the reader dive into the world of Terras. Within the first few pages, it’s already clear what sort of civilizations are at play, but even early on, readers will get a sense that Daglander has a playful feel to it, and it is instantly accessible to those who love the genre. There are some darker elements present, but it is ultimately a story that evokes traditional fantasy and leaves the reader feeling more warmth than cold, more light than darkness.
Playful where it needs to be, but with horrors rising from the darkness, this story is an excellent foray into Macdonald’s Terras. Set apart by an interesting and unexpected cast of characters, Daglander is a pleasant foray into fantasy that will no doubt be comforting to the reader, even in its most frenetic moments. While there are shadows of the greater world hinted at in its final pages, the book reads well enough on its own as well, meaning there’s no reason not to dive in as soon as you can. Check out Daglander, by Gregory Macdonald, on Amazon today!
The Debt Collector (Rise of the Tarnished Book 1)
Rachel Ann Hubert arrives on the scene precisely as she means to, delivering a debut that is polished, smart, and would have readers second-guessing that this is the start of her writing journey. Her novel, The Debt Collector (Rise of the Tarnished Book 1), opens up with a catching sequence that sets the tone, the setting, and the stage for what’s to come. Hubert writes dynamic, layered characters that are easy to connect with. And they aren’t the only focus, as they exist within a very rich and detailed world that you can get lost in. The author has ensured there are intricate systems in place, from the magic to the diplomacy, and they add to the overall vividness of the world, without being heavy-handed. The Debt Collector is wonderfully composed as well, as though Hubert is choreographing the action, and her words take you on a journey as the camera catching footage of the unfolding events.
There is a cadence to the author’s words, and it helps to set the pace to an already speedy read. While the story is robust, and multifaceted, there isn’t a time where it feels like anything lingers for too long, or that there is unnecessary set dressing. Instead, The Debt Collector knows exactly where it needs to be and when, and that ensures that it is difficult to put down. There are, of course, secrets revealed along the way, and Hubert handles them deftly, making each feel earned and exciting. Before readers know it, they’ll be hooked by the one, last twist, and will be biting their nails for more. With book two on the way, there’s never been a better time to dive into this work by Rachel Ann Hubert. Check out The Debt Collector (Rise of the Tarnished Book 1) on Amazon today!
Badgerblood: Awakening
Though S.C. Monson is an indie author, her debut, Badgerblood: Awakening, has the pedigree of a story with a huge publishing team behind it. Monson and her husband are a dynamic writing and artist duo who lead readers into the world of Caderia, a fully-realized place filled with low-key magic and mighty majesty. The lands that Monson invites her audience to explore are vibrant, expansive and expressive—it feels lived in, and not just a formless extension where the story takes place. It has all the components necessary to make the next great fantasy adventure, and Monson executes wonderfully.
Badgerblood: Awakening nails all the marks it sets for itself. Stellar worldbuilding and lore, twists and turns in the story, incredibly likeable characters and wonderfully-written prose assure that those who pick up the book will not be disappointed. It’s a great introduction to the world, and it is a hit with readers of all ages. It was written with adults in mind, but young adults and older kids will love it too. So what are you waiting for? Dive into Caderia before the second book in the Badgerblood series is out. Check out Badgerblood: Awakening on Amazon today!
The Frostlands: Saga of the Brightflame: Book Two
In Chad Westbrook’s sophomore journey into his world of Sarai, he expands on the lore, the richness of the world, and of course, the story. Indeed, in The Frostlands: Saga of the Brightflame: Book Two, we continue along with the orc, Aragrim, as he finds himself and his purpose, and his place not just among his people, but within the world. Westbrook presents a story that introduces great new characters, along with greater stakes that truly help to bring a focus to Sarai, and to show you just what sort of dangers are present there. Whereas the first book helped to weave the tapestry of the world, this sequel is like extra embroidery upon it, bringing an attractive set of details to an already exciting and attractive world.
This second book also gives an opportunity for those who enjoy audiobooks. Frostlands demonstrates an incredibly dynamic range for narrator John B. Jenkins, who flexes his own storytelling muscles even further in this follow-up. It is beyond evident that Jenkins has passion for the world that Westbrook created, and he helps to bring out the rich details and character moments. With the new characters on display, he has a varied palette of artistry to show off, and he captures the author’s voice to great effect. These two talespinners synergize incredibly well, and bring a world to life that is worthy of a fantasy fan’s attention, especially if they want something that simultaneously feels like it leans on the traditions of fantasy while offering something fresh and exciting. Check out The Frostlands: Saga of the Brightflame: Book 2 on Amazon today, and don’t forget to also pick up the incredible narrated version as well!
Orc: Saga of the Brightflame: The Complete Saga
While showing shades of gray around a character who would ordinarily be painted in less abstract colors is not new to fantasy, when it’s done right, it can be quite catching. So it is in Chad Westbrook’s Orc: Saga of the Brightflame. The book observes the treatment of one through the lens of his race and the color of his skin, though he’s found a different culture within the humans who have taken him in, even while some of them show reluctance in having done so. Westbrook’s focus on Abrium–nee Aragrim–does not deter from other strengths found in the tale either, as a good deal of characters have backstories that weave an interesting tapestry about the world.
As talented a talespinner as Westbrook is, he’s found a partner in John B. Jenkins, who narrates the the story with a sense of grandeur, bravado and majesty. He captures each character dynamically, so that the cast feels as though they’re represented by an entire ensemble. Indeed, Jenkins brings a certain gravitas to the voice work that elevates the events and the dialog, making it sound as though Abrium’s adventures are told through a larger, more cinematic scope. Together, these two storytellers have done a wonderful job of telling an orc’s very interesting story, and it’s one that you should certainly look into. Check out Orc: Saga of the Brightflame: The Complete Saga on Amazon today, and don’t forget to also pick up the incredible narrated version as well!
The Beast of Basque: Tales of the Ravensdaughter, Adventure One
With fresh ideas, a brief but worthy and serviceable page count, and an storyteller who knows her audience, Tales of the Ravensdaughter is a series worth looking out for. With life feeling busier than ever, there is a search ongoing for things that can entertain in bite-sized chunks. Erin Hunt Rado deftly fashions her stories of a grand saga into short-yet-exciting quests for her captivating characters to partake. The author drops you into exciting events which are already in progress, demonstrating that her world is alive, well before the first page is turned. The first book in the series, The Beast of Basque, gives readers an explosive introduction to heroine Alerice, and the revelations and the pace never really waver after that.
Right from the turn of the first page, the author ensures her readers know that this is unlike their typical fantasy experiences. The Ravendaughter tales subvert expectations and surprise in the absolute best ways, always urging eager readers on. Rado does a good enough job of making sure that each book is as self-contained as it needs to be in order to be read on its own, but it truly shines as a full series, and there’s no better place to start than the beginning. Check out The Beast of Basque on Amazon today, and remember that you can pick up all six of Rado’s wonderful snack-sized books for an affordable price indeed on Amazon.
The Mystery of the High Maiden: An Epic Fantasy Adventure Saga (Marhanyam Children of All Book 1)
From the moment one turns the first page of The Mystery of the High Maiden, the first book in the Marhanyam Children of All series, they will know that they are in for an experience not to be missed. It is a rich and complex fantasy set in world which is saturated with greater detail, little secrets, and culture and language that immerses readers. And it could only be achieved by an author who is clearly passionate about the material and the genre. In that case, Ujwal Vujjini becomes the hero that fantasy so often needs, bringing a lively experience to readers that comes so far and few between. From creating his own constructed language, to nailing down such specific details of his world of Ārhmanhaḥ, Vujjini shows his mastery in the art of worldbuilding. Simply put, he stands among giants.
Vujjini’s characters, too, stand in the path of greatness, though there are different implications there. Tumbmar is an interesting character by the nature of his origin and his destiny, but he also must serve as a vehicle to bring us all the rich details in the author’s world. In many cases, it would be easy to lose oneself to the magic and mystery of the the universe around the main character, but Vujjini strikes a balance that keeps the story going without lingering anywhere too long. Instead, after spending an appropriate amount of time staring at the beauty and vastness of Ārhmanhaḥ in the beginning of the story, readers are treated to glances among their time with Tumbmar and the rest of the ensemble as they explore Vujjini’s great and fantastic world, and leave their mark upon it. Check out The Mystery of the High Maiden: An Epic Fantasy Adventure Saga (Marhanyam Children of All Book 1) on Amazon today!
Darkness Me, Colorful You, Volume 1
In the midst of the pandemic, author J.X. Fu took a glance inside himself and found the magic to release his debut fantasy, a light novel that is a great escape for those who need it. Fu’s story shines when it gives insights to its dynamic characters, the real heart of everything within Darkness Me, Colorful You. Fu was able to bring them to life in interesting ways, which earnestly captivate the reader, ensuring they want to spend every moment they can with them before the last page is turned. Emotionally charged, and painting strokes of colors across a spectrum of feelings, Fu captures both the struggles and the joys of what makes a person truly human, and shows the importance of reaching out with an empathetic hand.
In many ways, Perpetua, the world in Fu’s book, becomes a reflection of our own. Written during a time when many were suffering, both physically and emotionally, Darkness Me, Colorful You helps to bring shared personal struggles to the surface, showing that it is okay to vulnerable, weary, and damaged. Fu’s first fantasy is but a single trip into a world of reverie, but there is more on the way, meaning there’s never been a better time to dive in than now. Check out Darkness Me, Colorful You, Volume 1 on Amazon today!
The Peace at Knife’s Edge (The Breathing World Book 1)
James Pina marks his debut with a very robust and rich fantasy novel that readers will absolutely fall in love with. In The Peace at Knife’s Edge (The Breathing World Book 1), the author demonstrates his great respect and passion for the genre. Indeed, even the name of the series shows his commitment to the universe he has crafted, as the story brims with lore and legend, the world alive in the details. The creation of the events that led the audience to the starting point in the book is impressive enough, but he also sets his characters to work winning readers over and convincing them to take the journey, from one interesting set piece to the next, new revelations always on the horizon.
Pina has experience on the more cinematic side of things in his day to day life, and he was easily able to paint beautiful pictures with his prose, demonstrating an understanding of how to conceptualize scenes, and the connective tissue that brings them together in satisfying ways. With a second book already confirmed, and Pina putting some mileage on it, he is showing that the tapestry that he is working on continues to grow richer and more complex. There has never been a better time to read the first in this series, in preparation for what comes next. Check out The Peace at Knife’s Edge (The Breathing World Book 1) on Amazon today!
Endymion or The State of Entropy: A Lyrical Drama
With a stark reference to one of the great poems by John Keats, Endymion shares a name and a mythology. Kurt R. Ward’s version of the stunning story preserves the electric prose and beautiful imagery, recreating it for a modern audience. Accompanied by gorgeous artwork by Rebecca Yanovskaya, Endymion or the State of Entropy: A Lyrical Drama is a stunning look at what someone with talent and craftsmanship can accomplish. This look at both one’s personal journey as well as Greco/Roman folklore through a new lens is captivating throughout. It comes with a glossary that goes into great detail about method and meaning, and adds layers to the breadth of Ward’s work. It shows the outstanding care that went into selecting word structure, and demonstrates his knowledge on the subject. There is much to oneself that must be explored and deciphered, and a great deal of Ward’s is here, laid bare for the reader through notes and references that came about in his research.
A modern-day contemporary to Keats and Shelly, Kurt R. Ward sets our sphere spinning in this tremendous epic. It’s a feast for the mind and the eyes, and it will prove to you that there are still outstanding poets in our day and age, if you had any doubts. Ward doesn’t simply recite it, he lives poetically. It all comes to a point with this fantastic epic, which appreciators of the art will absolutely adore. Check out Endymion or The State of Entropy: A Lyrical Drama on Amazon today!
The Spindle
Newcomer author Ashley Griffin may be debuting her first fantasy novel in The Spindle, but a career in entertainment placed her on a journey for greatness that shines within the pages of her book. A twist on the classic Sleeping Beauty, The Spindle takes readers on a different path, through the eyes of the dark fairy. Breathing new life into the fairytale that is more akin to Wicked than it is to something like Malificent, the book serves not only as a great and whimsical time in a new twist on an old tale, but also puts Griffin’s talents on display, demonstrating the breadth in her ability of storycraft. Whether it’s the catching new characters, the world of connective tissue that’s been created, or the snappy sequences and dialog, the author is at home creating.
A veritable renaissance woman, Ashley Griffin shows again and again that no matter what she sets her mind to, she can achieve. And while she has cultivated skills in other industries on her way here, The Spindle shows that she still has new tricks to put on display. She is adept at bringing fantasy to life, and leading readers from one page to the next with an abundance of magic and majesty. It’s also wonderful seeing different perspectives, and finding the truth caught between everyone else’s stories. In any case, this is one story you should not sleep on. Check out The Spindle by Ashley Griffin on Amazon today!
Dungeon Robotics (Book 1): Establish
The work of Matthew Peed is, in a word, engrossing. That’s perhaps because his worlds are so expansive and rich. Today, we’re going to be talking about Dungeon Robotics (Book 1): Establish, just one small part of a sprawling series. Peed develops a many-faceted tapestry here, and throughout the series, as Dungeon Robotics blends bits and pieces of several different genres, never wobbling too far in one direction as to see it toppling apart. Instead, there’s a balance that makes the long-reaching narrative come together in even greater strides, and it helps to dive deeper into the world that’s been built.
Dungeon Robotics has many addictive qualities that readers will enjoy once it starts to settle in that they’re not experiencing the same sort of sci-fi and fantasy fare that they might be used to. Instead, it puts interesting twists on both genres, uniting them into something that is a breath of fresh air. There are other thrilling changes to expectations as well, especially for those who like the entire cast of characters to be rich and multifaceted, and not just the lead heroes. Peed shows an immense passion for his series. There’s a reason that so many books have been released, and why so many people enjoy it. And it all starts here. Check out Dungeon Robotics (Book 1): Establish on Amazon today!
Herlot of Alonia: A Medieval Fantasy Series (The Herlot of Alonia Series Book 1)
The debut of author Maria Rosestone is a true joy for those who have adventure, joy, and whimsy in their hearts. The author of Herlot of Alonia, the first in a series, paints pictures of her world with beautiful literary brushstrokes, whether they’re witnessed firsthand by the titular heroine, or passed down secondhand by the entrancing Devotio, a character who often steals the show. Magic and lore abounds in this release, which often feels like it is setting the stage for the additional stories that we’re bound to see. It’s because of this that Rosestone leaves Herlot’s world feeling rich and lived in, a true representation of a place that wasn’t just imagined, but conjured and given sweeping characteristics and intricate design.
Rosestone takes care to set the pieces on the board, but when things get moving, it’s paced perfectly to keep readers engaged and immersed, eager to find out what happens next. Before readers know it, they’ll be ready to continue along with Herlot as she continues her adventure. This isn’t the end of her story, and it’s not the end for Rosestone as she works on the next chapter of her series. Now is a great time to pick up her grand debut. Check out Herlot of Alonia: A Medieval Fantasy Series (The Herlot of Alonia Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
A Tangle of Sleuth and Thief: Weavers’ Webs Book 1
Writer J.S. Lockard takes us to an incredible fantasy world that includes the Kern Lands, and the city of Peat in his first adventure, A Tangle of Sleuth and Thief: Weavers’ Webs Book 1. The story is rich with details, laden with twists that will keep readers guessing, and set within a world where it’s very apparent that there are real consequences and the potential for great tragedy. Lockard deftly balances it with enough lightheartedness that it’s not overbearing, instead delivering something that’s filled with just enough grit to not be grim, but realistic instead.
Lockard is incredibly passionate about his world and his characters. He writes his story with vivid, immersive descriptions that ensures readers feel they are part of the story, alongside a cast that are dynamic and deep. He’s crafted an interesting magic system, and is continuing to expand on his world in interesting ways all the time. While there’s another adventure on the way, this is one of the great starting points you can begin your journey on. Check out A Tangle of Sleuth and Thief: Weavers’ Webs Book 1 on Amazon today! Also, be sure to check out Lockard’s website, as you can find a prequel for Eerin there!
Bone Whittler: Book One: Origins
In Kenneth Archie Landers Junior’s debut short story, he whets his storytelling appetite on both style and substance. The lizard men of Bone Whittler are a bit primitive, and Landers manages to capture this very well in his writing. Though the writing is contemporary, the story feels intentionally archaic, expressed in interesting and creative ways. Though he paints the picture of his characters as hulking lizard people, you can almost see them as intelligent Neanderthals. Showing their wit and their wile especially is the titular Bone Whittler, a craftsman who others are cautious around, because he certainly casts a large shadow.
While the titular lizardman’s quest is abbreviated into eight bite-sized chapters, it’s still a wonderfully entertaining read, and a great introduction to Landers’s work. An attempt at a longer, richer story could be interesting coming from the author, but if readers are looking for pulp fantasy that points a spear toward the horizon and marches straight for it, they would do well to dive into his debut. Check out Bone Whittler: Book One: Origins on Amazon today!
Juvenile Tribulations: An Epic Fantasy Adventure! (Isthariun’s Dreams)
Nathan D. Latrev makes a stunning splash with his debut fantasy, Juvenile Tribulations: (Isthariun’s Dreams). Arriving first in France, it has been translated and presented stateside as of several months ago, has been out stateside for about a month-and-a-half now, and it is building traction. Latrev, a talented talespinner, is amassing a fervent fanbase, who can’t shy away from his captivating world, and the rich characters who have stolen their hearts. Juvenile Tribulations is warm and inviting at some points, but it doesn’t shy away from thrills and suspense, adding appeal for a wide variety of readers.
Juvenile Tribulations is a powerful debut. Latrev put his passion into this story, and it shines through from the first page to the very last. It’s well-paced, and it easily demonstrates his hold over the world he’s created, although you’ll be eager for much more by the turn of the final page. If you’re looking for a book that has great characters, a familiar setting with twists on what you typically come to think of when it comes to fantasy, and the promise of much more to come, this could be the book for you. Check out Juvenile Tribulations: An Epic Fantasy Adventure! (Isthariun’s Dreams) on Amazon today!
Cave Scratchings: Essays and other writings philosophical, left-wing and miscellaneous 2018-2022
Author Philosophy Bear has recently released his first book, Cave Scratchings: Essays and other writings philosophical, left-wing and miscellaneous 2018-2022. In a lot of ways, these essays could be considered musings. There’s nothing definitive about where we’re going, though Philosophy Bear does a wonderful job at exploring where we have been, and using that data to try and scope out where we might go once we extrapolate based on that information. The author takes readers on several different journeys with a scope and vision that not a lot of people get to experience.
The observations that Philosophy Bear compiles here are varied, and while they may not all be of interest to everyone, they are each scholarly and, yes, philosophical. There is a lot of thought that went into these…well…thoughts, and it is interesting to delve into the mind of someone so completely. If you want to go down the rabbit hole of someone else’s psyche, this may be just the book for you. Check out Cave Scratchings: Essays and other writings philosophical, left-wing and miscellaneous 2018-2022 on Amazon today!
Please note: this author pulls no punches, and says things that, at some points, may intentionally offend. While Tellest appreciates free speech and openness, it does not necessarily share the same opinions. As this is a philosophical book, it was decided to allow it a place on this platform.
Fortress of Freedom (Eoslira Book 1)
While we typically interpret fantasy with tones of medieval Europe, author Andrew Lawlor had something different in mind when it came to his debut, Fortress of Freedom, the first book in his Eoslira series. In many ways, Lawlor’s novel feels more akin to the events of early American history rather than the visions of knights on horseback, or wizards conjuring spells in ancient castles. Because of this, there’s a certain novelty to Fortress of Freedom, where things breathe a little more of a Native American air, alongside the growing threat of violent colonialism. Lawlor turns a great deal of expectations on their head, and his tale is better for it.
Though Lawlor’s first foray into fantasy can be a bit jarring as you first step foot into his world, it’s also endlessly enjoyable. Readers will see new interpretations of tried-and-true fantasy tropes, and see how the new setting affects them. Rather than just going on as normal, it seems that everything in the Eoslira series blends together into a new and exciting set of possibilities. With Lawlor working on expanding the tapestry of his world, it won’t be long until a second book hits shelves. If you act now, you can get acclimated to the world early. Check out Fortress of Freedom (Eoslira Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Legend of Misty Mountains
Author Shiva Sethuraman brings an amazing world to bear with his debut, The Legend of Misty Mountains. It’s a play on some of the more classic fantasy that fans enjoy, from Lord of the Rings, to the tales of Merlin and Arthur. Here, however, the author puts twists on the tropes and character archetypes that have grown stale, instilling new life into his tale. The author’s love for fantasy and magic are seen in the words of every page, and you can tell that he’s passionate about the world he’s built here. Misty Mountains has flowery descriptions that bring Sethurman’s world to life, alongside a depth of lore and legends that beg to be explored.
The Legend of Misty Mountains is marketed to younger readers, but fantasy fans of all ages will enjoy the magic that Sethurman conjures in the first book of his series. And while the book is a brisk read—yet, fully realized, and very well-paced—there is hope for a return to the lands of the Misty Mountains, as Sethurman makes it clear that this is only the initial stop on the adventure. With that in mind, there’s no better time than the present to dive into this new quest. Check out The Legend of Misty Mountains on Amazon today!
Confrontation of Nuxvar
Already an established science fiction writer, author Judith Moffitt turns her considerable skills toward fantasy, and her debut is no joke, even though it’s wildly entertaining. Confrontation at Nuxvar, the first book in Moffitt’s Chronicles of Edrisia, knows exactly what it wants to be, and delivers just what fantasy lovers ought to love: dogs and dragons. The author is clever with her writing, ensuring that across each chapter, there’s something enticing to bring you through to the next. Moffitt also eschews some of the typical expectations of the fantasy genre, letting someone besides a teen just coming into their powers save the world. It’s the author’s willingness to find new pathways that give Confrontation at Nuxvar a breath of fresh air that makes it so enjoyable.
Just like with her earlier sci-fi books, Moffitt’s latest doesn’t shy away from a lot of moving parts. There is a vast and vibrant cast of characters that all work well together, and the events of the story bounce around at a nice pace, promising new surprises and sequences that will catch the attention of fantasy fans. The story wraps things up nicely, but there’s still the potential of more from the world of Edrisia, and Moffitt has certainly shown that she can breathe powerful life into it. For now though, it’s best to start at the beginning. Check out Confrontation at Nuxvar on Amazon today!
Cycled – Rebirth
Alekz Wokal knows how to deliver a story at a decent pace to his readership. His debut epic fantasy, Cycled – Rebirth, is featured on Wattpad, where he’s wrapped up chapters with a steady cadence. The tale doesn’t suffer from its quick turnaround either. Wokal’s work features witty dialog that’s paced as well as his release structure, a rich world with certain elements that make it feel alive, and characters that readers will love to root for. It also features the darker, more villainous type, which help to move the tale along, from this book into the next, and there’s a good chance that readers will enjoy spending time with them as well. There are shades of grey to everyone in Wokal’s debut, and he captures it all to great effect.
From chapter to chapter, Wokal keeps things consistent. Fans of his work will no doubt enjoy how his characters speak, as it helps to immerse readers in this fantasy realm. Carrying the story along are would-be heroes who could easily have their faith and their spirit broken amidst all the pain and torment that they endure. Instead, Wokal sees them as indomitable bearers of hope and justice, made tangible when magic comes to the forefront of the story. With the entire story complete now, and another book on the way, there’s never been a better time to read the author’s wonderful debut. Check out Cycled – Rebirth on Wattpad today.
DragonSin, Descendants of Twilight, Book 1
If readers are looking for a substantial world with a familiar enough structure at first glance, they might be tempted by the debut work of author C.M. Surowiec Jr, DragonSin, Descendants of Twilight, Book 1. After spending some time in his world, though, they’ll soon find that there’s a huge break from tried-and-true traditions however. Surowiec has been working on this literary universe for a very long time, and it shows with his meticulous grasp over everything in the well-balanced first tome he unleashes upon fans of the genre. Between his vast, far-reaching history, and his take on the nearby cosmic portion of his world, everything leaps out at the reader and assures there’s much more here than meets the eye, though some of it is understandably still wrapped up in its mysteries.
Erogoth is a diverse, complex world that never seems overbearing or underserving. Rather the planet and the books that take place on it have a beauty and a brilliance that feels refined and deliberate. The worldbuilding doesn’t ever seem as though its being force-fed to the reader. Rather, everything feels earned and rewarding. With that in mind, it should come as no surprise that the author has more planned beyond this debut. There’s never a better place to begin than the start though. Preorder DragonSin – Descendants of Twlight, Book 1, on Amazon today!
A Child of Ashes: Volume 1: The False King
Author Victor A. Acnam II wears his passion for his world proudly, ensuring that everyone gets a sense of the quality of work that they’ll experience with just a glance at his work. For those who take a deeper dive into A Child of Ashes: Volume 1: The False King, they’ll find a deep, rich world filled with all sorts of granular details that show that Acnam was not just attentive to his characters, but also to the lore and history of his universe. That’s not to say that he leaves anything off the table though. Those characters shine, notably the villains, who readers will love to loathe.
Readers who chomp at the bit to read black and white fantasy with colorful details smoothing out the edges will be in for a treat here. While there’s certainly room to explore more of the Arlax Realm, with more of Acnam’s story on the way, they’ve got plenty of time to dive deep into the first book in his series, to join the heroes, and face great villains. It’s an impressive debut, worthy of their attention if they’re into traditional fantasies with fresh twists and turns. Check out A Child of Ashes: Volume 1: The False King on Amazon today!
Tempest: Epic of Faölan Book 1
Author Nicholas Redmon has been dreaming of unleashing his fantasy on the world for years. Thus, when Tempest: Epic of Faölan Book 1 released today, readers are set to witness the breadth of his craftsmanship. Redmon writes with colorful, flowing prose that is rich and immersive. Faölan is marked with excellent worldbuilding that comes from over a decade of preparation. In Redmon’s world even the weather is fantastic and incredible. And the characters are wonderful too. It’s a tremendous coming-of-age fantasy that readers will love to sink their teeth into. Along the way there are mysteries to be unveiled and unraveled, and majestic spectacle to enjoy.
From the first page to the last, fans of the genre will be rapt by new revelations and well-written content. Redmon is working on a great number of stories, explaining his craftsmanship in worldbuilding. The first book in his coming-of-age fantasy series is just the beginning. With promises to come, readers are in luck and set for more incredible happenings in a mystical land worth exploring to its fullest. But while you wait for the inevitable sequels, it’s a great time to pick up the first in the series. Check out Tempest: Epic of Faölan Book 1 on Amazon today!
The Wind Walker (Children of the Sky Book 1)
Author Simon Shugar has a passion for worlds that have their own rules, and for mechanics that are well-conceived and enjoyable to the reader. Thus, in his stellar debut, The Wind Walker (Children of the Sky Book 1), we see his literary universe take shape. It’s lofty and you can certainly see many components of the world, as Shugar hasn’t left any stone unturned when it comes to creating rich histories and backstories. But his tale is also a bit more focused in some places. It’s character-driven, with excellent dialog, and interactions that are easy to imagine played out. Even if you were just interested in either the characters or the stories, you’d have a good time here. Shugar, however, leads both to great effect.
Those who like their stories not to linger or prattle on are in luck. The Wind Walker is a tale well-spun with entertaining prose that moves the reader forward at an even pace. It’s a story with real momentum and gusto, and its praises will no doubt feel earned. While a sequel is on the horizon, this story is powerful enough on its own to be self-contained and thoroughly enjoyable. For those who are into fantasy adventures with a bit of swashbuckling, there’s no need to wait. Check out The Wind Walker (Children of the Sky Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Last Sane Awoken I: Freedom
Author Stephany Barcomb-Rodriguez unleashes her debut on the world with The Last Sane Awoken I: Freedom. In this darker fantasy, readers are at once introduced to a great evil force, and understand the great risks of letting it run free across the land. But as much as the author’s story focuses on the horror elements, it also focuses on the psychology of its characters. There are deep emotions at play here in this fantasy, and they’re presented in raw, real richness. It’s because of that, perhaps, that her characters feel so lifelike, and why the story has the power to immerse readers, despite the fantastic elements at play.
The reader who picks up The Last Sane Awoken is likely to feel emotions themselves as well. With great evil persisting across the world that Barcomb-Rodriguez developed, there’s a sense of dread and darkness that washes over the writing, and fans will no doubt feel they must persevere through to see what light exists on the other side. The author finds a nice balance there, giving her readers and her characters hope to go on and fight for a better day. While another book is in the works, you’ve still got some time to catch up with this first in the series. Dive into a world that is deep and rich and full of secrets and revelations. Check out The Last Sane Awoken I: Freedom on Amazon today!
Twinborn Chronicles: Awakening Collection
Twinborn Chronicles is the epitome of a fan-generating series, and it is a wonderful introduction to the wildly talented J.S. Morin. We’ve featured the prolific storyteller on Tellest several times now, and each time something new comes our way, we continue to be blown away by the workmanship and spectacle that comes from the mighty talespinner. Twinborn Chronicles: Awakening Collection, is a worthy set of the first three books in the incredible saga, explosive battles, intriguing subterfuge, and characters that you’ll fall in love with. All of it is wrapped into a rich and engrossing world filled to the brim with details that will stick in readers’ minds well after they’ve turned the last page.
Readers who pick up this collection looking for something substantive will be in for a treat, as it gives them something meaty to sink their teeth into. So much unfolds in Morin’s work that they’ll feel satiated, but the tremendous quality in which he tells his tales will leave them hungry for more. This first trio of books lays the foundation for not just another few books, but an entire universe that has been meticulously crafted, honed, and delivered. If you enjoy getting lost in fantasy worlds, J.S. Morin is the author of your dreams, and this set of books is the one that you’ve been waiting for. Check out Twinborn Chronicles: Awakening Collection on Amazon today. If you move quickly, you’ll get the set for a massive nine dollars off!
Author Michael Sauls recently released the second book in his fantasy saga, and it continues with all the great qualities of the first, while also expanding on the world in all the best ways. His debut fantasy is CHRONICLES OF THE ROSE, which lays an impressive foundation. Readers will be swept up by the storytelling, and will grow to enjoy spending time with the characters as they grow and change throughout the tale. Sauls also does a great job crafting his world to feel like a real place that exists beyond the pages of a book. The author does a great job with his dialog. His characters are verbose, even loquacious at some points, but they’re a delight to listen to, and they help to fill in the gaps of some of the lore and history.
It’s clear from the first page that Sauls takes his tasks, at building a fully realized world filled with rich history, interesting characters, and entertaining realism, quite seriously. Readers will enjoy the pace at which they watch revelations unfold, and they’ll have a great time with the characters as they pursue their adventures. Before the final page is turned, you’ll no doubt be hungry for more. While there is more in the catalog of this saga, the best place to start, of course, is the beginning. Check out CHRONICLES OF THE ROSE on Amazon today!
Little Accident: Adult Fantasy Humour (Season’s War)
Olena Nikitin has an entire world at their disposal, with the first feature length story in the series, Autumn Chaos, nearly upon us. Tiding us over is the entertaining short, A Little Accident: Adult Fantasy Humour (Season’s War), which is playful in its lechery and witty dialog. If nothing else, Nikitin had a good time writing this tale, and it transfers over to their readers as well, as there’s no doubt a good time to be had with this bite-sized story. It’s a fun story about different magic, and how it comes to be in the world that is being built here. And though we only spend a brief amount of time with Ina, it’s certainly enough to grow to like her, and to want to find more about her.
All in all, this first release from Nikitin demonstrates fun, mischievous writing with a dash of humor in all the right places, and hints at their great stories yet to come. Although it’s self-contained enough and painted with wonderful little brushstrokes that show all the detail that a good tale should, it’s part of a grander masterpiece, and you can see little bits of the broader world shining through. While you’re waiting for Autumn Chaos, it is a great time to pick up this little prequel. Check out A Little Accident: Adult Fantasy Humour (Season’s War) on Amazon today!
Knightmare Arcanist (Frith Chronicles Book 1)
If you don’t yet know author Shami Stovall, you were likely to do so even before reading this promo. She’s got a tremendous catalog, and many a great series, including an incredible fantasy saga you won’t want to miss. Knightmare Arcanist (Frith Chronicles Book 1) starts things off. In it, you’ll find relatable characters, who are very enjoyable to spend your time with. Their interactions feel real and rich, helped by the history that lies as the foundation there. You’re not just thrown into a story that’s finding its feet, but living in a world that is deep and well-founded. Stovall’s tale subverts expectations in satisfying ways, and builds on mythology and legends of old. And possibly one of the most catching parts of the story is Stovall’s captivating magic system, which sees arcanists bonding with eldrin: magical creatures that bestow enchanting gifts.
Readers will find that Knightmare Arcanist flies by, but it also flows smoothly, with great, easy to follow fight scenes, and well-paced story beats. It takes place in an awesome world that is just begging to be explored further. Stovall gives monsters and mystical creatures their chance to shine in ways that make them feel like more than just moving set pieces, and with each new book in the series, it’s that much more exciting to head back and spend time amongst that magic. Next week the seventh book in the series will arrive, so readers have a huge world that they can dive into at their fingertips. But it all starts here, with book one, which sets the stage for so much more. Check out Knightmare Arcanist (Frith Chronicles Book 1) on Amazon today!
Hero at Home
Author Nikki Flynn is a passionate fantasy fan who has her hand in a lot of content creation, from audio fiction, to video games, and fantasy shorts. Her latest is Hero at Home, a cozy fantasy short story that shows off her skills at character development. Though it’s a quick read, it’s still filled with some unexpected experiences, and gives enough time to become acquainted with the protagonists and want to learn more about them. Nothing is too over the top, and readers will have a pleasant time with the tale.
What you get with Hero at Home is a quick and fun story that introduces you to the author’s writing style, and leaves you hungry for more. Readers will no doubt want to know more about Inva and her friends, and see what other trouble she can get into, and then muscle her way out of. While her latest is a tasty bite-sized story, Flynn has a lot of other tales available in a variety of platforms. This is a great place to start, however, so if you’re ready, it’s time to dive in. Check out Hero at Home on Amazon today!
AZLATAN: The End of Time
Author Susan L. Henderson Alandar might have you believe that she’s a brand new author, wet behind the ears, but she’s been honing her considerable skills for many years now. Her debut, AZLATAN: The End of Time, has therefore had plenty of time to find refinement and improvement over that time. It is an enthralling, rich world, featuring a culture that feels very elaborate and deliberate. Its strong, vivid prose immerses readers in the world, and witty dialog has them interested in the characters in a snap. Alandar also does a great job of capturing her action sequences, which has fans eager to dive into one chapter after the next.
AZLATAN is filled with twists and turns, mysteries and revelations, and some brewing will-they, won’t-they romantic possibilities. Everything falls in its place, and the epic story feels as though it has gone through the paces, finally coming out just when it should have. You can tell that AZLATAN is the culmination of a life’s worth of passion, planning and determination. The author took all of her experiences and distilled it into this heartfelt and immersive world, and it’s because of those traits that it feels so rich and real. It’s really deserving of a sequel, so show Alandar’s explosive new debut some love. Check out AZLATAN: The End of Time on Amazon today!
The Sanctus Chronicles: The Plague of Tradium
Author D. P. Leimgruber unveils a new labor of love in his new family friendly fantasy, The Sanctus Chronicles: The Plague of Tradium. The book is light and whimsical where it needs to be, ensuring it appeals to young readers and parents to kids with active imaginations. Leading the story forward are characters that are charming and relatable to kids. Leimgruber’s writing has a lovely, poetic cadence that lends itself even more so to the stories within a story. Leimgruber was able to include short stories and poetry that leave the book feeling richer and livelier, and not a departing from the main book. To top it off, there are lovely illustrations by Rosann A. Portes that make the book pop even more.
The Sanctus Chronicles is so immersive that fans won’t realize they’ve made their way through so much of the story before they near the end. There is plenty of curtain to draw back here, and the author does so deftly, ensuring that the pacing is perfect and that revelations feel earned and enjoyable. This is a tale that is full of entertainment, magic and majesty that will keep readers coming back for more. They’ll need to make a return trip, as well, because the book ends with an exciting promise for a sequel. While Leimgruber works on that, it’s a great time to pick up the first in the series. Check out The Sanctus Chronicles: The Plague of Tradium on Amazon today!
As Thick As Thieves: The Price of Infamy
Author Kieron Holland has a penchant for writing rich and interesting characters that are more than just two-dimensional set dressing. In his fantasy debut, As Thick As Thieves: The Price of Infamy, he ensures that readers are invested in the fates of his excellent cast, and that they’re rewarded for joining the ride. Holland excels at writing entertaining action scenes that grab readers and keep them interested until the next big twist or turn, but he’s just as crafty and witty as his characters. Alongside his delightful use of prose, he also injects a dash of humor in all the right places. Though the book follows thieves, it’s certainly not without its whimsy.
Holland flexes his screenwriting muscles in some great ways to tell his story, so it’s no surprise that it’s so expressive and cinematic in its presentation. Readers will almost feel as thought the action is bursting out of the page. All along the way, the author tells a great tale that you can go back to again and again. It would be downright criminal not to get more out of James and his companions, but for now, this excellent story will more than suffice. Check out As Thick As Thieves: The Price of Infamy on Amazon today!
The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles: Edge of Oblivion
Talented novelist Adrian Lee Zuniga has delivered the perfect trilogy for fans of the Elder Scrolls, represented best, perhaps, by the stunning sophomore book in the set. In The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles: Edge of Oblivion, Zuniga continues to set readers on a course with Žaneta, an extraordinarlily unique Khajit that readers want to root for every step of the way. With every passing page, Zuniga shows his talent, expressing one creative revelation after another. The beautiful, exquisitely crafted story is accompanied by gorgeous artwork as well, helping to better immerse fans of the property, and Zuniga’s work.
The Edge of Oblivion continues the previous book’s trend of infusing a cinematic style to Adrian’s writings, taking readers into a realm of enchantment while stressing aspects like geography, food, and wildlife that make the continent of Morrowind appealing and intriguing. And without breaking stride, the dramatic second installment continues into Part Three: The Lost Mane for a spectacular climax. Be sure to pick up all three of Zuniga’s wonderful Elder Scrolls books, including this one. Check out The Elder Scrolls – Zaneta’s Chronicles: Edge of Oblivion on Amazon today!
Under the Double Eclipse
With their first published book, author Avery Dane would have readers believing they had been at it for years if not decades. Such is the skill at which they compose Under the Double Eclipse, a fantasy painted with shades of grey before they’re colored in by clever dialog and entertaining humor. By the time the first chapter ends, readers will already be on a ride that they won’t soon want to get off of, filled with enjoyable characters, delectable descriptions, and all the sorts of twists and turns that are to be expected in a book about wily thieves.
One of the greatest strengths of Dane’s story is its cast of characters. Readers will be addicted to the back and forth between the leads, but the supporting characters and bit players are all fully-realized and entertaining as well. Dane’s bread and butter is with the two thieves at the center of the plot though. Merrill and Annette are too awesome not to see in action again, so here’s hoping that we get more from them soon. In the meantime, show some love for the author, and pick up the first book in what could be a very catching series. Check out Under the Double Eclipse on Amazon today!
The Earth Key (Azure Series Book 1)
Kristin Hilton Callis writes what feels like prescient fantasy that bores its way into readers minds, infecting them with an urge to read more and more of her great work. In The Earth Key (Azure Series Book 1), Callis demonstrates her substantial talents in worldbuilding, creating a place that fantasy fans would eagerly wish to get lost in. With its rules and its lore, the Annix is a curious place, made all the more interesting by the way that Callis writes her characters. Dialog and revelations are presented in a way that almost makes readers feel like they’re leaving through the latest verse of a fairy tale that has shifted into the contemporary, and it urges them ever onward.
The Earth Key is a remarkable tale that endures. It is timeless, and readers would be forgiven for thinking that this was at once a classic that came out long ago, while simultaneously being a tale that lives up to today’s expectations. With endearing characters, a mysterious quest, and a world begging for exploration, Callis had found a wonderful blend to build her series. Maximilian Hilton, her son, has also edited and published his mother’s second book, with a third to follow, meaning now is an awesome time to enjoy this spectacular fantasy which won’t soon be forgotten. Check out The Earth Key (Azure Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Illusions of Vaeleren Redsteel
It only takes reading a few pages to realize that this fantasy story by Justin Rhodes is unlike most that fans of the genre will be prepared for. But The Illusions of Vaeleren Redsteel is a tale and an experience not to be missed. First and foremost, right from the get-go, readers will be shocked by the events that set the story in motion. Surrounding these events are a tremendous amount of rich details about the world and the history of its heroes. Rhodes paints between the lines of these details with the emotions of his powerful cast, from delightful humor, to more heartrending stuff. He ties it all together with thrilling scenes involving his characters, who readers will grow close to, always wondering about their dilemmas and hoping for a happy ending.
Between dastardly schemes, captivating magic, and emotional payoff, Justin Rhodes has a story that does it all. It doesn’t take long for Vaeleren and Aldric to hook readers, and have them interested in their tale. Rhodes writes his chapters so that they are developed in a way that makes the reader feel quickly rewarded, and eager to keep going. For his debut fantasy, the author has put together a sizable book that still leaves fans hungry for more in the best way possible. Check out The Illusions of Vaeleren Redsteel on Barnes and Noble today!
The Forest War (War of Erithanor Book 1)
Take a look at the debut fantasy of author Chris Gibson, and you’ll know you’re in for a rip-roaring time. The Forest War (War of Erithanor Book 1) moves along at a brisk pace, with great storytelling filling each page. Gibson’s tale could have just looked at the impending danger coming to the forest, but it looks to the past as well, and hints at the tapestry that the author is working toward. The book shows a little corner of a grander world, and one that ought to be exciting to explore further. Leading readers along the tale are characters that are multidimensional, who feel real, and keep fans immersed in the growing conflict.
If you or a fantasy reader you know are interested in a fantasy tale that feels fresh, even with roots in traditional fare, don’t sleep on this one. It’s perfect for young and new adults who love a good adventure. The Forest War ends satisfyingly enough, but Gibson leaves the promise of at least one more campaign, with hope of returning to the world he’s built and traveling alongside his captivating characters at least one more time. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to pick up this wonderful fantasy debut. Check out The Forest War (War of Erithanor Book 1) on Amazon today!
The World of Antheric: Rise of the Saviour
Author Marcus J. Anthony has refined his storytelling, crafting not just a book but a deeply rich world that feels more like it’s being discovered than written. In The World of Antheric: Rise of the Saviour, we see the author’s considerable talents put to use, sending readers diving into a portal fantasy that puts new meaning to the word epic. Readers will immediately see that Zuetar and Domainville are not just places that are affected by its off-worlder lead, but that have existed long before his arrival. Indeed, Anthony has developed the tapestry of his world here from broader strokes, all the way down to the tiniest details, capturing everything from his world’s mythology and legends to its prophecies, all which help to enrapture the reader.
The World of Antheric is an easy one to want to get lost in. While Jenin is a formidable protagonist, and one you enjoy spending time with—and looking at this fantastic new world through—you can tell there are also more secrets and revelations around every corner and in the horizon. But beyond that, the story is filled with just the sort of things that fans of the genre hunger for. There’s magic and mysticism, hope and heroism, and it all has you eager to continue along with the journey. Though there are more books set in Antheric yet to come, Anthony’s polished and powerful first-in-a-series is a can’t miss that you shouldn’t wait on. Check out The World of Antheric: Rise of the Saviour on Amazon today!
A Charmer’s Story: The Failed Spell
Authors Ricardo Bermudez and Daniel Martinez tackle a new iteration of the contemporary fantasy in their new release, A Charmer’s Story: The Failed Spell. Readers who like magical lessons and learning about the enchantments that exist beyond the veil of our every day lives will love this tale of a day in the life of a minor mage that goes completely awry. Like a good magical ritual, the two authors spend time studying all the components of a good story: its characters, magical items and components, and the grander scope of magic. The books moves along at a relaxed pace that nonetheless pulls readers down the rabbit hole.
In a way, The Failed Spell almost feels a bit like academia. Bermudez and Martinez seem to be so engrossed in their world that it’s easy to feel immersed in the story. It feels real, and that gives their tale a real strength behind it. It’s easy to spend time with Alben and Ilza as well, as they feel so fully realized, with histories that readers will want to explore, and secrets that they’ll feel they just have to know. Hopefully more of this world is yet to come, because the two authors have done well with this introduction. Check out A Charmer’s Story: The Failed Spell on Amazon today!
Empire of Blood and Darkness
Readers who like their worlds rich in lore, with an expansive, lived-in feel will be right at home with author Travis Yardley, who wears his passion for his world on his sleeve. Indeed, in Empire of Blood and Darkness, Yardley dives deep into races, language, history and legends. Though the book is a sturdy one, and delivers its premise with poise and precision, you can tell that by design you’ve only just barely scratched the surface of what Yardley has created. As much as the story is one that is interesting and keeps you ensnared throughout, you can tell that it is also an engine with which to drive the rest of the world forward, and uncover more of its secrets.
Praise given where it is due, Yardley’s story is a strong one on its own merits. Even if it didn’t have the backing of a new world realized by an expert craftsman, if you had dropped Alexander and his companions into another universe, it still would have been enjoyable to follow him and learn the sort of things that were integral to his character growth. This is thanks to Yardley’s devotion to his writing, and all that grows out of it. If you’re looking for a great coming-of-age fantasy set in a lively world, this should be on your radar. Check out Empire of Blood and Darkness on Amazon today!
Tempest of Bravoure: City of the Dead
Since Kingdom Ascent came out, it was clear that Valena D’Angelis was going to be a force to be reckoned with in the fantasy writing field. That she has been able to accomplish so much in so short a time in a testament to her work ethic and her passion for the world she’s building. Readers will delight in a return to Terra, in this book and beyond. But for now, it’s a great time to grab D’Angelis’s first trilogy. It’s one you won’t want to miss. Check out Tempest of Bravoure: City of the Dead on Amazon today.
Tempest of Bravoure: Kingdom Ascent
Valena D’Angelis is as passionate about fantasy as you can get, and her work on her debut, Tempest of Bravoure: Kingdom Ascent, shows it. The story is vast, with its characters wrapped up in it. D’Angelis makes easy work of balancing the history of Bravoure with the heroes, new and old, who are fighting for it. Those characters are compelling and varied as well, and readers will no doubt grow to feel protective and worried for them as they press against the darkness that mars the land.
Unleashing deep, rich storylines, enjoyable character interactions, and compelling surprises upon her readers, D’Angelis is a storytelling force to watch out for. As spectacular as this first book is, it’s clear that Kingdom Ascent is setting the stage for something even greater. Before D’Angelis releases the second book, it’s a great time to pick up the first installment. Who knows? You might even want to reread it when you’re done. Check out Tempest of Bravoure: Kingdom Ascent on Amazon today!
Urban/Contemporary Fantasy
A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas
Author Bob Litt is an explorer of creativity, as one can see by diving into his contemporary fantasy novel, A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas. Despite all the lights shining on the strip, there’s plenty of darkness that is to be found there as well, and Litt ensures there’s no stone unturned in that regard. Blood and sex happen to be attractive bedfellows in vampire lit, and the author doesn’t skimp on either of them here. But none of this coagulates into a strong presence without interesting characters, and that is where Blood Moon thrives. You can’t write about a vampire clan without ensuring they’re all interesting, and Litt delivers here. They help to ramp up the immersion, keeping readers locked into the story throughout.
While there is a lot on the table as far as what Litt throws into his story, everything moves at a snappy pace, which are convenient for readers who like to experience things that are more…ahem…bite-sized. Of course, the big challenge you’ll encounter is whether you can hold off or get sucked into just one more chapter. It’s written visually well, so you can imagine the events occurring on the page to be playing out on TV or film as well, which is no surprise, considering there’s a screenplay treatment already done for the book. If that’s piqued your interest, don’t hesitate to sink your teeth into this modern vampire story. Check out A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas, a story by Bob Litt, on Amazon today!
Fort Jafra: Beware the Rae Jungle
Author Raymond Duane and his wife Jill Mallory are a combined force to be reckoned with in their release Fort Jafra: Beware the Rae Jungle. We’ve seen before that Duane has a penchant for building interesting mythology into the world he crafts, and so it goes in this world hidden within our world in this collaboration with Mallory. There’s magic at play here in this version of India that will no doubt grip readers firmly, and compel them to keep reading, to learn the secrets that are revealed by the parting veil. Everything written by the duo has a flair that immerses its audience, making it seem like they’re experiencing the action, rather than just reading words on a page.
Probably most captivating about this story will be its wonderful cast of characters. Duane and Mallory write everyone with depth and dimension, ensuring that nobody feels one-note at any point in the story. It also doesn’t hurt that several of those characters are mighty dragons, with interesting personalities themselves. The dialog is fun and witty, helping to bridge the gap between one interesting story segment and the next. This is a lovely standalone contemporary fantasy that has plenty of secrets to unveil along the journey. If your intrigue can bear no more, prepare for a grand adventure. Check out Fort Jafra: Beware the Rae Jungle on Amazon today!
Thorns of Obzidia: Knights of the Neverwas 2
If Lance of the Golden Cobra was Emery Sinclair’s A New Hope, Thorns of Obzidia: Knights of the Neverwas 2 is his Empire Strikes Back. There are some dark places that the author prepares to take his characters in this spectacular follow-up, a grown-up expression of imagination that will captivate readers even more than the first book in the series did. You can tell that Sinclair and his contributors care so deeply for this series, and give their all to it, and it shines for its audience as an enduring franchise indeed. With this second title, the Knights of the Neverwas is elevated to even greater levels, feeling at times like a classic coming of age story that has merely been rediscovered. Part of that rests on the shoulders of catching characters. Connie and Namisha are lovely guides to this strange and beautiful world, but it comes to life thanks to other wonderful cast members as well.
Thorns of Obzidia comes to life in its beautiful visuals, illustrations that ignite the imagination thanks to the wonderful work of M D Smith. The works themselves are the result of two storytellers’ immense passion, and the results of those seem to drip out of every page like liquid gold. And other wonderful contributors have lent their talents to help this series excel. Along the way, Emery Sinclair worked as a sort of conductor, creating beautiful music committed to page. The Knights of Neverwas leans into the fact that people have their troubles, and obstacles that they must not just overcome, but live with, all without making that person feeling broken. This sort of expression is what makes Thorns of Obzidia, and Lance of the Golden Cobra so endearing, and so easy to pick up and enjoy. If that leaves you intrigued about this fantastic series, don’t wait. Check out Thorns of Obzidia: Knights of the Neverwas 2 on Amazon today!
Lance of the Golden Cobra: Knights of the Neverwas (Illustrated Version)
Every so often, you’re introduced not just to a fantasy book, but to a transcendent fantasy world that sends sparks dancing in your mind. So it is with Emery Sinclair’s young adult urban fantasy novel, Lance of the Golden Cobra, which introduces the Neverwas, a world that is resplendent with miraculous technology and magic. Sinclair’s wonderful book is the product of the cooperative work of many people, and it reads as a mix of so many excellent things as well. Lance of the Golden Cobra finds itself at times reading like a historical fantasy set some sixty years ago, but it still feels fresh and new, and will catch the attention of today’s young and new adults, as well as those who are kids at heart.
At the core of the book, Sinclair writes four wonderful characters—with more joining the ensemble as the story grows—that steal the show. They’re written with such richness and warmth that readers won’t be able to help going on the journey with them, and finding out what strange new revelations are made in the Neverwas. Sinclair also excels at leaving the sort of bread crumbs that lead into the next chapter, keeping readers excited throughout the tale. The same can be said for the inevitable sequel, as the story is left open for a stunning conclusion. For now, it’s a great time to dive into the first book in the Neverwas series. Check out the illustrated version of Lance Of The Golden Cobra: Knights of the Neverwas on Amazon today!
Raven’s Flight (A Shadow Guardians Novella)
CB Samet excels at writing great character arcs, relationships, and development into her books, and that same great experience is what awaits fans when they read Raven’s Flight, one of the novellas that fits neatly into her Shadow Guardians universe. A great book can appeal to many different kinds of readers though, and this novella pulls that off as well, because it’s also got a perfect blend of action and adventure, fun displays of magic, and just a touch of villainy. Enough of the veil is lifted to let fans into the series and get them hooked, and Samet definitely has her ways of captivating her audience.
Though Raven’s Flight is a quick read, it tells a lot about the world it takes place in. It serves as a great way to introduce someone into the Shadow Guardians universe, diving into all the thrills and suspense that it has to offer. What you get here is just a taste, but the main course is certainly something that is explored in greater detail with the other books that follow, though this tale is wonderful and clever in its own right. It’s clear that Samet is wonderfully passionate about this urban fantasy universe, so do yourself a favor and don’t delay. Check out Raven’s Flight (A Shadow Guardians Novella) on Amazon today!
Raine Down: An Urban Fantasy Adventure (The Shadow Guardians Book 1)
Author CB Samet has an impressive back catalog, and while the books that we’ve explored early on are fantastic, it is the talespinner’s newest works that continue to excite and electrify readers and fans. Such is the case with Raine Down: An Urban Fantasy Adventure (The Shadow Guardians Book 1). Samet takes all of the skills and practice that she’s acquired over the course of writing dozens and dozens of books, and wraps it into a captivating tale that covers Norse fantasy in ways that folks haven’t seen, and making them shine even amidst the darkness of a mischievous and brooding urban fantasy. There are mysteries abound, jaw-dropping revelations, and a budding romance that readers will love to cheer on. All in all, Samet has learned how to make her balancing act work for her stories.
Raine Down shines throughout, thanks to well-developed characters, exciting passages and prose, and a careful balance of existing mythology and interesting new worldbuilding. Samet has honed her craft over years, and found ways to captivate her readers from cover to cover. Even though they’re likely to race through the book, they’ll no doubt be eager for more, and the author delivers. With the trilogy done, and three wonderful supplemental stories also available, now is a terrific time to jump into some of CB Samet’s best work. Check out Raine Down: An Urban Fantasy Adventure (The Shadow Guardians Book 1) on Amazon today!
Alex Knight and the Secret Worlds
Author Andror M. Thompson demonstrates his hold over all the necessary ingredients to make an awesome young adult urban fantasy with his book, Alex Knight and the Secret Worlds. The first book in a trilogy, its written with an eye for imagination, and the author invites readers into a myriad of other worlds beyond our own. It’s perfect for avid readers who want to allow their curiosity to lead them from part of an adventure to the next, enchanted by the captivating imagery that Thompson concocts into his prose. It also helps that the lead and his two friends are such wonderful guides on their quest, written to be fun and full of energy.
Though Alex Knight’s first foray into other worlds is pretty massive, the book is written in a breezy style. Readers will no doubt be whisked away, caught up by how quickly they move from chapter to chapter. There is a comfortable flow to the story, ensuring that readers never feel too bogged down in the details, or for things to feel too ephemeral and unstructured. It all comes together in a fun package that will spark young and old minds alike. And while the book could have ended well enough on its own, there are still exciting additional adventures in store for Alex, Marcus, and Scarlette. If that’s got you intrigued for this story, don’t wait. Check out ALEX KNIGHT AND THE SECRET WORLDS on Amazon today.
STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance
Author A.C. Greenlee is far beyond the beginning stages of making a name for themselves in the paranormal erotic romance realm. In fact, they’re pretty much the go-to person for when you want to read something steamy that features twists of color that break through stereotypical and tropey sorts of romance. So it is in their latest, STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance. While there is a ton of chemistry between the fated couplings in Greenlee’s book, and it does get sufficiently steamy enough to slap an adults only label on it, the prose surrounding the hot and heavy moments is strong enough that you could have easily cut the romance at the door, and still had a very powerful, captivating, and entertaining book.
Greenlee could have focused on just what happens between the sheets, so to speak, but they’ve managed to build a little corner of a world here that feels rich and engaging. It’s a twist on werewolf lore that will keep readers intrigued, whether they’re diving into the pages for something saucy, or something with a bit more bite. It also helps that the author captivates their audience with great prose that keeps them on the edge of their seats, and with characters that are dynamic and show growth throughout their journeys. If that sounds like it’s up your alley, don’t wait on this great, steamy, fun book. Check out STALKED: An Interracial Erotic Paranormal Horror Romance on Amazon today!
Blank Paige
Author Ashley Griffin has a history of taking fairytales and magic and bringing them to life, whether its on stage, or within the pages of a book. She’s done an incredible job at retelling some of the most famous stories, and she tells them in a way that is captivating and exciting. Her newest release, Blank Paige, on the other hand, is Griffin’s first foray into a literary world all her own, though she enlists the help of famous fictional characters to unravel it. A forging of a path that grips and enthralls readers, this latest tale of wonder is one that can surprise an audience around every corner, because every page has a destiny that is as yet untold. Griffin’s work is at times whimsical, at times dark, but it all coalesces into a story that won’t soon leave your mind.
With this latest release, Griffin once again has a hit on her hands, and it is one that has its own breath of life that folks will be drawn to. Blank Paige is a story that you can come back to for a reread after you’ve finished, and you’ll notice hints and secrets that you may have missed the first time. The author has a wonderful talent of telling many-layered tales, and they end up coming to life in more ways than one. Many of our readers have already fallen in love with the magic that Ashley Griffin brings to life. Now is your chance to find a new story to immerse yourself in. Check out Blank Paige, by Ashley Griffin, on Amazon today!
Trial and Redemption (JANUS KEY SERIES)
Thomas Reilly writes with authority, the culmination of all his studies and research coming to a point with Chasing Time and its sequel, Trial and Redemption. These two books in the Janus Key series find a careful balance between educating his audience and entertaining them. Make no mistake, Reilly’s work may have some semblance of academic merit, but it astounds on the back of interesting and captivating storylines, and characters who you’ll want to follow. They’re brilliant and courageous, but never feel so spectacular in their presentation that they seem unreal. And even though Reilly weaves magic into his tale, there’s a certain degree of realism to that as well.
While Reilly’s work is certainly on the periphery of the fantasy works that we often see in the Otherworld, there’s enough magic at play in the world he writes that it deserves a look. There’s a magic to the way he writes as well, ensuring that readers will always have twists and turns to look forward to. That pace will carry them quickly to the end, racing through one page after the next to find out how it can possibly wrap up. Now that book two is out, it’s a great time to jump into the author’s wonderful stories. Check out Trial and Redemption (JANUS KEY SERIES) on Amazon today!
The Festival of Sin: and other tales of fantasy
Author J. M. Unrue is a playful storyteller. They like to write fiction that is sometimes framed in with good humor, or in satire, and is largely an intellectual pursuit. So it is in The Festival of Sin: and other tales of fantasy, where Unrue starts things off with a narrator who explains things in witty ways, even when they’re trying to present something that can feel at times overwhelming. There is a level of sci-fi that bleeds through into these tales from time to time as well, showing that Unrue is a fan of speculative fiction in more than just one of its shades. There is a certain level of intelligence to many of Unrue’s characters and the tales they find themselves within, but nothing seems preachy, and the writing isn’t expecting any homework of its readers.
Though this anthology comprises just six stories, it is a tremendous endeavor, and a trek into strange unknowns that fans of fantasy will enjoy. Each is catching and captivating, and readers will feel like they’ve learned something—if not within the stories, than perhaps within themselves. If you have a penchant for exploring complex and compelling stories, this could be the anthology for you. There’s no better time than now to dive into Unrue’s latest collection. Check out The Festival of Sin: and other tales of fantasy on Amazon today!
The Ways of Wayward Witches (A Tale of Three Sisters Book 1)
Author Evelyn King set lofty aspirations for her debut release, but she has the amazing foresight, planning and dedication to see those goals reached. That book, The Ways of Wayward Witches (A Tale of Three Sisters Book 1) is massive in its scope, with the author laying a foundation beyond the events that surround the main characters which is truly impressive. At the same time though, the way that King writes Lumen and her growing cast of surrounding characters is captivating, and it draws readers in to a level of immersion that does not release its hold easily. Whether readers are looking for exciting magic, steamy romance, or witty dialog, King has it all in spades.
King’s book contains a good deal of fan favorite tropes without feeling reductive or derivative. Instead, The Ways of Wayward Witches feels like it puts a fresh spin on things. It’s also impeccably paced, with snappy chapters that draws readers into the next one. Before they know it, the climax fast approaches, leaving them hungry for more. With the promise of more to come that ought to be just as epic, there’s never been a better time to pick up King’s excellent saga starter. Check out The Ways of Wayward Witches (A Tale of Three Sisters Book 1) on Amazon today!
Alpha Onset (Echoes of Men in Female World Book 1)
Author A. Morrow has a tremendous task that they have rose to the occasion to complete in their debut story, Alpha Onset (Echoes of Men in Female World Book 1). This tremendous book tells of another world where the expectations are decidedly different than the reality that its lead character is prepared for, and that sets an interesting backdrop for the hearty content that follows. Here, in the world that Morrow has crafted, males are infrequent and valued. The matriarchal society that Evander awakes in is unfamiliar to him, and though there is a certain allure to being surrounded by beautiful, powerful women, it is also at first unsettling. Morrow takes this premise and builds a solid foundation around it, constructing a massive story to follow, that brims with battles, dynamic character development, and stunning secrets.
Exploring the sharp contrast between a world that required obvious strength to one that depends on subterfuge and clever tactics, the author delivers a tale that is captivating. Indeed, Alpha Onset will ensure readers are curious and excited as they flip through the pages. Though it is a sturdy narrative, it flows at an even pace. Readers will be compelled to continue their journey—never trapped within its substance. Straddling the line between fantasy and science-fi, there is a lot here for fans of speculative fiction. With another expansive book in the series having just released, there’s never been a better time to dive into Morrow’s intriguing world. Check out Alpha Onset (Echoes of Men in Female World Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Eternal Heir: Beware the Vampires of Berlin
Author Liv Viola takes a new stab at vampire fiction in the catching and captivating book The Eternal Heir: Beware the Vampires of Berlin. A master of painting intrigue into her story and into her character’s thoughts, Viola seems to have a bloody good time crafting her tale, and readers ought to enjoy spending time with Ava and the immortals she meets. The Eternal Heir is a vampire tale with a fresh take, and at times almost reads as an academy fantasy, in the best of ways. It’s playfully dark without being overwhelming, has some tinges of romance without being saccharine, and its wickedly funny at times as well.
With snappy chapters and a story that hooks you right from the first few pages, this formidable tale moves quickly. Viola carefully balances the richness of the underworld she’s created here, and the pacing of an action-packed, romantic vampire lit, ensuring that there’s something for everyone. She sets the rules in place, and then has all the fun in the world bending and breaking them, and invites fans of the genre to join her there in the moonlight. With the hint of more from this world apparent, there’s never been a better time to play. Check out The Eternal Heir: Beware the Vampires of Berlin on Amazon today!
Out of the Shadow: Under the Wing
Exploring themes of personal liberty and a worldwide attempt at an escape from tyranny, Out of the Shadow: Under the Wing, by Blue Matt Jeff, has the sort of hook that keeps the material with readers long after they’ve turned the last page. Though it presents with a fantasy veneer, the story hits close to home, as some people live the sort of lives that the lead character suffers through in our world as well. Jeff focuses a lens on the sort of tragedies that people might endure, effectively straddling a line between raising awareness and providing immersive entertainment that readers can’t look away from.
It doesn’t take long to recognize the author’s writing talents, but with every step deeper into the world they’ve designed, it’s becomes clearer that they have a deep appreciation for fantasy. Rich with lore and culture, with traditions that might seem incredible or barbaric, there is evidence of plenty of care at hand in the crafting of this realm, and the gripping tale at its forefront. With multiple projects in the works, this is a great time for readers to familiarize themselves with Blue Matt Jeff’s work. And perhaps there is even more to explore within the world that Malak hopes to not only survive in, but thrive in. Check out Out of the Shadow: Under the Wing on Amazon today!
Across Both Sides of the Mirror
Talented author Bianca Pensy Aba delights in her debut fantasy, a contemporary tale with a touch of magical realism, Across Both Sides of the Mirror. A journey of self-identity with characters that are relatable, the book is a terrific journey to go on that has some darker elements that keep readers captivated. Pensy Aba does a wonderful job of taking raw character moments and speaking them to truth, ensuring that the gravity of the story isn’t lost to the fantasy elements. Rather, everything blends into a perfect brew of otherworldly magic with real stakes.
Though Across Both Sides of the Mirror is a personal journey for Nova, it’s also one that resonates with a lot of people who are still discovering parts of themselves. It explores mythology in some creative and interesting ways, ensuring that fresh, exciting revelations are around every corner. This journey through two worlds is breathtaking, and readers will be engaged throughout, ready to stand by Nova through thick and thin until the last page. It’s a great time to begin your adventure through the looking glass. Check out Across Both Sides of the Mirror, by Bianca Pensy Aba, on Amazon today!
A Real Head Scratcher
Far be it from us to believe that the lives of barely-perceptible bugs are anything but epic. Malik Griffin takes this thought to heart, and crafts an entire story around what it might be like to be a flea on an escapade that would be an odyssey in proportion to a human in A Real Head Scratcher. When we look at books in the Otherworld, we look at how authors develop their worlds, and Griffin takes some interesting liberties with his story here, giving it more depth than you might expect at first glance.
A Real Head Scratcher may be brief, yes, but you can tell that the author had a roaring good time with it all the way through. The heroes of the story are fun to listen to and journey alongside, and by the end, you’re wondering what could possibly happen after the final page. One thing is for sure: Griffin has a knack for giving humor and gravitas to even the most innocuous-seeming beings. It will certainly be interesting to see where he goes next. But for now, best get to scratching with the author’s take on the incredible journey of these fleas. Check out A Real Head Scratcher, by Malik Griffin, on Amazon today!
Author Britta Dewey has tremendous presence within the first few pages of her debut fantasy, Worldtorn. This contemporary fantasy is set to be released in parts on the Kindle Vella platform, but you can tell immediately that the author has a sense of where her story needed to go from the very first sentence. Connecting it all are captivating characters and beautiful prose, immersing readers in two worlds that are deep and rich in their presentation. Most notably, Dewey has created a version of world-hopping here that feels fresh and exciting, keeping the focus on the entertaining cast of characters that she has developed. Even without a world-threatening problem, it would be enough just to sit and learn from these people.
There are some feelings of longing in Worldtorn, but there is a lightness there as well. If nothing else, there is an immense expression of potential, in so many ways, and it transcends the story as the lead characters folds between worlds. The story excites you in some strange and powerful ways, and somehow the waiting feels even more electric in this story. Be on the lookout for more from this author, as they are going to keep you excited and interested throughout this adventure and beyond. Check out Worldtorn, by Britta Dewey, on Amazon Vella today!
Arranged Mating: Otherworlders Series (Adult Content)
Author Chris Rogers hits the bookshelf with a witty and sexual debut in Arranged Mating, the first book in her Otherworlders series. The author begins by giving the reader characters that they can easily find themself drawn to, and who they are eager to see find happiness and fulfillment. It’s just the right amount of steamy and sensual, with romantic and sexual tension that keeps urging the reader to continue along and discover how the relationships will evolve and grow. While a tussle between the characters happens often enough in the sheets, there is enough intrigue and danger around every corner to keep the world as compelling and immersive as the sinful affairs.
As with all great urban fantasies, things are not always sunshine and roses for the shifters of Arranged Mating. There are plenty of moments of frustration (both sexual and otherwise), and twists and turns that make you wonder if the characters you grow to love will make it out in one piece. But Rogers keeps with the pace, and ensures that every step of the way, there’s something that hooks readers in and keeps them going, eager until the last page. And there’s plenty of room for a follow-up, so there’s never been a better time than now to blow off some steam with a fun and tawdry fantasy. Check out Arranged Mating: Otherworlders Series on Amazon today.
SPARKS OF MAGIC: Shifter Fantasy Romance
Author Nicole Sparkman sets out a feast for her readers, as her debut, SPARKS OF MAGIC: Shifter Fantasy Romance, is pure literary delicacy, meant to sweep up readers by their senses. Sparkman’s lead character, Pure Eagle, already has her feet planted firmly on different borders of her personality, having been born a part of two tribes. She was also born of a prophecy, a golden glow that promised greatness making her a sort of contemporary fantasy superhero that has the potential to make superfans out of interested readers. It is through Pure Eagle’s eyes that Sparkman crafts an interesting world that one can take flight in.
Presented as if by account of Pure Eagle, Sparks of Magic reads quick and breezy. Sparkman’s story flutters between interesting events one after another, and readers will never feel as though they’ve lingered in one place for too long. The caveat, of course, is that readers will be hungry for more as they turn the final page of the author’s book, looking for more expressive worldbuilding and tender romance. If all works out well, a sequel will arrive before long. Check out SPARKS OF MAGIC: Shifter Fantasy Romance on Amazon today!
The Witch of Knightcharm
As catching and captivating as any of the stories that Aaron Canton has crafted for myriad worlds, it is the one that he crafts for himself that perhaps shows the most promise and potential. The Witch of Knightcharm is a sequential story that the author releases new episodic content twice each week. From the get-go, readers will come face to face with Emily, a compelling heroine that is tremendous easy to cheer on throughout her challenges. Canton excels at character moments, showing the emotions that lead to moments of growth. But the author also hits the ground running with an explosive start, showing readers the stakes and the danger that is present within the world he builds here. His action sequences are electric without being too frenetic, and they have real oomph, leaving you worrying about your heroes every step along the way.
The Witch of Knightcharm sits right on the line of the very popular academy fantasy subgenre, and as an urban fantasy filled with magic, it is also very likely to captivate readers who can’t get enough of spells and sorcery. Wrapped in ribbons of witty, fun dialog, and worldbuilding that continues to grow richer through every chapter, this is the perfect gift for fantasy fans. Canton releases new episodes of his story twice per week. There are fourteen episodes available, with more on the way, so now is the perfect time to dive into the tale. Check out The Witch of Knightcharm by Aaron Canton on Amazon Kindle Vella today!
Resort Aquatica
Author Frederic Lee puts a modern spin on mermaid stories and fantasies of the sea with his wonderful contemporary fantasy, Resort Aquatica. Lee does a wonderful job of bringing the resort to life, giving the setting exquisite details that help to immerse the reader in the story. From the attractive views that the author paints, to the characters that deliver quirky and witty dialog, this is one of those stories that readers can latch onto and not let go of until the last page. And even when the cast is acting badly, there’s still something peculiarly fun about the way everything is presented.
Lee manages to make contemporary fantasy feel fresh and new here in his version of the Bermuda Triangle. There are fun twists and turns in every chapter, which ensure that Resort Aquatica remains a page-turner throughout. There is enough mystery elevating this story that the unwinding plot threads alone are enough to keep readers feverishly making their way from cover to cover. And with a romp-roaring good time leading toward the final pages of the book, there’s certainly the possibility for more yet to come from this talented storyteller. Check out Resort Aquatica, by Frederic Lee, on Amazon today!
The Legend of the Copper Cyborg: Loading
Authors L. Hawk and J. Hawk bring forth a robust yet nuanced take on videogames-to-life with The Legend of the Copper Cyborg: Loading. With a feel of a LitRPG but without the tremendous focus on numbers or leveling, this story taps into the sort of experiences that younger readers thoroughly enjoy. And though it is ideal for older children and young adults, it can be enjoyed by anyone with a sense of whimsy and a penchant for adventure. The Hawks imagine a world where the assets inside a videogame are as real as the world we live in, allowing it to develop a sort of magical feel that carries through to the very last page.
As the authors have given themselves a foundation with which they can go into many different directions, the story never feels like it lags. Readers will always be invited into the next big event or pulled toward the next reveal, which feels earned and rewarding. And it helps to have a fun cast to spend the time in the videogame alongside. The dialog feels very conversational and grounded, as if readers would perhaps be eavesdropping on the characters as a fly on the wall. Readers will be rooting for them all the way through the last page of the tale. With a second book on the way, there’s never been a better time to dive into this series. Check out The Legend of the Copper Cyborg: Loading on Amazon today!
House of Ravens: An Urban Fantasy (The Shadow Atlas)
Jenny Sandiford has already set the tone in her wonderful Shadow Atlas series with The Initiate, but her prequel, House of Ravens, helps to explore the greater span of the world that she’s layered beneath our own. There are attractive intricacies, an entire realm of magic that live beyond the pages of her original book, and this book serves well to shine some light on the shadows, while also inviting new questions into the fold. Sandiford’s love for the genre is glowing, and it carries through into her work as well. The author doesn’t just let her words sit idly atop the world, but uses them to paint beautiful pictures.
Sandiford plays with magic in fresh and interesting ways, and it permeates the story as well. There’s a fair share of grit and grime in this dangerous world beneath our own, but the author offsets it with attractive scenes that make use of those shades of grey. Her study of contemporary fantasy means that she excels at creating captivating scenes that really pop, interesting characters that are great fun to follow, and snappy chapters that whisk the reader forward into the next enticing event. With the first book in the series already out, and the second book releasing this April, there has never been a better time to explore this prelude. Check out House of Ravens: An Urban Fantasy (The Shadow Atlas) on Amazon today!
The Tools of the Ghost (In the Path of the Ghost, Book 1)
Hemant Nayak’s standout debut, The Tools of the Ghost (In the Path of the Ghost, Book 1) is receiving rave reviews, and it’s not hard to see why. It’s a deep and rich story masquerading underneath dark shadows, and sometimes darker, grotesque violence. How do you fight that? With darkness on your side as well. Nayak balances the gloom with humor and wit, ensuring that the snappy story never feels too depraved to be enjoyable. Indeed, in certain ways this reads like someone found a lost comic for an antihero and developed an entire novel around it, to wondrous effect.
It takes two to make this story the kind of success it is. Hemant Nayak hammers away at prose and dialog that nail down the atmosphere and cast of this great fantasy. And The Ghost is compelling and interesting, and atypical for what you expect from the genre, leaving this book feeling fresh and worthy of further exploration. That works out great, because Nayak is already hard at work on multiple follow-ups, and has already released a prequel that dives further into the world surrounding The Ghost. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to let this new dark hero in. Check out The Tools of the Ghost (In the Path of the Ghost, Book 1) on Amazon today!
The four lives of Robinson Appleson
Author Véronique Iswery Pasquet does a remarkable job balancing immersion and self-awareness in her debut, The four lives of Robinson Appleson. Her book is playful and humorous where it needs to be, but it also tells a compelling story that will leave readers hooked from beginning to end. Set up almost like a pseudo biography, the narrator explains their multiple reincarnations, and what they’ve encountered throughout each of these existences. It’s a challenging notion, but one Pasquet meets head on, and easily conquers. This is thanks to the aforementioned narrator, who has a witty presence, as well as a tone and cadence that makes the book feel conversational in all the right places.
Pasquet’s command over her story means that she can make even the snobby folks like the Applesons seem appealing, but it is the subtle storyline that exists beneath the braggadocio that will really keep readers enthralled. The author’s exploration of the past lives is catching as well, and it keeps the story feeling fresh, allowing surprises to flitter across the funnier stories in some very meaningful ways. Before readers know it, they’ll reach the end of a very cheeky tale, but they’ll certainly be hungry for more from this compelling author. Check out The four lives of Robinson Appleson by Véronique Iswery Pasquet on Amazon today!
Keisha and The Rise of the Legacy (The Inferno Verse Book 1)
Author T.R. Tells has been working on stories since she was eleven, and with a multitude of different tales under her belt, it has all led to a tremendous story in Keisha and the Rise of the Legacy, the first book in the Inferno Verse series. It’s an interesting twist on Dante’s Inferno, and Tells finds the means to make it a spellbinding way of exploring one of the world’s best known epics. The book begins its own epic in some very cool ways, as the author creates a rich version of our world—or rather the world that exists beneath our own, hidden from the eyes of mortals. With maps and a glossary and plenty of lore to be found, it presents a multifaceted story that fantasy readers will love, and can easily be lost within.
Despite a sizable word count worthy of the epic fantasy that this is, Keisha’s first tale is one that rips and roars at a decent pace, ensuring readers won’t want to step away from the story. Such an addiction is aided by interesting characters that fans of the genre will want to spend time with, and who they will empathize with throughout the narrative. Before they know it, readers will navigate twists and turns all the way to the ending, and they’ll be hungry for more. With a sequel that is due out later this year, there has never been a better time to explore the world beneath our own in Tells’s fantastic book. Check out Keisha and The Rise of the Legacy (The Inferno Verse Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Word of the Seer
Author George Murray Wilson has wrapped up a lovely tale wrapped in a bow as his gift to fans of fantasy with his first tale, The Word of the Seer. Readers will no doubt sense that Wilson is a history buff, as he’s done his research and painted every inch of his versions of Scotland with great detail. There’s a passion for nature that shines through as well, with the descriptions presented in beautiful prose whenever he can show a world worth protecting. Tying it all together, is a banger of a story, with twists and turns that readers won’t expect.
Bolstered by two very interesting characters, as well as a supporting cast, Seer is entertaining throughout. It spends just enough time with its pacing to give you a chance to stop and smell the flowers without lingering too long. While there’s always the possibility to see something beyond what Wilson lays out here, it really is a story that ends perfectly, so this could be a wonderful one-off for your next reading excursion. Don’t wait on this great story. Check out The Word of the Seer on Amazon today!
The Seers: The Awakening
Author James Hai delivers the narrative of his debut contemporary fantasy with an artistic flair. In The Seers: The Awakening—the first of three speculative fiction romps in Hai’s upcoming calendar—the author enjoys playing with shadows and light, letting readers into the world he’s crafted in just the right ways. You can see his passion on display from cover to cover, as he spends the time to weave a version of our world that feels distinct and captivating, with characters who aren’t merely pulled out of the aether, but feel as though they are rich with wants and needs, and entire backstories beneath the surface.
The Seers moves forth at a steady pace, never feeling rushed, and refusing to linger too long where it would not need to. Instead, Hai finds a clever balance as with the rest of his work in placing bread crumbs that lead readers to new revelations and explosive encounters. By the end of the book, you can see that there are hints of where the story could go after its conclusion. While Hai will no doubt explore more of the world he’s built, this wonderful debut also feels like it could stand alone enough that readers should not feel they have to wait. Check out The Seers: The Awakening on Amazon today!
Hell vs. Heaven
Author Reinhold Fuchs, also known as Ryan, The Devil Fox, has created a charming and satirical look at some of the Christian folklore and mythology that accompanies the biblical teachings. Hell vs. Heaven turns certain expectations on its head, and though it starts off with a tremendous amount of tongue-in-cheek jokes and ribs, winking along as it goes, it somehow pulls readers in close, and even develops a rather heartwarming story. It weaves humor and lore throughout its tapestry, ensuring that its audience receives some well-earned “aha” moments that drive the narrative forward, rather than just exist as a series of interconnected jokes.
It is apparent at once that the author had great fun writing the tale, and that he has more yet to introduce to the world. Moving at a quick pace that makes each of the story’s chapters feel fun and bite-sized, readers will have the story done in a snap, and may be eager for a follow-up. Fuchs’s work is certainly meant to delight, and not to stir up any trouble, divine or otherwise. If readers are looking for something that is charming despite its demonic nature, this may be the book for them. Check out Hell vs. Heaven on Amazon today!
Doomsday (The Doomsday Series Book 1)
R.L. Gemmill has unleashed six of his “near future” young adult sci-fi horror stories in the Doomsday series, but it all starts with the first book of the same name (which was once called The Demon Conspiracy). But while Doomsday is very much a horror, in that it includes demons and can be a bit scary or eerie at times, there’s some lightness and quirkiness in this first book in the series. That’s achieved in a few ways, but most notably by the interesting demons, and the gaslighting that occurs for the poor children main characters. Gemmill certainly captures the essence of being in your youth and sort of being dismissed because your ideas are seen as nothing but fairytales.
While Doomsday is certainly contemporary, and fits in a the sci-fi and horror buckets, it also feels very much like an urban fantasy. It’s perhaps telling that Gemmill shares those first initials with Stine, because Doomsday has a playful sort of base that it embraces in order to feel as though its filled with magic and mystery. The author sets a lot of things in motion in this first book, and that lures readers into the rest of the series in very satisfying ways. Don’t delay. Check out Doomsday (The Doomsday Series Book 1) for free on R.L. Gemmill’s website!
The Legend of the Lost Child: Book Two of the Codex Chronicles
When we first talked about Annie O’Connell’s debut, The Lunar Codex, we were impressed with its enjoyable characters, its lively world, and the way that the author built the story to be shamelessly addicting. Now the sequel is here, and The Legend of the Lost Child is another fast-paced paranormal fantasy in line with True Blood or Teen Wolf, and O’Connell certainly continues to tell the tale with incredible cinematic flair. Though a tremendous amount of work went into the first book in making Jace and the supporting characters appear dynamic, the author makes certain that the journey, both in the world, and inward, did not stop there. It is compelling seeing these characters continue to grow. O’Connell adds extra oomph to everything, ensuring that the sequel feels bigger and better in every way.
The author recounts the story of the first book without being heavy-handed, ensuring that even if readers come to the story late, they can pick up from this one. And just because the characters found some measure of success in the first book, that doesn’t mean that there are no stakes here, as readers will always wonder and worry about what might be coming around the corner. O’Connell has been a tremendous force of urban fantasy content, and she’s fallen into a rhythm here that will no doubt hook even more readers as she continues her journey into the culture of these books. A new release is not far from sight, so now is a great time to pick up this book (and it’s predecessor). Check out The Legend of the Lost Child: Book Two of the Codex Chronicles on Amazon today!
THE LUNAR CODEX: Book One of the Codex Chronicles
Annie O’Connell is a writer who you would be hard-pressed to guess was brand new on the scene. The author’s new release, THE LUNAR CODEX: Book One of the Codex Chronicles, draws you in and doesn’t let go. It’s great fun for young and new adults, but it’s got enough quality content to impress and entertain even older fans of the genre. O’Connell’s lead is enjoyable to be around, as readers learn about his past alongside him, and the supporting cast of characters, and the town that they inhabit are just as enchanting. It’s easy to find yourself lost in Williston.
THE LUNAR CODEX doesn’t just feel like a slice of life story that you can put away into a drawer when you’re done. It feels alive, and you feel like a part of it as you’re unravelling mysteries along Jace. By the time it wraps up, you’re already hungry for more. Another book is on the horizon, featuring Jace learning more about how to get to the root of who he is and what he can accomplish, but for now, it’s a great time to get acclimated to the story, the characters, and O’Connell’s great writing. Check out THE LUNAR CODEX: Book One of the Codex Chronicles on Amazon today!
The Channeler
Author R.C. Allen is no stranger to the carefully crafted word. His first book released a decade ago, and he’s only refined his talents and his prose since then, delivering a book with a strong foundation and an enjoyable and captivating instability that will leave readers wanting more. In The Channeler, Allen unleashes an interesting character, and an expanding ensemble, we’ll say, that surrounds them. Right from the first page, there’s just enough on the surface that readers will be compelled to want to learn more, and as things begin to unravel, it’s like whatever thread the story is pulling is also pulling them. And it will continue to pull, straight through to the end.
A touch urban fantasy, a dash paranormal mystery, and an exciting personal adventure to its core, The Channeler is something that ought not be missed. Allen has a penchant for making his stories feel real, and his world lived-in, as though the events therein did indeed occur. That is, perhaps, why it is so interested to follow along with Max as he begins to learn more about his strange abilities, and what to do with his knowledge of them. It’ll be a brisk adventure, as Allen’s pacing and cadence are even and catching, but by the end of the story, readers will no doubt want to keep up with the character, and with the author. For now though, check out The Channeler by R.C. Allen on Amazon today!
The Prescott Legacy: A Medical Urban Fantasy Novel
The debut work of author Robert Sounvonnakasy certainly casts a sort of reflection on our own world, and in the events that have shaped the years since the pandemic. But The Prescott Legacy: A Medical Urban Fantasy Novel takes all that tragedy and worry and puts a spin on it that effectively turns it into something a bit more thrilling and exciting, and certainly something with a bit of magic to it. Sounvonnakasy spins a lot of plates in bringing this story to life. The tale blends elements of fantasy into our world in some interesting ways that make the story feel lively, without being so otherworldly that you’re forced to suspend your disbelief too much.
With vivid descriptions, and a narrative that moves forward at just the right pace, this is a medical thriller most won’t want to miss. It might hit a little close to home for some, but the author keeps things raw and real enough to immerse readers into the tale. To top it off, you’ve got some fantastic characters that you’ll love to empathize with as you learn about the tragedies they’ve endured, and must face going forward. With the next book in the series, The Prescott Unity, already underway, there is no better time than now to dive into Sounvonnakasy’s thrilling debut. Check out The Prescott Legacy: A Medical Urban Fantasy Novel on Amazon today!
End of Normals (Books of Forsaken Futures 2)
Already having a hit with his first book, author Shawn Nichols continues to wow with the sequel in his Books of Forsaken Futures series. In End of Normals, the author introduces new dangers and challenges for his cast, but he hits his stride, nailing the pacing and style that he’s become known for, and indeed, elevating the world that he’s created. There continues to be an intensity to the conflicts, and Nichols leans into the insanity of everything that is going on. With characters who are this dynamic and detailed, it’s easy for them to take center stage. They have big personalities that shine a spotlight on them, even in the midst of all the crazy things unfolding.
Nichols continues to enrich his world, too, and his adoration for what he’s built here is on full display. The author is intensely fixated on delivering a great story, not just for the readers, but for the characters as well, and every chapter seems to construct more of a base for what’s to follow. Certainly things wrap up where they should, but Nichols has plenty of pages left in him at this point, which should sate the appetites of many hungry readers. If frenetic action, interesting revelations, and characters that drip with style are something that fans are looking for, the Books of Forsaken Futures are up there alley, and End of Normals, the second book in the series, is an excellent entry in it. Check out End of Normals (Books of Forsaken Futures 2) on Amazon today!
Dawn of Beyonders (Books of Forsaken Futures 1)
Once again, we take a look at one of the books at Shawn Nichols, a prolific storyteller who has a knack for writing interwoven tales that coalesce into something complex and brilliant. Dawn of Beyonders has recently been recompiled, and given some additional clarity, but it’s still as intense and insane as it always was. Set in the same universe as his massive choose-your-own-adventure book, this first novel in the Forsaken Futures series captures the same strange and captivating magic that readers have come to expect from the author. Nichols’s characters are back in full force as well, showing off their extreme personalities, all while the author puts them through the wringer.
Nichols is incredibly passionate about the world that he has created here. Readers will go on a journey that few other authors could handle so well, thanks in part to the copious notes, lore and history that creates the foundation for the Books of Forsaken Futures series. This initial novel is only the first step into a weird and wild world that fans won’t soon forget. With four other books already in the catalog, along with an author who thrives on making content, this could be the strange and exciting contemporary fantasy series that you’ve been waiting on. Check out Dawn of Beyonders (Books of Forsaken Futures 1) on Amazon today!
Allen Storm and the Demon King
Brimming with mysticism and sorcery, L.A. Hope’s debut fantasy, Allen Storm and the Demon King, is a magic academy tale that readers won’t soon forget. It’s not just the titular character that fans will fall in love with though. Hope’s pantheon of characters is entertaining throughout, with some of the magical beings really working their way into the hearts and minds of those that are bound to devour this story. It helps that the heroes appear as characters that teens and young adults could enjoy the company beside, easily imagining their own time at the mysterious and quirky school for gifted magic users.
Things start with little twists and turns, but by the end of their time in this initial book, readers will be on the edge of their seat, eager to learn about the next reveal. Even the end wraps things up well enough for this singular release, but it also alludes to what is coming next for Allen and his friends. With a total of nine books in the series planned, Hope has his work cut out for him. However, seeing just how much he enjoys spending time at St. Aldertone’s Academy, alongside Allen Storm and his companions, it’s easy to believe it won’t be too long a wait before the next book is here. Check out Allen Storm and the Demon King on Amazon today!
The New Age: The Caribbean Witch
Author Vox Deruste debuts their first feature length contemporary fantasy with a tale that has a lot that it must balance. The New Age: The Caribbean Witch is a story about identity, and finding oneself during one of the greatest of calamities. Its focus is on one central character, but it doesn’t shy away from familial bonds, and the way that history can connect people. And it pulls back the veil on magic and a hidden world beneath our own that is interesting without being too derivative of what has come before. Deruste manages to bring the light out of the bleakest moments, and drives the story forward with hope and unity.
Between all the threads that The Caribbean Witch weaves, it ties everything up into a nice package by its conclusion. It ends well enough on its own, but Deruste is talented enough to let the threads of fate take the story in whichever direction they so choose, and there could be more magic in store for readers. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to dive into this book. Check out The New Age: The Caribbean Witch on Amazon today!
Friend of the Undead: A My Life Among the Undead book
The first book of many in Camara M. Bragdon’s My Life Among the Undead series, Friend of the Undead takes readers on a whirlwind adventure alongside the gifted Shelly. Bolstered by Bragdon’s wit and charm, the tale hits all the right beats: sarcastic dialog; some touching moments; and action that keeps readers engaged throughout. The author also stitches together a big enough tapestry that allows her to really explore the version of the world she’s created, and breathe life into it, even if some of her characters aren’t exactly living.
Friend of the Undead isn’t afraid to be different. It turns some expectations completely upside down, and has more twists and turns than you could shake a stake at. And, this quirky young adult contemporary fantasy is only the beginning with nine—yes, nine—other books in the series already available, readers could be on a nice reading high with Bragdon and her characters for a nice long time. Join the journey at its start. Check out Friend of the Undead: A My Life Among the Undead book on Amazon today!
Souljourner: A Karmic Crime Story
Paul Steven Stone’s Souljourner: A Karmic Crime Story is a sort of metaphysical thriller that readers will find catching and entertaining, especially to those who consider themselves knowledge-seekers. Stone has a penchant for showing the importance of education, and the thrill of wisdom, both to his characters, and to his readers. Souljourner expands on what one might typically think of understanding and knowing, complicated in the best of ways by the possibility of some lighthearted deceptions. It’s a strange and exciting ride, every step of the way.
Souljourner is the kind of unique read that you only find once in a blue moon. Stone’s interesting interpretation of events and captivating storytelling style will keep the reader engaged from cover to cover. It’s an especially good tale for readers who wants to see elements of themselves in the characters. Stone’s book is the second of a trilogy, but both are written in a way that you can pick them up regardless of any chronology. With a third on the way, there’s no better time than now to dive in. Check out Souljourner: A Karmic Crime Story on Amazon today!
Wishful Hearts (Wishful Series Book 1)
Author Morgan Rugg hits the ground running with her first feature length urban fantasy in Wishful Hearts, the first book in her Wishful series. The tale contains warm, welcoming themes, even among the challenges the heroes face. Wishful Hearts puts twists on fairytale creatures, with an added bonus to humans who have the capacity to bridge the gap. While a driving force of the story is the main character finding herself, she’s only one part of the overall tale, and you can tell that Rugg has spent considerable time creating a deep and rich world that exists beyond the veil.
Although there is a touch of darkness here and there, Rugg’s tale has more bright spots than it has shadows, making it accessible to anyone. It’s not a short book, but it is a quick read, because those enjoying it won’t be able to put it down. Spending time with Maude and Lendyll feels refreshing, even when they’re dealing with the darker parts of their quest. And even when that first quest draws to an end, readers will have something to look forward to. With a second book on the way, there’s no better time than now to begin your journey into Rugg’s debut urban fantasy. Check out Wishful Hearts (Wishful Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
Mr. Spectacular
Exciting and excitable, the tale of Mr. Spectacular is a charming and peculiar first for author Kunegunda Price. Indeed, this story has plenty of heart, and the majority of it is filled with joy and wonder. Price seems to have the time of her life in describing the lives of their main characters, and the amazing things they do. Even as the content of the story shifts to more serious fare, there’s always an underpinning of whimsy. There’s a fine bit of magic and science fantasy to Price’s story, and children or readers who are ready to embrace their inner-child are in for a treat.
Though it’s a shorter story, Mr. Spectacular does a lot with the brief page count it has. It sets the tone, and then sets the characters off on their adventure, and sends them on their way into the greater world that’s being built. The pace is electric, and that is perhaps why readers who enjoy the story will be hungry for more by the time it ends. Price looks to be aiming to continue the story, meaning if a quirky, whimsical series is something a reader is interested in, this could be right up their alley. Check out Mr. Spectacular on Amazon today!
Realms Apart: The Portal and Key Chronicles, Volume II
Author Jonathan T. Salisbury has already delivered one wonderful fantasy with the first book in his Portal and Key Chronicles book. Now, the sequel to Blood Bonded is here, and it is just as magical as the first. Realms Apart is instantly catching, as it has interesting and prose that is written very well and will keep readers engaged. Salisbury doesn’t just write flowery description. His action sequences are exciting, and there is a flair of adventure present throughout. It helps that he has a strong female lead that impresses in one chapter after another, but the author also has antagonists that are fiendish, and readers will love to hate them.
Realms Apart takes place in such a rich realm that just combing through the author’s handy glossary in the back of his book can be exciting. There’s a whole world that exists here, and it feels alive and filled with history. It is certainly recommended that you pick up the first book in Salisbury’s series, but you can actually read book two and go back to fill in some blanks later if you so choose. Salisbury delivers a solid enough book that it could stand alone and reference back to the original book even without someone needing to read it. If that piques your interest, don’t sleep on this sophomore title in the author’s series. Check out Realms Apart: The Portal and Key Chronicles, Volume II on Amazon today!
Sky of Shadows
Just spend a few moments in Tyler Craig Nixon’s debut fantasy, and you’ll see how much he loves the world and the characters that he’s created. In Sky of Shadows, he takes his lead character on a captivating journey that is akin to Japanese Isekai. It’s therefore very interesting to see the author’s view on throwing a character into another world at the time of their death. Readers will want to learn more about what happened to the main character, and see how he is going to react to his new environment, and to the people he encounters. There are plenty of twists and turns that will keep readers enticed, and some big revelations that make the journey worth it.
Nixon has been writing this tale since he was seventeen, and has been refining it ever since. Because of his passion for this project, Sky of Shadows is gripping in some places, and mysterious in others, and it encourages readers to race through the story and find all the last revelations that can be found by the last page. The story could satisfy well enough as self-contained, but Nixon leaves the door open for more, with a sequel planned for next year. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to familiarize yourself with this tale. Check out Sky of Shadows on Amazon today!
The Fire Inside My Soul
Author Julia Baeten would have you believing that she’s been at work as a storyteller for the better part of her life, as she has crafted a winning love story with her debut, that amounts to so much more. In The Fire Inside My Soul, readers will be faced with deep and complex characters that grow in many ways. At its core, Baeten’s tale centers around powerful, deep feelings. The book contains profound subject matter that is handled remarkably well, and readers can feel the passion and the emotion apparent within the pages. Though it’s exciting, and moves at a wonderful pace as it mixes heart-racing action and vengeance in some places, it also takes the time it needs to show poise and tenderness, and it feels properly balanced throughout.
With twists and turns in all the right places, and defying other expectations as well, Baeten’s debut sizzles. It’s heartfelt and captivating, capturing its reader’s attention and not letting go until the last page. It helps that the characters let the audience in, never shying away from any vulnerabilities, and embracing any flaws that might shine through their lives. Those who read this tale will no doubt want to keep eyes on Baeten’s catalog, and she already has another one-off book that will earn its own praise. But it’s always great to start at the beginning, and her first is a winner. Check out The Fire Inside My Soul on Amazon today!
The Deep: A tale beyond the waves
Author Mariam Sheriff steps into the writer’s ring with a magical tale about a world that exists beyond the veil of our own. In her debut, The Deep: A tale beyond the waves, readers step into the mind of narrator Stanley, who works as a sort of vehicle for the story to follow. In a lot of ways, any reader can sort of imagine themselves in Stanley’s shoes, as he’s not so imposing a character that he overbears his personality on anything. Instead, he acts as a guide to the magic that Sheriff injects into her story. The fantasy elements of the story are realistic and rich, and never take fans out of the action.
A reader can move through a few pages of Sheriff’s tale, and easily keep to the pace, tearing through the story. Images in the book and snappy dialog help to further immerse readers, and keep them invested in the magical places apparent throughout. The author paints seascapes with wonderful detail, and an often lyrical cadence. Sheriff’s work can be flowery, but it’s because a focus of the world beneath the surface of our own has to be described in such beauty. The story ends solidly, but you can still see sparks of magic on the periphery, whether it’s another story still to be written in this part of Sheriff’s universe, or something new scribbled into existence altogether. Now’s your chance to see the author’s debut and say you were there when it all started. Check out The Deep: A tale beyond the waves on Amazon today!
Summoning Spruce
Author Ann Ornie has cracked the code to developing a honed, balanced urban fantasy that’s got touches of magical realism and whodunnit mysterious overtones. In her first feature-length tale, Summoning Spruce, readers will soon learn that the author has a tremendous talent with her attention to detail and descriptions. Ornie makes you feel like you’re a part of the journey just by immersing you into the world. The characters and the places that she writes about feel fully-realized, almost as if they existed before the author committed them to page. Their lives seem full and established, and you get a sense that they’ve got their own unwritten backstories, secrets, wants and desires, and it helps to breathe so much life into the tale.
While there’s certainly some darkness amidst the mystery surrounding the events of the story, it’s the beauty that shines through more often than not. Summoning Spruce goes beyond just the pages of the book as well, showing readers that there is a possibility to see the magic all around them as well. The book will have readers excitedly flipping through pages until the very end, and then hungry for more from Ornie once everything is wrapped up. Time will tell whether or not Ornie has more in store for Josephine, but you can thoroughly enjoy this tale on its own again and again. Check out Summoning Spruce on Amazon today!
The Killer Hunters: Book One Lexi
Author Damon Peel has the sort of imagination that lets him craft darker stories that have some quirkiness to them, humor in all the right places, and the means to pull readers along with every flip of a page. His debut, The Killer Hunters: Book One Lexi, is so vastly different than what you’re likely to expect when you’re thinking of a dark fantasy or contemporary horror. There are some fantasy elements, but in a lot of ways it’s like an inverse to the most common horror stories fans have read or watched. The Killer Hunters benefits from being very well-choreographed, as Peel is able to put together some interesting action sequences that almost feels like second nature.
The Killer Hunters pulls you in with how interesting and at times insane it is, and doesn’t let go. But that’s great, because you want something as strange and eerie as this to be engaging, keeping you on the edge of your seat. Peel sets the stage with his debut, but there is certainly more to come, and you can tell that the author is eager to return to this strange variation of the world he’s built. While you’re waiting for the sequel, now is a great time to pick up the first book in the series. Check out The Killer Hunters: Book One Lexi on Amazon today!
Incandescent: Magic Unknown
Author Sarah Chayer has been hard at work developing her book for a long while, and because of that, it shines. Incandescent: Magic Unknown is a wonderful debut that has had time grow and evolve into a flagship for the storyteller that readers won’t soon forget. First and foremost is a great focus on characters, their development, and their relationships. Readers will feel driven to learn more about them, and to join them on their personal journeys. It also features well-crafted prose which is very descriptive. Chayer paints with broad strokes when she needs to, but she excels at even-paced, deliberate passages, with a lot of focus on touch and feel. And the author’s take on the world is worthy of exploration through every shadow, behind every corner, as well.
Though things move quickly, with chapters wrapping up fast enough to keep readers hungry for more, the story never feels like it is bound to hit anyone with a bout of whiplash. Everything feels seamless, and meticulously executed. Every twist and turn and deception is earned, and it feels rewarding for having reached it. All those qualities of the story coalesce into the strong presentation that fans keyed into Chayer’s work, eager for the next page, the next chapter, and when they’re so lucky, the next book. Hopefully it won’t be a long wait, but it will give you time to enjoy this debut in earnest. Check out Incandescent: Magic Unknown on Amazon today!
An Apology to Lucifer
Father and son authors Wayne E. Haley and Sean P. Haley have teamed up to create an interesting and immersive thriller debut that will certainly earn them an army of fans. In An Apology to Lucifer, they’ve brought together all the aspects of an entertaining and enjoyable supernatural thriller, and wrapped it up in a spectacular package. This relic-hunting adventure is filled with believable, likeable characters, whether you’re talking about the heroes or the villains. It pays attention to history and enlightens readers to it without feeling overly academic or heavy-handed. Instead, it rewards curiousness with great twists and turns.
An Apology to Lucifer is the kind of book that makes you want to keep going back, eager to read again. With fast, sharp chapters, the action and revelations whip by in a frenzy that readers can’t get enough of. It succeeds as a perfect mix of fast and furious page turning and a dread of knowing that a great story is coming to a close. Yet, there’s potentially more on the horizon. The Haleys have left plenty or room to move in a lot of directions with the version of our world they’ve revealed. Show these father and son authors that you’re ready for more. Check out An Apology to Lucifer on Amazon today!
S*W*A*G*G 4: Soulforce
Not merely the culmination of four books, but of nineteen, bringing together heroes from multiple stories, S*W*A*G*G 4: Soulforce, is the perfect book for young adults and older ones alike. Author Jill Marshall has been hard at work for years, developing her incredibly well-received coming-of-age tales that are not to be missed. After nineteen books, the curtains are set to fall one last time, and as such Marshall has given Soulforce her all. The first thing you’ll notice when you read any of the author’s stories is that she has plucky, charming characters. Bringing them all together for the S*W*A*G*G series is a no-brainer, and gives it an Avengers-level quality. The crossovers are as entertaining as they are magical, and this subset of the greater franchise can be read on its own before you read about the origin stories—it’s all entertaining, no matter where you start.
Putting her characters in oddball situations is part of the appeal for Marshall’s stories, and this one takes the cake, elevating the thrills and the action to new levels. As this final chapter comes to a close, there’s never been a better time to check out this amazing franchise that Marshall has created. Fans who move now might even be able to finish the sizable series before it hits the silver screen or smaller ones—Marshall’s universe has been optioned for TV and film! So what are you waiting for? Check out S*W*A*G*G 4: Soulforce on Amazon today!
Learning Balance (The Balance Series Book 2)
Across both of Amanda April Walsh’s books, she has over twenty five-star ratings, nailing down two flawless scores across both her books. Learning Balance (The Balance Series Book 2) picks up right where the first one, Finding Balance, left off, and this new one takes off running. Walsh knows how to write twists and turns that still surprise in her sophomore title, and they keep readers interested and invested throughout. At the same time, this sequel answers lingering questions from its predecessor, while still letting new mysteries bubble to the surface. Throughout it all, Walsh keeps readers immersed, and close to Devika. It’s easy to care for the character and to worry about what new challenges she’ll face.
Walsh’s latest engages readers in ways that make them feel present in the story. Fantasy fans who enjoy exquisite sensory details will take great pleasure in joining the authors characters in this tale. Learning Balance is a page turner that draws readers in, and moves them along at a wonderful pace. Walsh is already working on more in the series, which already has eager fans waiting to be immersed once more. With a new book just around the corner, it’s a great time to pick up this second-in-a-series (and the first book if you haven’t picked that up yet). Check out Learning Balance (The Balance Series Book 2) on Amazon today!
Finding Balance (The Balance Series Book 1)
Author Amanda April Walsh has a flawless five-star rating on her debut urban fantasy at the time of this writing, and it’s easy to see why. In Finding Balance (The Balance Series Book 1), she delivers on a lofty promise to her readers: that the story would be captivating throughout; that it would blend elements of action, romance and drama effortlessly; and that it would keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end, hungry for more. Finding Balance also finds enough twists and turns to keep it feeling fresh even in a saturated genre. Readers won’t feel as though they’ve tread the same ground here as they have before in other urban fantasies.
You’d be hard pressed to believe that Finding Balance is Walsh’s first book. She has a command over the genre, discovering a way to write to the tropes that people enjoy, while subverting those that readers don’t. And it helps that Walsh has the help of a wonderful cast on her side, who are easy to spend time with, and who you want to know more about—even outside of the enticing and mysterious lead. With a second book already out, and a third on the horizon, there’s never been a better time to pick up Walsh’s debut urban fantasy. Check out Finding Balance (The Balance Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
Pillars (Madeline’s Magic Book 1)
Author Claire Theriot Mestepey has set out to tell a heartfelt story in ways that you’ve never seen before in Pillars (Madeline’s Magic Book 1). Mestepey tells her story through the lens of someone with similar experiences as her protagonist, and it’s one that we don’t often see. Madeline’s journey begins like any other orphaned hero with the potential for magic, but with an interesting twist. She’s been paralyzed from the waist down since birth. It’s refreshing to see a twist on conventions, and a reminder that magic can come from anyone. It’s balanced well, also; Madeline isn’t defined by her wheelchair. It’s just a part of who she is. The author’s focus is on her main character, interesting as she is, but she takes time to explain all about the magic that permeates her vision of our world as well.
Interesting, catching characters and world-beyond-our-own-building aren’t the only things that the author excels at either. Mestepey’s prose reads like poetry in all the right places, moving things along from one string of interesting events to the next. Pillars is a considerable story that readers will still enjoy at a brisk pace. And even when it’s over, they’ll still be hungry for more from Mestepey. With her talents on full display here, it’s easy to hope that readers won’t be left waiting long for more from Madeline and her friends. Check out Pillars (Madeline’s Magic Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Devil’s Trill
If you’re on the lookout for an urban fantasy filled with catching magic that’s wrapped up in mystery and intrigue, you need look no further than The Devil’s Trill, by N.B. Saltsman. The author also knows how to create a feeling from her writing, sending chills up your spine or giving you goosebumps at just the right times. Saltsman has done her research, and as such, the world she’s built behind the veil of our own feels deep and rich. And is bolstered by characters that begin to feel more like your friends than tour guides showing you the scenery, as they’re multidimensional and dynamic throughout the run of the story.
If you’re a fan of contemporary fantasy who is looking to be not just entertained, but impressed, The Devil’s Trill is the book for you. It’s energetic in all the right places, and enigmatic when it is laying out its mysteries. Though the book ends with great satisfaction, there are still more secrets left to unravel. With luck, Saltsman will have more from her captivating world soon, but you shouldn’t wait to dive into her incredible debut. Check out The Devil’s Trill on Amazon today!
Demon Breathing Down My Neck
Author Nick Mikel delights with their versions of angels and demons with very human qualities. Demon Breathing Down My Neck is Mikel’s debut urban fantasy, and it is irreverent and gritty, but endlessly fun. The book looks at the things that might be happening just in the shadows of the world we know, and it has some interesting explanations for things. Part fantasy, part crime series, this tale has a lot riding on it to successfully entertain, but it does so throughout, and with what feels like ease. This is due, in no small part, thanks to the wit and charm of its lead character, Stella Starwing, who Mikel brings to life in colorful ways.
Readers who like their contemporary fantasies to feel down to Earth even when they’re dealing with the divine will enjoy Demon Breathing Down My Neck. It has a lot of charm and amusement despite the dire and dour events that transpire. Mikel develops interesting characters that you want to spend time with. This is only the first book in the Rainbow Angel Series, but another one will no doubt be here before you know it. With that in mind, there’s no better time than now to dig into Mikel’s debut Urban Fantasy. Check out Demon Breathing Down My Neck on Amazon today!
The Last of the Magi: Book 1: The Devouring
Two authors, G. S. Eli and Patrick Wiley, make magic with their debut fantasy, The Last of the Magi: Book 1: The Devouring. At the forefront of the story are a set of wonderful characters that readers will truly enjoy spending time with, as well as real stakes, and a recognition of important themes and goals. It’s a story that carries a powerful message beyond just being an entertaining urban fantasy tale. Eli and Wiley have managed to craft a story that feels like the best of treasure hunting stories, like Indiana Jones and Goonies, mixed with magical academia stories like Harry Potter and the Magicians.
The Last of the Magi is a difficult book to put down, because it is entertaining throughout. With rich characters, and a world in the shadows of our own that is ripe for exploring, there is a lot to enjoy here. These two storytellers have harnessed their talent to open up a world that readers will thoroughly enjoy. While there seems to be more on the way, this first book is a spectacle all on its own, and perfect for a weekend read. Check out The Last of the Magi: Book I: The Devouring on Amazon today!
Stuart Duffelmeyer and the Masters of Plagues
Author Dewey B. Reynolds has the type of background that makes his descriptions jump off the page. With scriptwriting in his toolbox, he effortlessly provides entertaining and colorful material for his debut Urban Fantasy, Stuart Duffelmeyer and the Masters of Plagues. He also produces witty and wordy dialog which elevates the story, be they dripping with ill will, or part of a vengeful soliloquy. Reynolds is also unabashedly unafraid to poke fun at his protagonist, or to go the extra mile in certain descriptions that take things over the top in delightful ways. If readers want a sort of balance between crude and refined in their urban fantasies, they’ll certainly find it here.
At the foundation of his urban fantasy debut, Reynolds has something that quite often is missing from other stories that take themselves too seriously. Stuart Duffelmeyer is quite simply a fun romp that shows where an imaginative story can take us. It’s quirky and even oddball at times, but it wears those distinctions proudly. While there is endless potential for more stories within this world, this first book is revenge at its best, and an awesome place to start. Check out Stuart Duffelmeyer and the Masters of Plagues on Amazon today!
Children’s Fantasy
Out Of This World (The Amelia Popplewick Adventures Book 1)
N M Miles has released a debut story that is instantly catching for middle-grade readers with Out Of This World (The Amelia Popplewick Adventures Book 1). Refining this story for many years, the author is drawing back the curtains on the land of Ockopulous for the first time, unveiling a magical place filled with spectacular creatures, dazzling spellcraft, and generational mysteries just waiting to be solved. Miles ensures their audience will have a grand time as they journey forth alongside Amelia Popplewick, a young girl whose family has inherited an impressive mansion that contains the means to travel to the impressive world outside of our own.
Amelia Popplewick is a wonderful friend for kids and kids at heart, bringing them along for the journey of a lifetime. Amelia and her friend Jake usher readers forth across the land, but it is the author’s catching and flowery prose that is perfect for an adventure such as this. It moves at a steady pace, ensuring those along for the adventure are always on the edge of their seats. Miles has two more books in the series waiting in the wings, and they’re already written, meaning you might not have to wait long to return to Ockopulous or have fun with Amelia. With that in mind, don’t hesitate to dive into this great portal fantasy. Check out Out Of This World (The Amelia Popplewick Adventures Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Dragon in the Closet, Book One
A consummate storyteller, Carolyn Watson-Dubisch has written and illustrated a score of wonderful books, achieving no small measure of accolades in the process. One of her most popular tales, The Dragon in the Closet, has received a Literary Titan Silver award, and she continues to create captivating, entertaining content for this series regularly. The Dragon in the Closet, Book One, is a compilation of the first three issues of the series, collected in all their kooky glory. Watson-Dubisch manages to capture the same sort of irreverent humor as you might see in something like the original Addams Family comics, with all the wit and charm therein, though with perhaps some extra splashes of color here and there.
The series puts some twists on familiar fairytales, but the author’s style and her passion for the material shines through and gives it a breath of fresh air that will keep kids engaged, and will even have adults cracking smiles. Watson-Dubisch might just be your new favorite children’s book author, and with her incredible work ethic, you’ll never run out of new material to dive into. This book has certainly earned its fans, and now you can join in on the fun at bedtime or anytime. Check out The Dragon in the Closet, Book One on Amazon today! And if you’re looking for the paperback version, you can find that here on Amazon as well.
Lucas and the Little Dinosaur: A Magical Adventure
Author R.R. Guardo has put together a delightful little story that mixes magical fantasy with the addictive mystique of prehistoric beasts. In Lucas and the Little Dinosaur: A Magical Adventure, Guardo invites children and those who are still young of heart into a world where magic lies just at the edge of our perspective, and where we can find it if we look hard enough. Guardo takes the concept of dinosaurs and dips it fully into the fantasy realm allowing for travel between realms, which leads to an opportunity for learning as well.
Of course, one of the big selling points of a children’s book is its art, and Guardo has secured some absolutely beautiful pieces that accompany Lucas on his adventure, ensuring that everything looks great along the way. Interspersed with the more whimsical fare is some art that looks as though it could have come right from one of the author’s other more recent books, Dinosaurs Through Time. Indeed, Guardo’s interest in the giant, prehistoric creatures shines through every page, ensuring that children—and even adults—who love that will learn a little something here as well. Check out Lucas and the Little Dinosaur: A Magical Adventure on Amazon today! And, if you prefer paperback, you can check out that edition here.
The Tallest Christmas Tree: A Heartwarming Bedtime Story About Being Yourself and Accepting Others as They Are
Author Julia Zheng has a wide assortment of lovely children’s books, but perhaps no topic is explored so much as various holidays. Halloween, Thanksgiving, Mother’s Day and Easter are all represented, as well as Christmas. It’s her holiday story, The Tallest Christmas Tree, that we’ll be looking at today. Together with artist Anjali Raj, she brings to life a tale filled with magic and personality. Even though it’s a brief tale, it is perfect for who it is marketed to. Zheng’s stories each have a special message that they try to convey, and in this tale, she spreads the message that everyone has value and beauty, even if sometimes they have a hard time seeing it.
With a cute cast of characters that are given enough personality across the length of the book to be memorable, the story and the art will certainly appeal to children. While the chief message is of course about acceptance (both of yourself and of others), Zheng’s story also shows generosity, creativity, and empathy. It’s a great little story that can be enjoyed at any time. Check out The Tallest Christmas Tree: A Heartwarming Bedtime Story About Being Yourself and Accepting Others as They Are on Amazon today!
Mia Fairy and the Pirates
It’s apparent right from the first page that author Beverly Fearon loves her stories with all of her heart. Developing tales of magic and whimsy, she’s crafted worlds about dragons and ogres and fairies. Her latest is a tale about a fairy, born from laughter and innocence, who goes on to do some very interesting things. In Mia Fairy and the Pirates, the titular fairy changes the course of one child’s life, but with Fearon’s book, Mia might just change many more. It’s a touching story about doing good things, and how they stay with us, even when we might forget.
Fun for children and interesting enough for adults to want to know what happens next, this story take some interesting twists and turns. There’s even a bonus story in the epilogue that wraps things up with a beautiful bow. This isn’t Fearon’s first fairy story, and it surely won’t be her last. But for now, enjoy yourself while you dive into her latest. Check out Mia Fairy and the Pirates on Amazon today!
The Wind’s Tale
Brought to life by Paul Steven Stone and Carla Carey, The Wind’s Tale is a beautiful children’s tale with an impactful message. With a vibrant watercolor motif, readers will see through the eyes of a character who often goes underrepresented in fiction, allowing the story to take wing in ways that might be unexpected. Best of all, its attractive qualities can be appreciated not just by the young, but by introspective older readers as well, especially those who want to spread the message that The Wind’s Tale imparts.
Tellest has had the wonderful opportunity to promote Stone’s work before. Although The Wind’s Tale is quite a departure from the karmic crime thriller that we looked at before, the one thing that they have in common is that a tremendous amount of heart and emotion shine through. This book also shows experiences that readers may not have actively considered before, opening their eyes to something new and expressive, made all the more impressive by the hardship that it endures. It’s a beautiful story, certainly worth a look. Check out The Wind’s Tale on Amazon today!
The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol: A Dragonstone Story
Author Mark M. Even has developed a story that is both family and fantasy friendly and will appeal to a large band of readers. The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol: A Dragonstone Story gives kids an opportunity to go on a very enjoyable adventure, fueled by their imagination as well as clover prose by the author. Even has crafted his tale in a way that makes it feel immersive to its readers, and bring them into the story. Its one that has all the sorts of fantasy fare that delights fans of the genre, and it practically drips with charm and whimsy.
Even’s book is one that is great for kids of all ages, and is even suitable for parents who are telling the story to children who can’t read yet. In any case, it is an exciting and imaginative story about a loving family that sticks with readers even after they’ve read it, and is bound to become a favorite over time. It’s no wonder that it won a Mom’s Choice Award. While we can hope that there will be more to come, now is a great time to dive into the Even’s first lovely fantasy tale. Check out The Wonders of the Peculiar Parasol: A Dragonstone Story on Amazon today!
Dark Fantasy / Horror
Gore, Volume 1
Kane Szoke delivers a stunning debut in his dark fantasy, Gore. From the very first pages, readers will be able to tell they’re in for a ride. It’s destined to be a bumpy one, too, because Szoke ensures that the road ahead is filled with all sorts of obstacles. The story doesn’t just roil in mud and blood, however. There’s a dark and sinister poetry to the author’s prose, as he paints with dusky shades to turn his canvas into something that fantasy fans will revel in throughout the adventure. It’s gritty, yes, but it’s enthralling, as Szoke is able to so vividly describe a scene, and to get into the head of his characters. It’s certainly the sort of story that grabs hold of its reader, and doesn’t relinquish that fierce grasp.
Gore moves forth at an electric pace. It’s a bite-sized dark tale, and the nightmarish frenzy has stopping points that urge its audience to taste just one more morsel, over and over. Before they know it, any readers will soon be reaching the end of the story, still hungry for more. Though Gore’s introductory story moves quick enough to give whiplash to eager fans, there’s hope still shining in the darkness—good news for anyone that want more. With a second volume on the way, there’s never been a better time to check out this talented author’s debut title. Check out Gore, Volume 1, by Kane Szoke on Amazon today!
Clarence the Clairvoyant vs. The Man-Eater
Right from the first pages, you can tell that this book was made with a ton of passion. M.R. Black releases his debut story, Clarence the Clairvoyant vs. The Man-Eater, and plays with the material as if it was his favorite toy. You can tell that Black has a lot of love for the story he tells, and he just has a wonderful time spinning the yarn. It doesn’t hurt that it’s delectably funny, and wildly irreverent. The author achieves this mostly by throwing a cast of characters on the pages that simply pop, and they’ve all got larger than life personalities and presentation. At first glance, you would be hard-pressed to believe this was a horror, but Black makes it work.
There are more than a few interesting parts that make Clarence the Clairvoyant stand out, and it’s those things that urge readers on. There’s always something that is discovered that lead readers to the next insane reveal, and on and on it goes. But before long, the last page turns, and fans will be yearning for more. The world needs more Clarence Felix (and friends), and if we’re lucky, Black will already be convinced that he should work on more delightful stories. For now, there’s no better time than the present to dive into his book. Check out Clarence the Clairvoyant vs. The Man-Eater by M. R. Black on Amazon today!
The Spider’s Ballet: A Gentle Feral Despair Book One
After spending time in author Jeremie D. Hardcastle’s world, it won’t take long for The Spider’s Ballet: A Gentle Feral Despair Book One to get its hands on you. That’s because on a foundational level, the powerful book leans into emotional gratification both for its characters, and for the reader. Hardcastle asks a lot of his characters, and he sees them persevering through immense hardships. But its this resilience that makes the characters so endearing, even if they sometimes have a hard time coming to terms with the things they’ve done, or the kind of people they are becoming. The Spider’s Ballet sees characters struggling to endure their own corruption, whether it’s from fighting past tragedies, or rising up and becoming too powerful to easily stop. But, in understanding themselves, Hardcastle’s heroes are able to navigate challenges that might seem beyond most normal people.
One of the things that readers will notice when diving into the Gentle Feral Despair universe is that it leans heavily into a rich historical tapestry, filled with myth and legend. Hardcastle manages to make the world feel that much more immersive because of it. The descriptions are painted with attractive brushstrokes, without feeling overly wordy for the sake of being verbose. Instead, it just flows at a nice, even pace. The story instead lets the action and the dialog speak for itself, and it has a lot to say, as the author is able to capture the beauty of it regardless of how much or little light shines on it. If that has you intrigued, and you’re ready to read an emotionally aware dark fantasy, don’t wait. Check out The Spider’s Ballet: A Gentle Feral Despair Book One on Amazon today!
The Man Behind The Light: Illuminating Darkness
There is a certain poetry within the work of author 3Mind Blight that you see between the darker moments of his latest story, The Man Behind The Light: Illuminating Darkness. It gives the dark tale extra gravitas, and helps to offset the shadowy moments and horrifying actions that punctuate each twist and turn. The Man Behind the Light moves with a particular cadence. 3Mind Blight knows how to set the pace, and makes his two lead characters volley back and forth with an interesting sort of communication. It’s easy to want to continue along, and watch how more of this poor fellow’s life will unravel.
Despite a breezy word count, there is considerable depth to 3Mind Blight’s story. It doesn’t move unnecessarily quickly from point to point, ensuring that the reader gets a real sense of what transpires from chapter to chapter. Conversely, nothing feels superfluous either, the story never lingering in one spot beyond its welcome. Eventually, however, the pace leads the reader to incredible scenes, and eventually, an ending that will have fans hungry for more. As this is only the first of three stories that will tell the overall narrative, there is still more darkness in store for readers who are eager to see what comes next. There’s never been a better time to dive into 3Mind Blight’s work. Check out The Man Behind The Light: Illuminating Darkness on Amazon today!
The God’s Cross World
Author Angusink has been at work on his dark fantasy for several months, and The God’s Cross World has only shown its grit and grime since then. It’s not a story for the faint of heart, showing the dastardliness of men and the monsters humanity can become. At the same time, Angusink shows that not even the celestial forces in the clouds are altogether bright and cheery, with darker shades of grey taking the place of the alabaster we’ve come to expect over time. Throughout the story, the driving force, and ultimately the reason to read on, is to find out just how far the depravity of humans and the divine alike will sink.
Of course, for every story where there is darkness, there has to be something reflecting light out at the reader, and some of it can be found even in the dingy, gloomy life that surrounds some of the main characters. It’s here, where readers will see flashes of vulnerability and a heck of a lot of wit and roguish charm, that the storyteller really excels in showing off his battered world to his audience. AngusInk’s work is ongoing, and you never know what shocking new twists lay in wait for you, or his characters. Check out The God’s Cross World on Wattpad today!
The Memoirs of Elikai: The Children of the Solstice
Sometimes stories can be fairly clear, set in light and dark tones, while other times things are a bit more abstract. In D. Alexander’s debut fantasy, The Memoirs of Elikai: The Children of the Solstice, readers will see what it’s like to be faced with a perfect blend of both. The author’s tale is filled with rich characters that have a well of personality and depth, and they participate in an adventure with a lot of wit and heart that won’t soon be forgotten by readers. There is a lot to be seen here, as Alexander spends time making the world feel full and lived-in, with plenty of details demonstrating the care taken to craft not only this first book, but the foundation of the series.
Alexander dances around some complexities here in his debut, but the world never seems overbearing, and never dizzies or befuddles readers who want to dive deeper. With descriptive and attractive prose, and a story that immerses and captivates, it will be hard for fantasy fans to put The Memoirs of Elikai down. This is an adventure that readers will love going on, even when darker moments or tragedies strike. And the best news is that Alexander already has a second book out, with a third close at hand. But it all starts here, with book one in the series. Check out The Memoirs of Elikai: The Children of the Solstice on Amazon today!
Fields Of Blood: The Horse Lord Book 1
Arthur Drake, the author of Fields of Blood, the first book in the Horse Lord series, writes true sword and sorcery through a darker, grittier lens, without muddying things down too much in the political sphere that has permeated the genre since Martin’s books have gained popularity. There’s grime to humanity, and Drake finds it, whether it’s out in the battlefield, or on the streets back home. As the newest book in Drake’s growing catalog, Fields of Blood finds it in a bit of both places, and many more. The author doesn’t shy away from hard scenes, either, keeping the reader rooted in the action throughout.
Drake works with both humans and trolls in his new tale, ensuring that each have distinct voices and personalities. Once Fields of Blood finds its groove, the pace never relents, urging readers onto the last few inches of their seat as they anxiously await whatever cruel twist is in store for Eadmaer next. This story of the common man is anything but common as Drake works to uncover the mysteries of the things that both humans and trolls would fear. And along the way, he explores the relationships that might not seem so black and white, and what they could yet be. Check out Fields Of Blood: The Horse Lord Book 1 on Amazon today!
Eclipsing the Tide (To be Nameless Book 1)
C.G. Jaquish’s debut dark fantasy series hooks readers early and doesn’t let go. In Eclipsing the Tide (To be Nameless Book 1), the author manages to deftly balance her creativity in a lot of ways. A great talent that Jaquish has is developing sympathy for her main character and driving readers to understand her emotions. While Eclipse takes center stage, each of the characters feels like they’re well represented, diverse, and interesting enough to enjoy peeling back their layers as the story continues along. The To Be Nameless series leans into people’s flaws, and uses them to great effect. The author also develops a rich world that is interesting, and can still be explored further beyond this initial book in the series.
Fans of a little grit and grime are sure to enjoy this tale. Jaquish doesn’t shy away from tougher material or darker fare, and that’s perhaps why it catches hold of readers so early on. Rooting on the main character and seeing her persevere helps to ensure that Eclipsing the Tide is a fast-paced story, but it’s engaging throughout, and by the time readers are done with Eclipse’s first tale, they’ll be hungry for the next. Luckily, Jaquish has four others in the series, ready to entertain. But there’s no better place to start than the beginning, so it’s time to dive in. Check out Eclipsing the Tide (To be Nameless Book 1) on Amazon today.
Final Ruin (The Judas Files Book 5)
Author C.G. Harris has achieved a great success in completing an addictive five-book urban fantasy that grips readers and doesn’t let them go. In Final Ruin (The Judas Files Book 5), Harris continues delivering humorous and snarky characters that rope you in and keep you enthralled with the book and the greater series. Harris excels at creating captivating characters, wonderful dialog, and edgy happenings without being too over the top and delivers on a version of hell that is fun to spend time in, despite all the fire and brimstone you might be prepared for.
Though The Judas Files is a dark fantasy series, it shines a light in some places, ensuring readers will have a smile on their faces, even without the humor that Harris is great at including in stories. Fantasy fans who love worldbuilding will also find a lot to enjoy here, because it is rich and immersive, and full of details they’ll love to read about. With this final book in the quintet now available, there’s never been a better time to enjoy the series. Check out Final Ruin: A Dark Humor Urban Fantasy Supernatural Adventure (The Judas Files Book 5) on Amazon today!
Breachman: A Medieval Fantasy Adventure Story
Right from the opening page, you can tell that author Chris Barker has the means to captivate you. In his dark fantasy debut, Breachman, Barker effortlessly blends rich character moments with wonderfully descriptive action and battle passages. It’s as rich as it is dark, showcasing the horrors of war, and taking readers deep into the psyche of the cast that will occupy their minds long after the last page is read. Barker knows how to do a lot with a little, and tension is built from the moment you first see the harrowing reality of the city of Yrfrite, and the kingdom of Tydrian, and what is at stake.
With plenty to explore, whether it be the world Barker creates, or the mysteries he unfolds, there’s plenty to enjoy here in Breachman. And, thanks to great characters with witty remarks and internal thoughts at hand, readers might also find a new catchphrase or two that they like to use. For a debut, this is a stunner, and it will easily make dark fantasy fans, and fantasy fans in general eager for what could come next. Even though it ends on a solid enough point, there’s room enough to follow this story, to see where the cast goes from here. For now though, take the time to enjoy this solid bit of exquisite fantasy. Check out Breachman: A Medieval Fantasy Adventure Story on Amazon today!
The Unexpected Encounter: Book 1 (Abyss Lord’s Quest)
Serving up surprises one after the other, author Tyler D. Connors has great fun with his debut dark fantasy, a tale that has the reader following an unlikely cast of characters. In The Unexpected Encounter: Book 1 (Abyss Lord’s Quest), Connors explores the events that surround two different groups of characters that will ultimately need to come together, for better or worse. Even for the more familiar-feeling characters, there is enough that keeps them fresh here, thanks to enough of a step inside their psyches, as well as the importance of their quest.
Connors is at his best when he’s being clever with his characters’ well-being. He’ll put them into compromising situations and then find a way to finesse them out of them. Throughout the book, there are enough twists and turns to keep readers on their toes and eager to find out what happens next. The book ends on a bit of a cliffhanger, meaning that there’s bound to be more questing ahead for readers who anticipate the troubles and dangers yet to come. With that in mind, now is a great time to jump into this first book in the series. Check out The Unexpected Encounter: Book 1 (Abyss Lord’s Quest) on Amazon today!
A Tormented King (Epics of Dyijrodell Book 1)
Author Victor V Vierbickas III has a knack for crafting a story that you can know the end of, in some ways, and still be surprised by. So it is in his debut, A Tormented King (Epics of Dyijrodell Book 1). It follows the madness that befalls a king who knows his time is quickly coming to an end, in a world full of magic and mystery. The king’s desperation to make a name for himself and hidden, darker desires make the writings of Vierbickas a truly captivating tale. And it certainly helps that there are different shades of grey that shroud the main characters, as it leaves them all feeling multi-dimensional and interesting.
If darker fantasies are your delight, this debut could certainly be a fun read for you, and a worthy introduction to its author. While the first book in Vierbickas’s fantasy series catalog has the potential to lead to many more stories in the kingdom of Dyijrodell and the surrounding lands, this first journey ends well enough that it could be a standalone. Between all of its revelations, and all of its strong character relationships, readers are sure to find some closure here, with a tantalizing tease of what could come next. Check out A Tormented King (Epics of Dyijrodell Book 1) on Amazon today!
Science Fantasy
Reverberation (Inworld saga Book 1)
Author Adam Jacobson debuts with a quirky and expressive story with Reverberation (Inworld saga Book 1). This tale is instantly catching, thanks to excellent pacing and its witty, irreverent prose. Indeed, it is a blend of everything in near-perfect balance that sees Jacobson’s story take off with such captivation. An ensemble cast will keep smiles on readers’ faces throughout, and a series of strange and exciting sequences will keep them on their toes. And the farther they travel, the more endearing they become, and the more rooted in the journey fans will be.
Historical/Military Fantasy
Raise the Flag
Raise the Flag is author David Smith’s debut speculative fiction release, but you’d be hard-pressed to see a single scratch of a beginner’s work here. That’s because Smith has a long and storied history of putting prose to poetry, in one way or another. Practice has led him here, to a wonderful first-in-a-series, where some of the greatest legendary figures and their fabled treasures have been rejiggered to fit the twists and turns that are worthy of a fantastic pirate adventure. Painting pictures with all five senses, Smith is able to capture a scene in catching detail, leading readers to feel as though they’re atop the creaking floorboards of a seaworthy vessel, or in danger of being set upon by dark magic.
Smith captures readers’ attention so easily because of a careful balance between established history, and the willingness to bend it to better suit his story. The Caribbean Sea and all the islands within it feel rich with detail, and it’s easy to believe that some of these things could have happened, even with greater supernatural elements at play. With a cast of charismatic characters at the helm, and a striking ship that feels like it rounds out the crew, there’s plenty of reasons to feel like you’d want to go along on this voyage. If that has you ready to hoist the sails and start belting out shanties, don’t waste any time. Check out Raise The Flag by David Smith on Amazon today!
Child of Water: The Prequel (Female Protagonists Anime Stories)
In Olivia Thompson’s book, Child of Water: The Prequel, the author sets a different sort of foundation than one might find if they had read her book Child of Water: The Rousing. Indeed, the two can be read separately, giving the reader an understanding of the world that Thompson intricately carves out, yet these characters are often reflective of each other, an interesting foil for how one would act in other, strange circumstances. It’s still filled with raw emotion, some of which can be very mature, but it is tasteful and handled with the utmost respect by someone who is well aware of the position that a strong female character might find themselves in. While all of this narrative’s qualities are impressive, it is its characters that shine through, and they will have staying power long after the last page has been turned.
Child of Water: The Prequel surprises in all the best ways, subverting expectations and keeping readers on their toes. Everything feels earned though, the author clever with her craft, and deliberate in her presentation thereof. With the explosive grandeur of an anime-style story, but the impact of historical events, this tale will have wide appeal. An expressive world awaits those readers who join Aoi on her journey, and Thompson has kept up with her passion, releasing two more books in the series, with more yet to come. But it all starts with this lovely entry. Check out Child of Water: The Prequel (Female Protagonists Anime Stories) on Amazon today!
Child of Water: The Rousing (Female Protagonists Anime Stories)
At this point in her journey, Olivia Thompson deserves all the accolades that people heap upon her. Her Female Protagonists Anime Stories series, including Child of Water: The Rousing, which we’re focusing on today, show a huge amount of respect for the genre and for the reader. Thompson effortlessly balances the components of her book, from the vivid descriptions of the world she’s built, to the stellar action sequences. While there are certainly fantasy elements here, there are also plenty of places that make the story feel grounded in reality, immersing one into the narrative and the events that unfold. Child of Water also features dynamic characters that grow as the story progresses, leaving readers with a captivating journey that they’ll be happy to be on.
Along the way in The Rousing, beautiful pictures accompany the lovely prose, further immersing those enjoying the adventure. Thompson essentially does everything that she can to engross and engage her audience, and she does it with what seems like supreme ease, though it also shows that she put plenty of work into this craft. There are a growing number of books in this series, and while they all flow in some interesting ways and connect with one another, they can be read on their own and still captivate and bring joy to readers. This is a great one to dive into. Check out Child of Water: The Rousing (Female Protagonists Anime Stories) on Amazon today!
When it comes to historical fantasy about old-world myths and legends, there is perhaps no person better suited for the task than author James K. Isaac. He takes the work to heart in the release of his first feature-length novel, WOAD, which casts light on specific point of times in our world’s history, and sprinkles magic and fairy dust upon them. Isaac’s love of history assures that what should feel real, rich, and lively does, while his passion for fantasy elevates it to something more. In a story that crosses timelines, it may seem a challenge to zigzag back and forth, but Isaac makes easy work of it, demonstrating a care for the narrative that energizes it and keeps readers enthusiastic wherever they are in history.
WOAD never tarries on longer than it needs to, ensuring readers that they’ll move forward at a brisk pace. Amongst prophesy and mystery, riddles and reveals, Isaac’s work is quick to get its hooks in, and difficult to be rid of. Readers will be eager to discover the next way that Artos integrates into the story, and just how much magic affects the world around, from the times of the faerie folk, to a more modern Europe. In the end, Isaac delivers a story that is wonderfully self-contained, telling the story in full that it must, before closing with stunning presence. If this is a preview of what is to come from the talented author, it is worthy of a spot on your shelf, especially if you’re a fan of historical fantasy. Check out WOAD by James K. Isaac on Amazon today!
Odyssey Tale
Cody Schlegel’s Odyssey Tale has been ridiculously well-received, and for good reason. The book has something for everyone, as it leans into the best of fairy tales, myths and legends, all while treading its own path. It’s delightful even in its darker moments, and it will keep readers on their toes. Each of the characters could be known to the audience, though they’re shadows of the more popular versions that are known in their original works. Here, their demeanors and motivations could be greatly changed, and it could leave a shock the first time they’re encountered, but Schlegel somehow makes everything feel exciting and electric.
Odyssey Tale hits all the beats you expect from a retelling of Homer’s greatest adventures, but with enough surprises that will keep readers entertained throughout. There are quite a few “Once Upon a Times” that work to great effect, and each time a reference is caught, it’s thoroughly enjoyable. While Schlegel manages to wrap things up with a tidy bow, he was clever enough to leave things open for more exploration on behalf of his protagonists, with the possibility of a whole new cast of characters. But before you get there, you should dive into this first book. Check out Odyssey Tale by Cody Schlegel on Amazon today!
The Emperor Returns (The Emperor’s Return Book 1)
Doctor Clifford Waldman has done an incredible job on his historical fantasy release, The Emperor Returns (The Emperor’s Return Book 1). Anyone who takes a single glance at the book and its sequel will see that Waldman is passionate about his work and his research, and it bleeds into his story in an almost academic way. Fans of ancient China will be glued to each page as they learn more about the mystical return of one of the country’s greatest rulers. The tale also blends well within our own world, giving us a sort of reverse portal fantasy to watch unfold.
Readers have an exceptional adventure ahead of them with The Emperor Returns. The ancient ruler and his army are brought to life in some very interesting ways that fans are going to love. Waldman’s books are massive, but he’s been patient and calculating, and had the foresight to see that people would want to rush out and pick up the second book just as soon as the first one was finished. That’s good news for readers, because the second book is ready and waiting once they turn the final page. Still, the beginning is a great place to start. Check out The Emperor Returns (The Emperor’s Return Book 1) on Amazon today!
A Time of Reckoning: Book One Betrayals
Author Michelle Simpson demonstrates a grasp of poise and preparation with her new release, the wonderful A Time of Reckoning: Book One Betrayals. It’s filled with beautiful prose, as the author captures the era and environment the tale is set within, and transports readers there in her portrayal. Along the way, characters that fans of historical fantasy will enjoy following serve as guides to an unravelling plot that threatens a land always at risk from those with dangerous aspirations in mind. Along the way, readers will learn more about the world during that time. Simpson enjoys old Irish mythology and peppers it into the story, giving it a more lived-in feel than if the story had existed without that foundation.
With only touches of druidic magic flowing between the pages of Betrayals, the fantasy elements might feel distant at times, but in post-classical Ireland, everything seems steeped in magic and wonder anyway. Simpson captures that here in her book, and gives readers something real to sink their teeth into. It pulls no punches, and if readers are looking for something that is gritty and steeped in reality, yet retains its beauty, this could be the book for them. With another book on the way, there’s no better time than now to dive in. Check out A Time of Reckoning: Book One Betrayals on Amazon today!
Archer of the Heathland: Deliverance (Book 1)
If readers are looking for a multi-talented storyteller with a deep back catalog, they’re going to love J.W. Elliot. His fantasy starter, Archer of the Heathland: Deliverance (Book 1) reads like a classic with modern sensibilities. It has great character development, with characters whose motivations are clear. You’ll know who to cheer for and who to jeer right from the get go. Elliot’s prose is vivid and descriptive, and he paints a cinematic picture with his craft, from the scenery to the action. And the author spends enough time giving his world a personality to make readers feel like they’re part of it as well. It’s the sum of these parts that makes the story so engaging and immersive, drawing fans in and not letting them go until the final page.
Archer of the Heathland is an entertaining ride with a wonderful pace and flow. It’s great for young adult readers, and the series that it is a part of ages up with them. Older fantasy fans will enjoy it as well, as it harkens back to some classics, and modern takes on medieval history as well. This first book in the series manages to feel self contained enough to answer some big questions, but it also paves the way for the greater series that follows it. With an additional seven books in the series to enjoy, there’s never been a better time to dive into a good book. Check out Archer of the Heathland: Deliverance (Book 1) on Amazon today!
Lamplight, A Keepers Novel
Author A. David Barrett has debuted his historical fantasy Lamplight, A Keepers Novel, and you’d be forgiven for thinking he’d been doing this for years. If you started this book on a whim, you’d be surprised by how quickly it turns on the spectacle and awe, and sets you down an incredibly entertaining path. It’s a fun twist on various points of history, with plenty of worldbuilding outside of what we know from old myths and legends. Barrett also develops awesome characters that you can’t help but want to learn more about, whether it’s the ones you meet early on, or their ancestors.
Those who pick up this book will quickly find out what a page-turner it is. As the pieces are set in place, it goes on to show just how incredibly well everything comes together. Barrett writes his prose with a cinematic flair, helping to immerse readers who like to see action play out in their mind. As quick as everything falls into place, the story wraps up in what seems like a flash, leaving readers hungering for more. Luckily, Barrett leaves hope for the story to follow. But for now, it is also a wonderful self-contained tale, to which you should give a chance. Check out Lamplight, A Keepers Novel on Amazon today!
The Blood of Outcasts (The Bane Sword Trilogy Book 1)
Author D. A. Smith has been writing and worldbuilding for a long while, and he brings his considerable talents and experience to a head with his official debut of The Blood of Outcasts (The Bane Sword Trilogy Book 1). It’s a gritty enough story that keeps you on the edge of your seat, but doesn’t take you too far into the darkness that you can’t see the light. Its lead character is sometimes hard to empathize with, but she is resolute in her mission, and is ultimately the reason you keep moving along with her and the story. You’re always looking to see what she’ll do next, and, enveloped in Smith’s clever and poetic prose, the ride you take with her is one in which you won’t want to stop.
Written with words that make the story read like an epic anime fantasy set in feudal-era Japan, it’s easy to race through Smith’s debut. And because it is set in a world where magic and monsters are possible around every corner, there are plenty of surprises to get the blood pumping along the way. The story ends with the same excitement it begins with, and it will no doubt leave you hungry for more. While there’s no date yet on Smith’s follow-up, this book will sate the hunger for fans of epic and historical fantasies. Check out The Blood of Outcasts (The Bane Sword Trilogy Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Beckoning Void
Patrick LeClerc is a wily and witty author who crafts superior stories in his urban and historical fantasies. So it is in his latest, a Victorian-themed tale which mashes steampunk and Lovecraftian horror in all the right ways, The Beckoning Void. LeClerc excels at a great many of the things that make a fantasy so enjoyable, but chief among his many talents are creating characters that readers love to follow. In The Beckoning Void, the cast is catching, varied, and so much fun to watch interact with each other as well as the world around them. LeClerc weaves a tapestry around them with witty banter, interesting sets of skills, and interpersonal relationships that keep readers roped in.
The Beckoning Void has a lovely cinematic sheen to it, and it’s easy to see it playing out in your mind while you’re reading along. The author has a command over his words that show that he’s as clever with his set pieces and props as he is with his characters, and it leaves the book feeling rich and multidimensional. While LeClerc’s Victorian era Historical Fantasy ends well enough on its own, it also leaves enough in the air, so to speak, for more to come. Before a second entry is officially announced, why not dive in and meet your new favorite heroes, and go on an adventure you won’t soon forget? Check out The Beckoning Void on Amazon today!
Science Fiction (And Academic Science)
The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8
Back bigger and better than ever, Andrew Charles is ready to make magic in the celestial skies with the eight book of his sci-fi series in The Roundabout: A Coalition Series Book – 8. One of the things that the author has always done well is find ways to surprise his readership. The Coalition series always feels fresh and teeming with possibility, and that’s even more in place here in the latest entry, thanks to new dangers, new factions, and of course, new characters. Charles uses the new cast members to help immerse fans into the vast universe he explores, presenting with different philosophies, varied desires, and interesting backstories.
The Footprints of the Forebears: A Coalition Series Book – 7
Andrew Charles has been releasing books in his Coalition series at a feverish pace since the first one dropped in the beginning of 2023. But this latest launch, The Footprints of the Forebears: A Coalition Series Book – 7, feels like something special. That’s because it pits the cast of characters, people Charles writes with such poise and purpose, against some of their greatest adversaries yet. Now, a book isn’t great just because you keep raising the stakes. Instead, you feel the immense quality of this project because of all the hard work and passion that the author has put into it. It’s not a paint-by-numbers sci-fi, but something that feels fresh and lively. It has all the potential to be the last time you’ll see some of the characters grace the page, but it also feels like it’s opening the door to the potential future of the Coalition series.
The Witch Awakens: A Coalition Series Book – 6
Author Andrew Charles is becoming very proficient at expanding the ring of influence for the important characters in his universe. So it is in the sixth book in his Coalition series, The Witch Awakens. The ever-expanding storyline becomes richer with every new tale spun into the mix, as there is more integrated backstory to lean on, from political turmoil, to legends of infamy. In the vast expanse of space, it’s the closeness of the cast in Charles’s series that really takes hold, and builds them into endearing characters that readers will enjoy traveling alongside. And we get glimpses of characters who have had their chance to shine in previous stories as well, harkening back to that growth of the universe we spoke of earlier.
Charles has honed his skills immensely over the course of this wonderful series, dedicating his many talents to telling stories that stick with you long after you’ve turned the last page. But he’s also more than demonstrated his ability to keep a universe going, which is why readers should consider that this latest book might just be setting the pieces in place for the next impressive experience to be delivered. If that’s got you excited, don’t wait. Check out The Witch Awakens: A Coalition Series Book – 6 on Amazon today.
The Way to Baen: A Coalition Series Book – 5
One of the things that author Andrew Charles does to great effect is to take some paths in his story that might be unexpected. So it is in The Way to Baen, the fifth book in the Coalition series. It thrives, in part, because it is able to surprise, even this deep into the series. But at its heart, the Coalition series excels when the author focuses on its characters, and there is no fear of a misstep in that regard here. The Way to Baen continues to shine a laser on the relationships and the development at hand in its appealing cast—whether you’re talking about delightful protagonists, or those who stand in their way. As colorful as Charles makes his version of the galaxy, he paints with clever and careful shades of grey to ensure that you can understand and empathize with everyone who has a stake to claim.
While the latest in the Coalition series puts more weight on political unrest, there is still plenty of excitement at play. There are more pieces on the board, and everything feels as though it needs to be played just right in order for a safe path forward to be found, as the fate of Baen hangs in the balance. One of the things that Charles does well is introduce his stories in ways that feel fresh and appealing to newcomers and returning fans alike. Even if you haven’t read a book in this series, you’ll likely be hooked, and want to head back to the beginning—but you don’t have to in order to start things off. But don’t wait too long or you’ll be disappointed that you haven’t been able to experience this captivating sci-fi series sooner. Check out The Way to Baen: A Coalition Series Book – 5 on Amazon today!
The Salandra Path: A Coalition Series Book – 4
The fourth book in author Andrew Charles’s Coalition series, The Salandra Path takes the fascinating grandeur of space travel and the philosophies of tried-and-true sci-fi epics in a spectacular new direction. Charles is not shy about immersing readers in the cultures and mental state of various members of the cosmos, and it is in that which his series shines. His characters are so well-developed and dynamic, and they are part of a growing tapestry made of the great veil of space. It isn’t merely a story of good versus evil, although every one has varying shades of grey. Instead, it’s a chaotic weave that takes readers through thrilling twists and turns.
While readers may learn that Shri was introduced in an earlier book in the Coalition series, the author presents her new story with enough care that it won’t feel as though they’re missing a good deal of information. Charles has a work ethic that extends backward, however, and reading the three books that precede The Salandra Path is a very good way to immerse oneself in this great series. If you do decide to go back to the start, don’t forget that an incredible fourth-in-series is waiting for you at the end of the road, and that there is likely more to come. Check out The Salandra Path: A Coalition Series Book – 4 on Amazon today!
Thomish: Book 1 of the Amish Apocalypse
If author Andrew J. Alman’s book Thomish: Book 1 of the Amish Apocalypse already has your mind doing loop-de-loops, have no fear—that’s all part of the plan. As a book that explores the possible end of the world, and then stitches in the idea that the Amish community (or at least part of it) is not the technology-averse part of society that we know, but rather a piece of it that is so advanced we cannot explain or understand it, Alman’s tale is expected to be kind of crazy. In the hands of a less talented storyteller, it would be played for laughs and left to be, but the author deftly crafts a a tale that explores interesting notions of what we think we know, and what might actually be true. Of course, you shouldn’t completely discount the first thoughts you might have about this story. It is funny at time as well. But there’s much more to it than what you might expect from it if all you get is a cursory glance at the title.
There is an interesting balance within Alman’s story, as it blends elements of dystopian sci-fi, thrillers, and even romance to great effect. There’s always a mystery to unravel, and it’s lightly academic here and there as well, giving readers plenty of internet rabbit-hole content to tuck away for later. It’d difficult to pry yourself away from the book, as it immerses the audience in a rich and entertaining tapestry of past and future. Even after readers tear through the nearly four hundred pages, there’s a hint of what’s to come, meaning now a fantastic time to pick up this quirky but very fun book. Check out Thomish: Book 1 of the Amish Apocalypse on Amazon today!
Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000
One of the most loved pulp sci-fi books of the past century, L. Ron Hubbard’s Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000, celebrated its fortieth birthday last year. It’s popcorn sci-fi that gets its hooks in readers, and doesn’t let go. Battlefield Earth is known for characters that are either loved, or who readers love to hate, as well as for endless chapters of space opera adventure. And for those who are just beginning to venture into Hubbard’s fiction, there’s no doubt more that they’ll come to enjoy.
This book has captivated the hearts and minds of many, including some of your favorite creative geniuses. From Brandon Sanderson, who praised its explosive pace across the massive narrative, to Kevin J. Anderson of the Dune Sagas, who hailed its adventurous spirit, all the way through to Neil Gaiman, who described it as “un-put-downable”, it’s been known to grab hold of even the most talented writer’s attention, and refuse to let go. There is a reason that it’s endured all these years, and now, forty years after its debut, it has retained its charm, and continues to grab hold of new readers. If you haven’t had the chance yet, do yourself a favor and give it a glance. Check out Battlefield Earth: A Saga of the Year 3000 on Amazon today!
Prophets of the Ghost Ants (The Antasy Series Book 1)
Author Clark Thomas Carlton is a spectacular multi-hyphenate who has been working on stories of various scopes and mediums for longer than most people have even had thought about writing dancing in their heads. One of his most wondrous is a sciency fantasy called Prophets of the Ghost Ants (The Antasy Series Book 1). Imagine a Honey I Shrunk the Kids or Ant Man that blends into something like Dune. It’s not just a small backyard adventure, though. This awesome trilogy starter explores heavy, looming concepts that tower over the tiny characters. From religious subtexts, to the new governments that one would find in an evolved humanity, Carlton has an idea for everything, and it’s thanks to this that the Antasy series gets its pincers locked in so tight to its readers.
Though there is some raw science at play in this series, the real heart of it is in looking at the characters, the human condition across a million years of evolution, and the way we could revert to our primal instincts if we were forced in that direction. It also boasts wonderful sequences of action and adventure, leaving readers feeling as though they’re part of something with magic and majesty, even without the presence of a high fantasy bent. If you’re looking for a book that feels like the best parts of classic fantasy and pulp sci-fi without the schlock, you’ll absolutely fall in love with Carlton’s ant-themed—and sized—epic. Check out Prophets of the Ghost Ants (The Antasy Series Book 1) on Amazon today!
IMMORTALITY BYTES: Digital Minds Don’t Get Hungry
Author Daniel Lawrence Abrams is a renaissance man of the highest order, achieving much in his life across many mediums. He’s been a playwright, a director, an inventor, a standup comedian, and much more. Abrams takes all of the skills he’s honed throughout the years and wraps them into an amazing debut novel in IMMORTALITY BYTES: Digital Minds Don’t Get Hungry. If readers are looking for a funny futuristic take on what we’re getting ourselves into, they’ll get that and more from this wonderful page-turner. As much social commentary as satire, Abrams also isn’t afraid to bring in some deeper, darker story elements that bring it into something that feels as rich and real as it does bemusing. The author has built a world here beyond the layers of humor and dark human desires, as can be seen in optional hyperlinks and end notes that show just how far he goes to extend and expand his art.
At the head of this almost-dystopian future, Abrams’s book is brought to readers by way of Stu, an intelligent techie type who has all the charm and wit needed to convey the author’s sharp tact and fun messaging. Add in some fun scenarios and some unexpected surprises, and you’ve got a story that flows at a great pace which readers will no doubt tear through. If you’ve been looking for a fantastic story that will have you doubled over in laughter while still eagerly awaiting what’s happening next, you’re not going to want to miss this book. Check out IMMORTALITY BYTES: Digital Minds Don’t Get Hungry on Amazon today! You can also find more about the book here, on the author’s site.
Monolith: Echoes of Eternity
Author Joshua Barry uses his debut title, Monolith: Echoes of Eternity, to show us that thousands of years is really just a blink of an eye, cosmically speaking. The author’s story takes place millions of years in the future, and after a brief look at the life of the lead, Xueri, another ten thousand years pass, thrusting the protagonist into a universe that he no longer recognizes. It’s an exploration of not just the universe, but the cultural difference between people, and of overcoming the things that make people fear or even hate one another. While all of this transpires, Barry tells a compelling tale of action, of new friendships, and of rediscovery.
There is a lot to dive into within the pages of Echoes of Eternity, from intriguing relationships between characters who have such varied sorts of lives, to a fight for survival across the cosmos. Barry finds a nice pace to keep to, ensuring that things never feel as though they linger for too long on the page. He lets the environment breathe, ensuring that Xueri feels a little less like a tour guide than someone the reader can explore the galaxy with. Still, the hefty book travels fast, and before fans will know it, they’ll be turning the final page. As this is sure to be only the first book in this interesting new series, there’s never been a better time than now to dive into a new sci-fi experience. Check out Monolith: Echoes of Eternity on Amazon today!
CyberKnight and the Hand Puppet Commandos: Origin Story
Spend just a few moments look at the amazing things that R.J. Gold has created, and you’ll realize at once how deep his passion runs for his universe. So it continues with his recently-released CyberKnight and the Hand Puppet Commandos: Origin Story, the first in a trilogy that is going to wildly appeal to young adults and kids at heart with a penchant for nostalgia. Right from the turn of the first page, things are exciting and captivating. A playful story that doesn’t take itself too seriously, it nonetheless grows into something with tremendous potential and enduring value. Gold sets things at the perfect pace, ensuring readers are along for a joyful ride, even when things endanger the heroes. They’re pint-sized heroes, to be clear, in nods toward things like, say, Small Soldiers, but that doesn’t make them any less enthralling.
You’ll never find someone so passionate about their project as Gold, who is bringing this universe to life across multiple mediums. Every step along the way, it feels as though the projects are made for one thing in mind at the forefront, and that is delighting those who partake in them. For this first book in the prose series, Gold introduces the critical players, sets everything awash in whimsy and spectacle, and sets up the rest of the universe for an excited audience. Make no mistake, this is a sturdy, emphatic debut, but there is more around the corner, making this the perfect time to dive in and see as this series begins its meteoric rise. Check out CyberKnight and the Hand Puppet Commandos: Origin Story on Amazon today. You can also learn more about the series on Gold’s website, where you can see just how expansive CyberKnight is, and what else is in store for this universe.
The God Drug (Book 1 of the Posthumans Trilogy)
Author Mikael Svanstrom has an intriguing passion for computers, programming, and artificial intelligence, but it’s blending those things with the human element that makes his debut book, The God Drug, soar. First and foremost, The God Drug is a tale about things getting away from humanity. We all want to be better—smarter, more charismatic, stronger, more creative—but sometimes in the pursuit of that, we take great risks that don’t always pan out for the best. Svanstrom uses ideas like this to set the foundation for his world, and then strengthens it by putting a divide up between humanity as we know it, and the next successor to mankind. The author does some excellent character work, whether you’re talking about the humans who are the bedrock of our world, or the posthumans with more rigid presentation.
The God Drug moves forth at just the right pace, never feeling like it lingers in one place for too long, while giving the changing world the breath it needs to find life. It’s expressive and corporeal, and it will no doubt captivate readers who are looking for something that is plausible in its scope, but thrilling all the same. The only thing most people will complain about is how quickly they’ll race through it, as it is hard to put down. But with two other fantastic books released after this book took to shelves, there’s no better reason than now to see what the Posthumans have in store for us. Check out The God Drug and the rest of the Posthumans books on Mikael Svanstrom’s website.
Slow Space
Author Lucian Phillips sets his sights on science fiction that feels grounded and real in his debut, Slow Space. This isn’t a tale about alien invasions or operatic space battles, but it does feel familiar enough with those elements that it will appeal to many people who like sci-fi on a spectrum. The revelations of new life feel earned, and expressive. The conflicts resonate deeply, and because of this, they don’t feel schlocky. Phillips uses several characters that he introduces early to help shed light on the universe that he’s created, but there is much more out there beyond first appearances. It doesn’t take long to really enjoy watching these characters grow and grow closer to one another as the threads of the tale begin to interweave.
A sense of mystery follows the characters forward in Slow Space, thanks to the mysterious Company, but the book never feels burdened by its secrets. Instead, Phillips uses snappy chapters and breaks to reward readers, as well as point of view shifts and time jumps that help bring things closer and closer to an inflection point. Throughout everyone’s journey, readers will no doubt have a deeper appreciation for them, as the author doesn’t shy away from giving glimpses of their inner wants and desires, or their turmoil. All told, this tale is one that finds careful balance with all of its elements, a breezy jaunt across space that has epic results. If that gives you encouragement, make haste. Check out Slow Space by Lucian Phillips on Amazon today!
Veiled Space – Bounty Hunters
J.M. Beraldo is a renaissance man who has worked on stories spanning several different mediums, but Veiled Space: Bounty Hunters is one of the ones that ties into a universe that he is incredibly passionate about. Published in Brazil over a decade ago, the Veiled Space series is a Space Opera that lends itself very well to TTRPGs and video games, and Beraldo has the resume to ensure that it thrives no matter where it may soar to. Bounty Hunters is a free introduction to the universe that shows that the author has just as much expertise with something smaller and more intimate, as he takes a snack-sized entry in the sci-fi epic series, and delivers a snappy, captivating tale that leads into the greater Veiled Space project—a tease in the best of ways.
A solid story that gives an interesting cast of characters their due, Veiled Space – Bounty Hunters is captivating from the first page to the last. Beraldo knows how to write a twist, how to capture tension and comedy in a wonderful blend, and a joy of exploration. It should be no surprise that someone who has a knack for developing systems and designing games would nail down the structure that would appeal to space opera fans. Beraldo is going to work on getting the rest of his Veiled Space books translated from Portuguese, which means that now is a fantastic time to get your feet wet in this epic sci-fi universe. Get your free copy of Veiled Space – Bounty Hunters by going to and signing up for the newsletter!
Little Blue
Author Kristen Schmitt meets and overcomes a tremendous challenge on her hands with Little Blue, her epic science fiction-slash-fantasy hybrid story. That’s because the call of the story is to blend a myriad of genres, balancing environmental messages with those of self-worth and love of many kinds, and to keep things fun despite the heavy weight that something like that might carry. Schmitt shows, across five hundred pages, that she is uniquely suited for the task, creating a tapestry of magic and science that is breathtaking and captivating. It’s targeted at young adults, but readers of all ages will likely enjoy it, the messages it carries, and the way that the author brings it to life.
Empathetic hearts and minds will no doubt be drawn to Little Blue, because it is fundamentally a story about sharing the goodness that we can find in people if we look at them openly. Schmitt’s story celebrates diversity, the potential of human (and alien) achievement, and the value in caring about the places we share with one another. The book is framed through the experiences of a delightful cast of characters, veiled in metaphysical messages that give off great vibes, and prose that immerses readers. If you’re interested in getting hooked on a story that will wrap you in a warm embrace until you reach the final page, don’t wait. Check out Little Blue, by Kristen Schmitt, on Amazon today!
Author Anthony L. Abraham has a penchant for creating stories that take what we know about technology—and what we can dream of that might be on its way—and crafting a dark façade around them. He’s already had one bolt of lightning strike with Tales of the Disembodied (as well as a collection of other stories), but he is about to catch it in a jar with his new anthology, Sinister Stories and Twisted Tales: The Ultimate Anthology of Sci-Fi & Cosmic Horror. Part of the winning formula is, of course, Abraham’s wonderful talent for telling catching stories with dark and strange surprises. But readers will also start to feel the connective tissue between stories, and that makes them feel that much more alive.
Whether you’re looking for something out of the Twilight Zone, or are aware of the reflection that looks back at you from the Black Mirror, Anthony L. Abraham has got stories ready for you that are sure to delight and give you a fright. Some of them are quick, snappy, while others take their time to get going, and pull the rug out from under readers, but each of them is wonderful in their own right. There is a certain lyricism that carries through the stories too, helping to make them feel structured and cohesive, which is perfect for readers who love sci-fi, horror, or a pleasant mix of both. Abraham has already made a name for himself in the dark sci-fi sphere, and he’s now an author that you should really look out for. Don’t wait. Check out Sinister Stories and Twisted Tales: The Ultimate Anthology of Sci-Fi & Cosmic Horror on Amazon today!
Alien Dinosaur Slayers: Alien Dinosaur Series – Book 1
This book is narrated by Naudero, one of the dinosaurs from planet Zeeb that takes center stage in Alien Dinosaur Slayers. Naudero is a talented scribe, as he is able to put together some pretty effective prose within a story that deals with talking dinosaurs from another world, with all the extra challenges that come with that—unwieldy dinosaur limbs notwithstanding. The story is instantly charming, with fun sequences and cute dialog, along with names of characters and places that will challenge you not to smile any time you read them aloud. Despite the quirkiness though, Alien Dinosaur Slayers never crumbles under the weight of its comical potential. There’s a real story here, too, and it’s great fun for those who know what they’re getting into with this book.
Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1)
An author with a mind toward what the future could realistically hold for us, Jeremy Clift brings philosophical and ethical questions to the page, and props them up beneath a veneer of tremendous spacefaring spectacle. His first book, Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1), is as much a love story as a bombastic sci-fi. Sacrifice and a search for redemption encompass the more intimate pieces of this story, but they live among a grand backdrop that has galaxy-shaking implications. At some points academic-adjacent, Clift’s novel considers real problems that humanity may have to endure, but presents them in ways that are as entertaining as they are harrowing. Born in Space will indeed appeal to fans of sweeping space epics, but even they will likely be drawn to the core philosophical questions and emotional turmoil at hand, rooting for good to win out over greed.
Appealing to sci-fi enthusiasts and casual speculative fiction enjoyers alike, Born in Space is the kind of story that readers will love, and want to share with others. It’s a compelling tale with twists that will keep readers on the edges of their seats while they watch as humanity’s fate hangs in the balance, all while a more intimate expression of love takes an interesting spot on center stage. Clift shows incredible prowess as a first-time author, and he will no doubt demonstrate why he and his work have received such praise since the Born in Space hit shelves. If this book sounds like it’s something you would be interested in, don’t wait any longer. Check out Born in Space: Unlocking Destiny (Sci-Fi Galaxy Book 1) on Amazon today!
Dissonance: Volume I: Reality
While a traditional science fiction story can still be plenty entertaining, there’s something about a decent hook, presented early on, which can really turn a reader into a fan. So it is with author Aaron Ryan’s new book, Dissonance: Volume I: Reality. This sci-fi, set in a dystopian world and abound with militaristic survivors, has some resemblance to some of your favorite sci-fi stories, from Alien, to A Quiet Place, and even Jurassic Park. It’s a tale of invasion, by monsters who the author has carved out with interesting lore, and explored enough of a history for that we pick up years after they’ve arrived to eradicate humanity. There is ominous terror waiting around every corner, and it is quiet and surprising as the author unveils the narrative.
Ryan also does something about the presentation of these cosmic foes. Rather than keep them in the shadows, only unveiling them in the last third of the story, he sets the light on them from the beginning, introducing us to the creatures to let us know the horrors they can unleash, and the way they move and sound. While the creatures are very interesting, the author doesn’t leave the human cast in the darkness. There are some interesting bits of development, fun relationships to watch evolve, and surprises to be on watch for. With two more stories coming before long, now is a great time to learn about the Gorgons, and fight for what remains of Earth. Check out Dissonance: Volume I: Reality on Amazon today.
Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature (Yob’s Worldz Trilogy)
Author Thor Wier has a special affinity for our world, and he infuses that particular, peculiar care into his latest story, Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature. Spend just a few minutes between the covers of this book, and you’ll certainly see that this story isn’t quite anything you’ve read before. It blends the premise of some of your favorite tales. It’s a boy raised by animals in nature, with special gifts, who learns that he might have the knowledge and the good fortune of being able to usher in a new age of prosperity for Earth, forgoing the kind of energy that we currently use in order to use what which will allow our world to thrive.
Thor Wier dearly cares about the way we treat our planet, and that extends to the way we treat its creatures. There is a through line of finding harmony and balance throughout Yob’s Odyssey. While the book certainly has its science fiction elements, it is grounded in the reality that we must find new ways to cherish and preserve this world, or it will move on without us. If you have a great respect for the Earth, its resources, and its creatures, this book could be up your alley. Check out Yob’s Odyssey: A Journey of Searching the Powers of Nature (Yob’s Worldz Trilogy) on Amazon today!
The Planet of Darkness: Book I: The City of the Dark Tyrant
Praised by award-winning sci-fi writers and fans alike, The Planet of Darkness: Book I: The City of the Dark Tyrant, by author Tirzah Darnell, is an experience not to be missed. With life reimagined tens of centuries in the future, nothing is to be expected, as there are surprises around every corner. Darnell tells the tale through the eyes of a multitude of characters, each who live life as a number, and not as someone with a name. There are sci-fi elements at play, but this is the kind of story that feels as though it would appeal to fantasy lovers as well, as there are more than few elements of the supernatural that call out from that end of the speculative fiction spectrum. Darnell’s world is anything but monolithic, and she allows her readers to explore in ways that allow them to see things from other perspectives. On a planet of darkness, there are indeed shades of grey.
The presence of the Planet of Darkness is offset by the promise of a world of light, which could be a paradise to escape to. But there are more ways than one to convince people to remain on the dark planet, including abstract distractions, and strange convictions. Across the journey that readers are taken on, there are elements of intrigue and self-reflective intellectual quandaries. Darnell doesn’t just set out a world without life, but invites her readers on a walkabout in a world that is anything but what it appears to be at first glance. With every realization and revelation that comes to pass, the audience is bound to be that much more determined to find out what is in store beyond the veil of darkness. With two other books of a trilogy planned for this incredible series, there’s no better time than now to dive into the first book. Check out The Planet of Darkness: Book I: The City of the Dark Tyrant on Amazon today!
SuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Deal of the Art (Book 1)
Superhero fiction has become very popular, so there needs to be something in new stories that helps to set them apart from the vast amounts of other tales that are out there. So it is with Roger E. Pedersen’s SuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Deal of the Art (Book 1). Because there is a sort of anthological sort of presentation, at first, things feel a bit self-contained, but Pedersen works his magic and begins to see all his story threads coalesce. Filled with twists and turns, readers will be eager to find out what comes next, as there is certainly more than meets the eye than just what you see on the surface.
Pedersen explores the concepts of his titular superpowers in all their interesting ways. Because the chapters are generally split up by dossiers, you learn about his interesting cast of characters and all their wants and needs. Since the first book, Pedersen has forged ahead, crafting another pair of wonderful stories revolving around the Steele family and the heroes they’ve recruited. But you have to start somewhere, and book one is a perfect place to check your dossiers and perform your reconnaissance. Check out SuperPower: The Ability to Fly or to Become Invisible: The Deal of the Art (Book 1) on Amazon today!
Imperial Prince: Heir Apparent
Author Cathy Smith is a prolific writer, and Imperial Prince: Heir Apparent, is a grand adventure through space, led by an interesting cast with powers driven by their relationship to celestial bodies. As a story of exploration—both of space, and of oneself—Imperial Prince succeeds in creating intrigue and awe for its readers. With the backdrop of the galaxy behind this grand tapestry, and a magical fantasy veneer, Smith’s story is bound to delight many people. Everything coalesces into a perfect blend that captivates and draws the audience in, with every chapter leading them to eagerly discover more.
With plenty of moving parts, there is always some exciting or rebellious thing transpiring in Imperial Prince. Smith knows how to craft a tale that draws focus from one page to the next, and though this first-in-a-series is still substantial, it reads like a breeze. Readers are likely to be hungry for more by the time they reach the closing lines. Luckily, Smith is currently hard at work crafting the second book in the series, so there’s never been a better time to explore the galaxy than right now. Check out Imperial Prince: Heir Apparent on Amazon today!
Fall of Titan (Realm Book 1)
Author H.G. Ahedi sets up a delicate chess game of a story with Fall of Titan (Realm Book 1). And she’s not afraid to take the pieces off the board. Yet, she writes each member of her cast with such depth and with such potential for growth that readers will be at odds to keep them at arm’s length. The story is grand and spectacular as well, and this will no doubt become the jumping off point for a good deal of fans’ new favorite sci-fi epic. It has a sort of fantastic treasure-hunting feeling that will grip readers and not let go. Mixed with stunning spacefaring battles and electric action scenes, you can’t go wrong.
Don’t risk getting too close to any of the characters, as Ahedi is not afraid to kill her darlings. She has plenty in her cast, too, and while there are certainly a few that feel like they may be protected by plot armor, you can never be too sure in the first book in a series. Though there are some figures of authority that lend a hand and some advice, the hope of future is sometimes left in the unlikeliest of people, and that adds a little bit of magic to this wonderful epic sci-fi. If you’re ready for a captivating adventure, you’ll want to move now. Check out Fall of Titan (Realm Book 1) on Amazon today!
Universal Values: A Science Fiction Anthology
A quintet of fantastic science fiction adventures awaits anyone who grabs hold of author Bryon Mayfield’s latest anthology, Universal Values. Each of these entries is a sturdy short, fully realized, as much as they are snappy. But so it must be, as Mayfield digs deeper than ever here, exploring the ethos of various alien species, giving them purpose, emotion, and explaining the logic to which things exist as they are. There are many different things that bubble to the surface of the stories in this latest book, and all of them are gripping and entertaining. Mayfield’s various worlds couldn’t be more different either, which is why the great strides he takes to make them feel lived-in are so powerful and impressive.
There is a vivid immersion to Universal Values, as though the story is not being told, but related from memory. The author has a means to see into these various other worlds, and as varied as they are, describe details so eloquently that the places come to life as expertly as the plotlines. And though you only know them for a short while, the characters therein are easy to root for and hard to shake from your mind. Mayfield is a master of his craft, and a passionate storyteller to boot, so don’t hesitate. Check out Universal Values: A Science Fiction Anthology on Amazon today!
Background Noise: and Other Stories
Far more than just pulp sci-fi, Bryon Mayfield’s Background Noise: and Other Stories is a love letter to brief fiction in a science fiction setting. The set of five stories within this anthology all have their strengths, but each of them collectively show the tremendous talents that the author wields. An expert with his prose, Mayfield delivers each tale with wordplay that will leave readers feeling immersed and enthusiastic. One story after another prove that the author can write gripping, interesting stories, abundant with interesting characters and background details that are deep and rich—a challenge with shorter tales which Mayfield rises to with seeming ease.
Though this is Mayfield’s sophomore anthology, you would be hard-pressed to believe he wasn’t working on his tenth, or one-hundredth release. Mayfield has the dedication and the passion flowing through him that ensures that each of his tales are masterpieces in their own right. They also clock in at just the right length, ensuring that nothing feels too drawn out, or cuts out quicker than readers would like. Still, after the final page, fans will likely be hungry for more. Hopefully Mayfield keeps things up, and sci-fi enthusiasts are blessed with a third set from the talented author. Check out Background Noise: and Other Stories on Amazon today!
Knights of the Earth I: The unspoken crusade
Author Martin Kreider is an incredibly passionate creator, which you can see in just the first few pages of his debut title, Knights of the Earth I: The unspoken crusade. This book asks the question about what the future of mankind—and the universe—would look like if we overextended ourselves, and wiped out the resources that we needed to live as we currently do. It takes a turn toward our early days, while also bringing us forward, marrying elements of medieval feudalism, the old west, and pulp sci-fi in ways that really pop. Then, it adds an entirely new race that mankind finds beyond our star, and presents them as much more than just one-note. Throughout Kreider’s story, readers will be drawn to each of the characters, wondering about what twists and turns are in store, every step of the way.
Kreider’s book could have easily felt like Star Wars or Starship Troopers—and it certainly feels like there might be references to those—but it is firmly its own creation. Kreider has put tremendous thought into his universe-building, including the history (and alternate history) of many worlds, the Arizan people, and perhaps most notably, what it means to be one of the eponymous knights. There are a litany of reasons that you should check this story out, but the most pressing is that you’re likely to have a lot of fun with it. If his passion for this series has anything to say for it, Kreider is likely to have a sequel out before you know it. Check out Knights of the Earth I: The unspoken crusade on Amazon today!
The Dawn of AI (PAPER WAR Book 1)
The opening to a sprawling five-book series, The Dawn of AI (PAPER WAR Book 1) is author Ryan LeKodak’s take on the dangerous line we toe when it comes to technology that we might not be able to fully appreciate. In this hopefully-not-prescient look at what could happen if we don’t treat AI and other rapidly expanding computer mechanization with the utmost respect, the author manages to balance the science with a very real human element. Clinging to the characters as such, it’s easy to be immersed and captivated by all that occurs, and readers will be invested in the well-being of each member of the interesting cast.
While there is a focus on some of the characters’ flaws, LeKodak also sees the extraordinary in everyone, and allows them to champion their strengths even while showing off the parts of them that are less than perfect, ensuring fans will love spending time with them. And though the author excels across the board at telling a tale that excites and intrigues, it is his command over the world he’s built, with all the action and suspense that comes from an out-of-control technology that will keep readers on their seats. With four other books in the series on the horizon, there is no better time than now to dive into LeKodak’s wonderful story. Check out The Dawn of AI (PAPER WAR Book 1) on Amazon today!
The End of History: The World behind Walls
Within the first few pages of their epic science fiction tale, T.I. Nikolaos demonstrates their passion for the subject, and for worldbuilding. Indeed, in their story, The End of History: The World behind Walls, readers will feel an immense love of both the prose, and the story being developed. Nikolaos develops a tale that puts a grand focus on the world and what can happen when it all burns down, but they do it while looking at characters through an interesting lens. They carefully craft the characters’ motivations, their relationships with one another, and even their dialogue and accents. These details, and how they coalesce, are why it is so easy to be immersed in the author’s story.
It is clear that the author put a great deal of forethought into the world they developed in this book, as they’ve both constructed and deconstructed history, lore, and mythology for the basis of the story. It’s an interesting notion that isn’t touched on a lot, and it helps to drive the story forward in some clever ways. There always seems to be a consequence to every action, and watching it all unravel can be a very fun experience. Nikolaos is hard at work on more content all the time, so there’s never been a better time to explore what this author has on offer. Check out The End of History: The World behind Walls on Amazon today.
The Anomaly Book 1 – Genesis
They say you should write what you know, and with that in mind, there was probably no one better suited to write The Anomaly Book 1 – Genesis than Lionel Nathan. Studying philosophy and theology, and having a healthy respect for technology and astrophysics, he brings an important set of skills to bear for his debut. But being able to cite history, wax poetic about the future, and understand the basics of science and science-fiction will only get one so far. Luckily, Nathan excels at building intrigue and crafting fun characters, and he plays with the echoes of our own experiences, delivering a story that is expressive and interesting, and can easily captivate readers.
With snappy chapters and an ensemble cast of characters to learn from and explore with, readers will find that this story is one that moves quickly. It does not dawdle, instead throwing everything on the pages. It’s all meat and no gristle, ensuring that each page is used effectively and without nonsense filler. Indeed, The Anomaly Book 1 – Genesis is a brisk novel, but one that remains exciting throughout, and promises an interesting follow-up that fans ought to be clamoring for. Therefore, there’s no better time than now to dive into Nathan’s debut. Check out The Anomaly Book 1 – Genesis on Amazon today!
The Hadrian Prophecy
Just flip through the first few pages of The Hadrian Prophecy, and you’ll learn that author Luis A. Colon has a passion for storytelling that is exciting and expressive. A lifetime of storytelling has culminated into this first published book for the author, and it reads very much like the work of a veteran who has honed their craft. The Hadrian Prophecy is descriptive without being overly flowery or dragging on with long bits of exposition. It’s exhilarating, but without feeling like a hollow action-fest. And its heartfelt without being sappy. You can feel the richness of the worlds that Colon develops, and the lore and mythology that exists below the service. One of the things that will captivate readers the most, however, are the stellar characters that the author has written that they will want to root for.
The Hadrian Prophecy keeps readers engaged, captivated, and in suspense throughout the length of the story. It’s action-packed, clever, and fast-paced. It’s also introspective at times, and does a wonderful job of balancing against the menace of a frightening invasion. Fans of the genre will have a hard time putting this book down. And though the words “The End” are plastered on the final page, it does seem to hint that Colon has more in store for his readers, and a whole galaxy of possibilities out there. Check out The Hadrian Prophecy, by Luis A. Colon, on Amazon today!
Shob Diko is an author that lays everything on the table in his wonderful science fiction novel, Elsewhen. There are some twists and turns, but there are clues leading the reader forward, ensuring that nothing feels trapped beyond their reach. In Elsewhen, Diko effortlessly blends the portents of the future with some touching romance, and even some harder sci-fi that enhances the read. It helps to have characters that the reader are interested in following, even with their less upstanding morals. There are also quirky events that they’ll enjoy seeing manipulated in strange ways, and, of course, the time machine that really connects the flow of everything together. With a single press of a button, Diko’s lead can remain in place, while the rest of the world changes around him, moving backward ten minutes at a time.
Diko’s story is a bit farcical at times in addition to the moments that are meant to be deep and grounded. There’s a nice pendulum swing of sensibilities, ensuring that the story never grows stale. Of course, when you have a time travel device that has a strict set of rules, you use it as cleverly as you can, giving your reader plenty of time to be impressed by all the unscrupulous ways the character can bend time to his whim. The story ends on an established note, meaning that if you’re in the market for a story that doesn’t linger past its prime, and one that plays in the sandbox it makes itself to good effect, this is the book for you. Check out Elsewhen, by Shob Diko, on Amazon today!
Full Metal Exosuits — The Crimson Dragon : The Battle for Revenge and Redemption in a World of Magic and Mecha
Author Joseph Fredrickson wears his love for science fiction fantasy on his sleeve with the first book of his Full Metal Exosuits series, Crimson Dragon. With a bit of magic, and a lot of mechanized suits that empower their users, there’s a bit of everything for speculative fiction fans here. Frederickson ties it all together with great, consistent writing, and he invokes the feeling he is going for right from the front cover. His world is rich with detail, and captivating for those who dive beneath the surface, but at its crux are the characters and the ties that bind them. The author certainly gives them their chance to shine, assigning them interesting traits, and charging them with emotion.
The Crimson Dragon is a story that moves quickly. Though it is of formidable size, the events crack on one after another, Fredrickson always ensuring there’s some new revelation to carry the weight of the growing world lore and mythology along. It takes a careful balance to ensure that neither the world nor the characters overshadow one another, and that task is met head on. The author is passionate and persistent, delivering stories that connect and immerse readers. There will no doubt be more Full Metal Exosuits on the way, so there’s no better time than now to suit up. Check out Full Metal Exosuits — The Crimson Dragon : The Battle for Revenge and Redemption in a World of Magic and Mecha on Amazon today!
Author Neema Wala invites readers to join her in an adventure across the stars in her sci-fi debut, Cavin-Unit. The title relates to an incredible piece of technology that launches the story forward into parts unknown, and into an adventure like you won’t expect. Bolstered with a strong feminine presence, Wala’s story celebrates the magic of scientific discovery and the excitement of expressed ingenuity. It’s heartfelt in all the right ways, though emotions often run the opposite way as well, and the story is full of feminine rage, which can appear fairly catching in a space opera. Everything mixes well, and ensures that readers will want to follow along its wonderful cast until the turn of the last page.
Rich with detail, robust with story, Wala’s debut story is a passageway to other worlds, seen through the eyes of someone who feels familiar to the reader, as well as someone who feels strange and unpredictable. This blend of kooky and immersive mixes so well with one another, and the twin vantage points set a lovely cadence, ensuring there’s never a lull. The author also ensures that the enough time is spent on each situation before moving on, giving the tale the structure it deserves in order to thrive. The stars won’t wait. Check out Cavin-Unit by Neema Wala on Amazon today!
Abomination of Lost Memories: Man, Ghost, and One Crazy-Is-As-Crazy-Does Woman
The well-traveled author RM Harrington explores new grounds in the captivating Abomination of Lost Memories: Man, Ghost, and One Crazy-Is-As-Crazy-Does Woman. This tale is a blend of science fiction and horror that truly engages the reader and keeps them intrigued and on the edge of their seats. Psychologically charged, it has you contemplating how delicate the psyche is, and how vulnerable we are to things beyond our control. Filled with things that go bump in the night, you never know what might lie around the corner, hidden by the layers of the veil. Is what Harrington’s characters are seeing real, or are the frayed edges of their sanity beginning to tear?
Between its catching plot, its mystifying monsters, and dialog and prose that keep fans entertained, Harrington has a hit on his hands here. Once it gets going, Abomination of Lost Memories gets its grips on readers, it doesn’t let go. The thrills permeate the work from cover to cover, and it is imaginative throughout. The real excitement will come from finding out whether or not you can put the book down, or if you’re fated to finish it all in one sitting. Check out Abomination of Lost Memories: Man, Ghost, and One Crazy-Is-As-Crazy-Does Woman on Amazon today!
Last Life: Level Two
PrincessDie is back in the game, and things have grown more dangerous than ever in Last Life: Level Two. Author Zack Lester already had a winning combination of captivating characters, witty dialog, and thought-provoking storylines that exploded across the page. There wasn’t really anywhere to have to put any extra polish, but this sequel certainly puts a shine toward everything. With the cast of characters only requiring a brief reintroduction, Level Two hits the ground running, settings the stakes and showing the reader what failure could look like, and who is at odds with Diana and the rest of the gamers. Lester’s sophomore title is a tad longer than the first, but it’s a tight fit regardless, with no extraneous scenes feeling like they’re memory-leaking out of the game, or out of the book.
Level Two does manage to level up in some big ways. Subterfuge and dark dealings in the shadows of the digital world will astound fans of the first book, ensuring that every page still feels like one turn away from utter chaos. Even with as many twists and turns as one might expect in this sequel, given the way that the feature debut kept readers on their toes, one big trick was certainly not played toward the end of this tale. Come what may, a third level looks to be in the mix. That means there’s no better time than now to get in the game. Check out Last Life: Level Two on Amazon today!
Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1)
Authors A. D. Zoltan and Steven N. Nagy bring readers to a new age of enlightenment in their wonderful metaphysical sci-fi, Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1). Their story tells about societal change in ways that most people can only imagine, and then the authors carefully craft a masterpiece of written prowess around it. With science fiction, especially material that can be metaphysical and spiritual, it can sometimes feel as though the work fails to be substantive, but Zoltan and Nagy have developed something rich and captivating here—a world displaced from our own in time, yet wholly believable. Interesting characters carry the many notions of life beyond our world and indeed ourselves, in myriad ways, upon their shoulders. All the while, they bring us to new frontiers, not only in space, but in expression and in sense of self.
At its core, Zoltan and Nagy’s book is a conduit of concept and academia–a way to suppose how our future could look in ways should we follow it down one path. Only time will tell if we grow any closer to the vision that these fine authors tease, but in any case, there seem to be more missions, more personal journeys, and more questions yet unanswered to speculate on. This first book will make a fantastic foundation for everything yet to come. Check out Conjunction (The Wise Society Book 1) on Amazon today!
The Hypersleep Chronicles: An Interstellar Adventure
Author Andrew Kraft brings his love of space exploration and his talents in talespinning together in his debut, The Hypersleep Chronicles: An Interstellar Adventure. It is perhaps just a step below hard sci-fi, as the author makes it incredibly accessible for readers, not burdening them with too many specifics about how the technology works, but ensuring that the story stands strong. Certainly everything feels robust and fascinating, and that is because while the reader is not on the hook for knowing how everything coalesces, Kraft certainly does, going so far as understanding everything that’s occurred for the three-and-a-half centuries before the reader turns the first page. And as much as he enjoys all things beyond our orbit, he uses his characters to give us eyes and emotions on the journeys they take.
Part of the incredible journey is the wonder of experiencing something that we once thought of as novel, but in a more grounded way. Kraft explores cryogenics and space travel in interesting ways and builds a remarkable story around it, finding a balance that is every bit as entertaining as it is enlightening. It’s possible that this story could spin off into a sequel or even a series, so there’s no better time than now to explore the cosmos. Check out The Hypersleep Chronicles: An Interstellar Adventure on Amazon today!
Blackout Trail: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller
Linda Naughton has been creating and expanding on worlds for decades now, and may have even wrote some of the content in some of your favorite tabletop and video games. These days, however, she’s flexing her sizable writing muscles and using them for her own projects, and to great effect. One such project is the post-apocalyptic survival thriller, Blackout Trail. On top of an explosive story filled with fantastic events that keep readers on the edge of their seats, Naughton populates her narrative with strong, dynamic characters, who don’t feel like dialog slapped onto a page, but rather rich, intelligent, and most importantly, human elements that add an emotional element to her work. They don’t fit a preconceived notion of what a character should be, but are unique and nuanced.
Right from the first page of Blackout Trail, readers will be glued to the book, except when they hastily turn the page to see what happens next. Each chapter is well-paced and snappy, as Naughton carefully balances action, detailed descriptions, and involved character moments. Everything feels steeped in reality, and it is clear that the author did plentiful research to keep the story true to itself. Naughton, who is clearly passionate about the knowledge she’s amassed over her lifetime, finds no difficulties immersing her readers into this world. Don’t wait until the power goes out on a rainy day. Check out Blackout Trail: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller on Amazon today!
Surviving the Undead: A Tale of Hope and Resilience in a Post-Apocalyptic London
Author Harlan Smith arrives on the scene with a snack-sized entry in a genre where humans are the whole meal. In Surviving the Undead: A Tale of Hope and Resilience in a Post-Apocalyptic London the real focus is on the moral dilemmas which cast shadows on the already horrifying new life that the survivors need to adjust to. As in most stories of this fare, the undead are not the greatest threat to humanity. At its core, Surviving the Undead depicts that there is always hope, the chance to persevere, and the thought of a brighter day.
With quick chapters, this short story will keep readers focused. Surviving the Undead is a snappy tale that can sometimes show how far people devolve in a crisis. Smith includes art in this story which sets the mood of the story every few pages, helping to create an immersive feeling. With another book in the same genre on the horizon, now could be an interesting opportunity to dive into Smith’s debut. Check out Surviving the Undead: A Tale of Hope and Resilience in a Post-Apocalyptic London on Amazon today.
Into the Storm: Aliens Among Us
Author D.J. Adamson knows how to weave a story that features a fair share of suspense. Her Lillian Dove mystery series had earned her rave reviews, and shows what strong, dynamic characters she can develop. But in Into the Storm: Aliens Among Us—and the prequel novella—though there are still tinges of mystery in the static-charged air, it’s the thrills that readers will show up for and want to see around every corner. With a breezy narrative, characters who readers will love to see butt heads against one another, and unfolding secrets abound, Into the Storm is the kind of read that can easily be tackled in a single sitting.
With short, snappy chapters, and new revelations popping out frequently at the reader, it’s not difficult to see why this book is such a page-turner. With enough questions that may yet be unanswered by the close of the book, there may yet be a third in the series, but not every question is meant to be answered. Sometimes it’s the darker mysteries that are found to be most appealing. But, in either case, readers will come to enjoy Adamson’s sophomore sci-fi thriller for all its accomplishments, even if they do ask themselves the question, “is there something else out there?” Check out Into the Storm: Aliens Among Us on Amazon today!
New author J.D. Clason hits the scene with his new sci-fi novel, Salvation, and delivers a great adventure that balances gritty, visceral realism with deep, rich narrative beats. All too often in sci-fi the focus sometimes feels like it all rests on the technology, and it foregoes the emotional foundation. That’s not something you have to worry about in Salvation, where the story comes first, and the sci-fi elements only serve to enhance it. In fact, there are some poetry to the words, as Clason hasn’t just let stream of consciousness take over. Instead there’s a cadence and pace that keeps readers rooted in the story, and the characters’ well-being, immersing them in every shift and change as the tale evolves.
Clason knows how to build tension and raise the stakes. Between assassination attempts, violent insurgencies, and the appearance of deadly bounty hunters, Salvation is jam-packed with tons of content that furthers the plot and keeps readers on the edge of their seats. Stellar action, breathtaking twists and turns, and emotional payoff mark this story as one that will certainly earn the author some new fans. Check out Salvation by JD Clason on Amazon today!
The Man His Means and His Methods
Witty and sardonic, quirky where it needs to be, and compelling throughout, The Man His Means and His Methods is a novel like no other that readers simply must look into. From the mind of the incredibly talented Nico Moretti, this book is as thought-provoking as it is entertaining. Almost conversational in its narrative presentation, the story flows at a pace that makes it easy to dive in and follow, even though by the very nature of the story, it is meant to sort of break the fourth wall and have readers stop and think. It is certainly a different sort of story, though it isn’t for its novelty that it should be read, but for its quality. Monetti also brings it to life with interesting and expressive art, forged in the fires of AI.
Monetti is just as much a character for his book as he is its writer. As quirky as it is, it has to have a certain style and substance to it, and it likely couldn’t have happened with anybody else. It enlightens without proselytizing, and entertains without preaching. The Man His Means and His Methods will appeal to a broad swath of people, but for readers who are interested in a sort of crossroads of conspiracy theories, mythology, and just great writing, this is going to be a massive joy to read. Monetti reveals a considerable amount of himself here, including his passion for the subject matter, and that is perhaps what makes it so effective as story form and as art. Check out The Man His Means and His Methods on Amazon today!
S. L. Hemm has a love and respect for technology which translates well into a study of speculative science fiction, whereby you can imagine progress and the hopes of a better future, or the coming of our doom, if we are destined to regress because of our hubris. Hemm’s interest in virtual reality becomes an exceptional foundation for his debut, Suspended. Hemm’s book shows that technology, when used improperly, can take dark and ominous turns, and that sometimes, we can be the progenitors of our own grief and downfall. But it is not just the technology that keeps readers rooted and captivated. Hemm has created characters here who the audience will want to remain alongside, every step of the way.
Suspended manages to walk the road down both sides of the technological highway. It shows the potential for what we can do with it in the right hands, and with noble intentions, but it also shows the possibilities of what can go wrong when it is used for all the wrong reasons. Suspended is a story that has a decent length, but Hemm’s snappy chapters and interesting subject matter will have readers wrapping things up at a brisk pace. After that, it’s all about waiting to see what the author comes up with next. This book, however, is a great introduction to his work, so don’t sleep on it. Check out Suspended by S. L. Hemm on Amazon today!
The Boy with No Name (A Tale of People and Apples, Part 1)
Author M. H. Watson’s passion for their story is apparent. They’ve written a highly regarded trilogy that spans about 24 hours of reading, and delivered it to their readership absolutely free. The Boy with No Name is the first book in the A Tale of People and Apples series. Reading it on Wattpad makes it a communal experience, as you can see how other readers have reacted to certain scenes and prose, and as new readers will soon discover, the general consensus is that Watson’s book is captivating and suspenseful. Boy takes place in a dystopian future, and it is interesting to both discover how humanity arrived there, and what has come of it throughout the years. But Watson ensures that learning about the stories characters is just as compelling.
In The Boy with No Name, Watson shows their craftsmanship, effectively balancing a curious and mysterious world with a catching pace, never leaving readers without a fun thread or clue that keeps them on their toes. Vivid imagery and entertaining dialog give way to stunning reveals and sequences, and introspective moments that shape the story. This book will be a hit with readers who like a measured build toward an explosive crescendo. With two absolutely free stories that are waiting for readers after they are finished with this introduction to Watson’s world, there has never been a better time to dive into their debut. Check out The Boy with No Name (A Tale of People and Apples, Part 1) on Wattpad today!
Blood on the Blue Moon (The Broadcloak Files Book 1)
Mysteries can be a challenge to write, because you have to strike a perfect balance between transparency and the clandestine. Author Justin Care toes the line with such precision in his novel, Blood on the Blue Moon, it seems like he’s been at this for a lifetime. A bit like Hercule Poirot in space, this detective story is clever, fresh, and dark where it needs to be. Readers will always wonder what lurks around the corner, and what new truths will be revealed. Care’s tale is immersive, and spending time with the characters leads to emotional risks and rewards, because you never know who might be in the most danger by the turn of the next page.
Care does a wonderful job blending genres, as the titular spacecraft stands in as a compelling set piece in ways that Christie’s ship on the Nile could only dream of. Indeed, it adds to the experience in some interesting ways, and serves the story very well. With a sprinkling of clues left for the reader, this is one mystery that will keep them eagerly guessing. A brisk pace leads them to the inevitable, stunning conclusion as well, where all will be revealed in spectacular fashion. Care leaves his fans with a promise to see Struan, his charming detective, in another tale to come, but it all starts here. Check out Blood on the Blue Moon: A Scifi Mystery Novel (The Broadcloak Files Book 1) on Amazon today!
Grey is the New Blue (Vixen Grey Series Book 1)
Grey is the New Blue is but one of the books in author James David’s sizable catalog, but it is one that highlights the fun that he has had within the sci-fi genre, serving up a twist on the “they walk among us” trope that many are familiar with. In this first book in the Vixen Grey series, the expectation is subverted, because the humans are the ones that are outnumbered, specifically on the police force that becomes an important aspect of the tale. David’s police tale is pulp sci-fi, but without any schlock, and it’s good, popcorn fun throughout. A lot of this comes down to the characters that he writes, and the situations that he throws them into. The author is also not afraid to put his characters in danger, and synthetic as some are, readers will still grow to care about them.
Even with a battalion of android officers, the troubles of this day and age persist in the future, and David spins a very human tale out of it. There are still twists and turns aplenty as well, and you never know what a character may be thinking. Emotions still play a huge part in the world the author has built, and it really helps to give it life in some interesting ways. This police series could easily turn into a procedural, and indeed there is another book already on its way, but there’s no better place to start than at the beginning. Check out Grey Is The New Blue: A science fiction book based on crime investigations and police with androids (The Vixen Grey Series 1) on Amazon today!
Dark Matter: Terion
Dark Matter: Terion, the first book in an epic spacefaring trilogy, shows author Alex A. Janek’s commitment to his written universe, and indeed it is a great introduction to his work. Janek has a deep respect for immersive description, and he wants to invite readers to his world. He remains true to the genre, and indeed, there is some expectation that readers will enjoy the science side of science fiction. While many books of this genre have a tendency to be a bit hard to follow as they inundate with hi-tech talk and confusing jargon, the heart of Dark Matter is in its characters, who have a great deal of emotional bandwidth that they share with those witnessing their adventures. Of course, on the flip side, there are those worthy of caution and distaste.
Interesting without feeling too academic, clever without feeling like you need a degree to enjoy it, Dark Matter: Terion is a sci-fi epic that fans of the genre and those just trying it out for the first time will love. It has endearing qualities that aren’t easily replicated, showing just how much care the author put into it. Janek’s second book in the series has already been released, and it’s just as substantial as Terion. The third in the series is planned for release soon, though the author is taking care to ensure that it is a proper swan song for the Dark Matter books. With all that in mind, there’s never been a better time to take the deep dive into this universe. Check out Dark Matter: Terion on Amazon today!
Last Life: Level One
While he had previously released a science fiction collection in the past, it is Zack Lester’s new feature-length story that will get its hooks in and not let go. Readers will love the twists and turns of Last Life: Level One, especially if they’re fans of the “games gone deadly” trope that’s regained popularity over the past few years. Lester story certain feels like it’s at the forefront, but it’s bolstered by an awesome cast, dialog that sticks, and relationships that are easy to care about, and develop in a natural, interesting way. There’s no force-fed elements or excessive exposition. Lester simply presents his world as it should be, and let’s his other talents bring it to life by the strength of its characters, the events that unfold, and a bit of a neon glow underneath.
Thanks to great pacing, and a story that won’t quit at any point from the first page to the last, Last Life will keep readers on the edges of their seats. Though it’s not a terribly brief book, it makes for a quick read because folks will not be able to put it down. As quick as readers reach the end of this book though, they’ll have to be patient for the next entry in the series to drop, as Lester is also hard at work on several Kindle Vella series. Still, the more great sci-fi, the better, and you can make proper preparations for the upcoming sequel during this time as well. Check out Last Life: Level One on Amazon today!
Zoe Hearty and the Space Invaders
Suspenseful, thrilling, and entertaining throughout, the debut science fiction novel of TE Norris is frighteningly good. In Zoe Hearty and the Space Invaders, Norris takes body snatcher-style aliens, and cranks them up to eleven. It’s a great time to be had, especially for readers who enjoy anxiety-drenched, hair-raising twists and turns. Bringing it all into focus is the wonderful lead character, who is just so different and such a breath of fresh air, even though she’ll make people gasp as she reveals her secrets.
Though Zoe has the potential to be written like a freight train, her first book allows her to fit as a piece of a great puzzle, and each revelation feels earned and rewarding. If paranormal, psychological thrillers are your cup of tea, you should really dive into this first Zoe Hearty book by TE Norris. While there’s some closure, it looks more likely that this isn’t the last we’ve seen of some of the authors characters. But it all starts here. Check out Zoe Hearty and the Space Invaders on Amazon today!
One of the first things you’ll notice about the work of author Jamie Eubanks is that her stories are dynamic and rich. So it is in her award-winning latest, HALL OF SKULLS, which takes her incredible talespinning talents, and spreads them the vastness of space. Indeed, her latest is a fantastic foray into unfamiliar territory. While some of these concepts have been explored before, it is the way that Eubanks unravels them that makes the story pop. A delightful cast of characters gives the story a punchy feel, and intrigues enough to follow from one event to the next, but there are scenes and sequences that will leave readers gobsmacked, unable to read any further until they process through what just unfolded.
HALL OF SKULLS moves forward at a brisk and enjoyable pace, and it keeps the reader’s attention, never letting go. While the story is fully fleshed out—and truly, an epic experience—it will still leave readers wanting more. Eubanks has explored different genres thus far, but there is enough runway left in the world that she’s created here that she could sling back around, scouring the far edges of the universe and delivering more great sci-fi beats. Even if she doesn’t, her story ends with all the excitement and resolution that you’d want from your newest favorite sci-fi. Don’t delay. Check out HALL OF SKULLS on Amazon today!
Blending Grey: A Pulp Cyberpunk Short Story
Author Avery P. Michaels arrives on the sci-fi scene with a brief but delightful cyberpunk story that’ll hook readers who are looking for a quick, entertaining escape. Blending Grey: A Pulp Cyberpunk Short Story is brimming with interesting characters and themes that captivate those along for the ride. Michaels explores what it means to discover who you are, both inside and out, and then stitches in some quirky and exciting events to boot. It’s a great story that is elevated by its setting, and the author captures the essence of one fans of the genre are drawn to.
Despite the author’s disclaimer, this is actually a very well-written story that brings readers into a world that they’ll be delight to be lost in. For fans of cyberpunk, this is just a perfect slice of life for the genre, and it shows that there’s still plenty of room to explore, should Michaels want to continue along in this dismal version of the world. Even if they don’t though, this story wraps things up in a neat enough bow, and it’s an interesting dive into a darker tale. It’s popcorn fun, sure, but it’s pulp, not schlock, and those who are looking for a quick story to enjoy will get that here. Check out Blending Grey: A Pulp Cyberpunk Short Story on Amazon today!
Proxima Bound
For readers who are looking for a shorter science fiction story that still packs an awesome punch, author Davi Mai has everything under control. In Proxima Bound, a tale that takes place on a space cruiser that is bringing humanity to another world in a journey that will take a millennium to complete, the author introduces a cataclysmic event that fans of the genre will feel compelled to see resolved. Indeed, every step of the way, they’ll want to spend time alongside Mai’s rich and interesting characters, watching as they do their best to cling on to life as dangers continue to unfold.
Promixa Bound will stick in the minds of those reading through it long after its done. It hits all the right beats, introduces its world and its rules in interesting ways, and doesn’t linger where it ought not. Although it’s of novella length, it develops things wonderfully, and wraps them up as neat as readers would want. It’s self-contained, and though the fate of the Attenborough is shown to the reader, Mai could turn around and write a distant sequel in more ways that one if they chose to. For now though, this space-traveling science fiction is great enough to add to collections on its own. Check out Proxima Bound on Amazon today!
The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm: The Robinsons
Authors Terance L. Shipman and Prudence William have amassed a wonderful catalog of books for middle-grade children, but with their latest, the pair have brought to life their best story yet. In The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm: The Robinsons, readers are treated to a family-centric superhero story with wonderful emotional payoff which is all wrapped up in some fantastic magic. With catching prose by the talented authors, and gorgeous illustrations by Yvonne Abuda, the tale is sure to get its hooks into readers of all ages. It’s a family that readers can root for, and they’ll want to see what happens next.
The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm is the sort of superhero story that younger fans of the genre will be grateful for. But no matter the reader’s age, they will be hungry for more, as a middle-grade reader, or an adult eager to share the magic with their child. The action within the story isn’t sewn together for thrills, although you certainly get them here regardless. Instead, it’s built on heart, courage, and wide-eyed wonder. Fans of this tale, of which there are bound to be many, can rejoice in the knowledge that there are more to come for the kid heroes of the story and their family. Check out The Adventures of Mahalia and Malcolm: The Robinsons on Amazon today!
Author Mia Frances is making a name for herself with the recent releases of her grittier stories. Her latest, Tribes, is a blend of a lot of things. Because of the nature of the story, it sees components of science fiction, gritty survival horror, post-apocalyptic adventure, and even bouts of romance. Somehow, it all works to great effect, though readers who don’t want to see everything through a bright and beautiful lens are probably more apt to enjoy and appreciate it. Frances doesn’t shy away from showing her audience what lies in the shadows, that is for certain.
If you’re into dystopian fiction about the determination of the human spirit, with a healthy dose of suspenseful grit and darkness, and a splash of science fiction layered over top of it, you’ll love Frances’s book. The author is great at everything because she enjoys everything, and finds a way to seamlessly sew the different components together. This look at our broken world, thrust into chaos and violence, is certainly a harrowing one, and it takes a talented storyteller to pull that off and make it enjoyable. Frances achieves just that, and shows us a few bright spots between the cracks. Check out Tribes on Amazon today!
Author Sam Joe delivers a sort of stream of consciousness story in DREAMS which takes a look at how someone might react if they learned that the end of the world was upon us. Joe has an active imagination, certainly. While the concept feels similar to other apocalyptic stories that we’ve seen in film over the years, the author’s lead character in this story makes some choices that we would rarely see of heroes in those other tales. In a way, it’s a breath of fresh air here, because the character is honest with himself.
DREAMS feels like it comes to a close just as it opens, and it shows plenty of places where the author could expand or revisit if they wanted to. Readers will see the perspective of one character here, but it is clear that there is a whole world that are reacting to the tragic events in the story, and we’ve only just scratched the surface here. It’s a quick read, but it’s a good introduction to Joe’s writing style, and what he’s capable of. If you’re interested in a direct story that gets to the point and makes it firmly, you can check out DREAMS on Amazon today!
Extinction Reversed
In Extinction Reversed and the series it is part of, the characters you’ll become attached to are the robots. This book is pure, hard, euphoric science fiction at its best, and J.S. Morin makes short work of showing why he’s among the best suited to write it. The story follows Charlie7 in an unbelievable journey of ethics, exploration and restoration. Humanity has fallen, but perhaps there is a way to bring them back. There’s no storyteller who could tell it better than Morin.
Extinction Reversed is the kind of book that epitomizes the science-fiction genre. It’s a great story, written extremely well, with characters who you yearn to learn more about. You want to join them on their journeys of understanding and personal reflection, amidst all the realizations and dangers that the world throws at them.
What are you waiting for? Pick up Extinction Reversed on Amazon today!
Black Ocean Mission Pack 1: Missions 1-4
The Black Ocean series is as close as you can get to a mashup of Firefly and awesome fantasy. It’s driving force is the characters, which you’ll grow to adore. The crew of the Mobius—and the people they meet up with—will stick with you long after you’ve raced through your first read of each of the stories. And you will rip through these before you realize it!
This Mission Pack is a wonderful selection of Morin’s stories from the Black Ocean series. Morin is as prolific as they come, having written a score of books, with more on the way. If you want to meet a new favorite author, look no further than this. There’s no better time than now for you to get these four stories either, as the author has dropped the price to 99 cents for a limited time. Pick it up on Amazon today!
Black Ocean Mission Pack 2: Missions 5-8
What’s better than one great science fiction story? How about four great ones? J.S. Morin’s Black Ocean Mission Pack 2 is a great entry point into this expansive series. With a score of books under his belt, Morin makes the rest of us writers look like goobers.
Morin is definitely a friend of ours, and we’re happy to see that he’s still cranking out incredible books. Mission 5 is another perfect entry point to the series, even if you haven’t read from mission 1 on. And with the 9th one recently released, Black Ocean is a saga you just can’t miss. Pick up these four great stories today!
Ike’s Adventures on Earth: New Horizons
Author El Wanderer tackles little known revelations and catching philosophy, and wraps it up with interesting packaging in his new science fiction book, Ike’s Adventures on Earth: New Horizons. Wanderer’s book reads like it truly does follow someone from another world that had entered our own, and it’s because of this that readers are immersed into the story so easily. Ike’s Adventures has scholastic and academic appeal, as the author has plenty of facts to share about Earth. This makes the story easily enjoyable by kids and young adults who like science, and want to learn new things about our world.
While a good portion of the story is dedicated to enlightening its readers, the larger underpinning is that Earth is in trouble. Eventually, the tale shifts gears, and things become more personal, roping fans into the events. Once readers reach that point, it becomes a brisk read that will have them itching to find out how the next chapter goes. It taps into some very current philosophies, but it puts a science fiction sheen on it that offers up some interesting twists. While you might be wondering if there’s more adventures in store for Ike and his friends, now is a great time to learn about his first set. Check out Ike’s Adventures On Earth: New Horizons on Amazon today!
LitRPG, Choose Your Own Adventure, and Interactive Content
Third Path of Creation Book 1 – Traveler’s Journey: An Omniverse Series
Author ItalianDragon marks an impressive debut with Third Path of Creation Book 1 – Traveler’s Journey: An Omniverse Series., a LitRPG that shows the care and passion that is crafted into this promising shared universe. From a character whose growth is exponential and exciting, to the minutiae of the stat blocks and the abilities that they have, ItalianDragon was intent on delivering an entertaining and focused experience for their readers. Because the Omniverse that is being developed is such a foundational part of what the author is building, they spent just the right amount of time on worldbuilding, demonstrating that there is considerable lore and backstory at play. Meanwhile, the narrative is almost conversational, as James explains the part he has to play in the cosmic tapestry.
LitRPGs are supposed to feel a bit like wish fulfillment, and in that regard, Traveler’s Journey does nothing to disappoint. James, now Deathwalker after his immersion into this new world, is clever, funny, and powerful—all the things that people long to be. And the book will appeal to those who enjoy the fantasy elements as much as the gaming experience. It reads quick, with a flow that helps readers race to the finish line. With a whole shared universe that seems poised to follow, now is a fantastic time to see what ItalianDragon has to offer. Check out Third Path of Creation Book 1 – Traveler’s Journey: An Omniverse Series on Amazon today!
Knight Unleashed: The Resonance Cycle, Book 6
With the release of Knight Unleashed: The Resonance Cycle, Book 6, author Aaron Renfroe is delivering for readers and fans in some very big ways. LitRPGs can sometimes seem like a tough nut to crack as far as sweeping series go. But Renfroe seems like he never misses a step, always knowing exactly what route he needs to take to elevate his storytelling, and to send his characters are quests and adventures that remain remarkable despite their growing power schemes. Renfroe is as clever as his craftiest characters, and always builds toward exciting crescendos with each of these books. With Knight Unleashed bringing up the second to last story in this epic series, it had a considerable weight on its shoulders. But none would be wise to doubt Renfroe, who stuns with this second-to-last chapter.
As tensions rise higher than ever, the Resonance Cycle books prove that even those with supernatural abilities can be wounded. If someone can bleed, they can be bled dry. Despite all of Ty’s strengths, he isn’t invincible, and the author knows how to keep readers and fans guessing about what might come next. And those threats are laid bare, promising what is to come next in this spectacular LitRPG series. With the penultimate book in the series now done, there’s never been a better time to dive into Renfroe’s incredible LitRPG series. Do yourself a favor and check out the first five books of the series. Then, check out Knight Unleashed: The Resonance Cycle, Book 6 on Amazon today!
Torn Shroud: The Resonance Cycle, Book 5
With over 2500 reviews, and an average that has reached 4.7 out of 5 stars in recent books, the Resonance Cycle has become known as one of the go-to LitRPG series for superfans. And so, in Aaron Renfroe’s latest in the series, Torn Shroud, the author continues to refine his craft, and develops his characters into an even more catching and captivating cast. Though the Resonance Cycle can be complex, Renfroe delivers everything with a stunning amount of passion, and works wonders at making everything stand out. It’s insanity in only the best of its presentation, and the author wants nothing more than to take you on a ride you’ll not soon forget.
LitRPGs can feel like something that are easy to create, as there is usually a sort of template that they follow. But it takes a master to truly elevate them, and Renfroe is one such aficionado. As this is the fifth book in this series, it’s been ramped up a considerable amount, but it never feels out of place or unearned. Instead, Renfroe finds careful balance with a few different storylines, blending everything together in the most delectable ways. With this penultimate book in the cycle upon us, there’s never been a better time to dive into all the Resonance Cycle books. Then, do be sure to come back here and check out Torn Shroud: The Resonance Cycle, Book 5 on Amazon today!
Assassin Summoner: Spite the Dark: Book 1 (LitRPG/Progression)
LitRPG author Aaron Renfroe has an immense catalog that he builds quickly, and he’s grown it one book and series larger with the release of his newest, Assassin Summoner: Spite the Dark: Book 1 (LitRPG/Progression). Those who have grown accustomed to the author’s stories will at once be drawn to his characters, as he writes them with great depth, and with dynamic development in mind. But Spite the Dark also sets itself aside from Renfroe’s other stories as it instantly identifies itself as a high-octane experience. Action sequences are fueled by quick and exciting choreography, and there is a freneticism that has readers eager to turn one page after the next.
Always one to find clever ways to layer progression elements into his story, the author has nailed down some very interesting parameters here in Spite the Dark. He creates an interesting super soldier out of Kaden Yamaguchi, and invited readers to watch as a grand and epic tale unfolds. Renfroe is a master of the LitRPG domain, and a prolific author who is always working on one stunning story after the next. With a follow-up in this series set to launch in March, now is the right time to explore his latest progression fantasy. Check out Assassin Summoner: Spite the Dark: Book 1 (LitRPG/Progression) on Amazon today!
Father of Constructs: The Janitor Killed the World Boss
Aaron Renfroe is no stranger to fantasy or to LitRPG. That experience is used to great effect in his second LitRPG series starter, Father of Constructs: The Janitor Killed the World Boss. Renfroe takes his talents and crafts a story with beautiful prose that feels as though it was meticulously chosen, and a story that is equal parts hilarious and heartwarming. It’s a bit of Flowers for Algernon-meets-World of Warcraft, in the best of ways. There is a tremendous amount of forethought that went into crafting this world, and it does not exist merely as a place for a player to exert their newfound power. Rather, it feels as though this fantasy world existed well before any programmer put RPG elements within it. It could have just as easily been a proper fantasy, but the LitRPG elements elevate it in some interesting ways. Indeed, Renfroe strikes an interesting and powerful balance between all the fundamental parts of his story.
Renfroe’s sophomore LitRPG series begins with a masterpiece that promises more from the world. This first book in the set is an incredible look into a world rife with mythology, captivating characters, and a fresh take on what the genre is and where it can go. The author is also a master at pacing the tale, ensuring that what is on the page is what is on the page is something that will entertain the reader, and not have them feeling bogged down with unnecessary exposition or skippable details. Its because of that pacing that fans will find themselves turning the final page before long. But they need not fret for long, because Renfroe has the second book in the series ready to land later this year. Check out Father of Constructs: The Janitor Killed the World Boss on Amazon today!
Journal29: Interactive Book Game
One of the goals of every storyteller is to bring about a new tale in a novel enough way that it catches and captivates fans and readers. The creator of Journal29, Dimitris Chassapakis, brings his story to life in an interesting enough way that has the adventure coming to life right in your hands. With snappy story elements, readers-slash-players are tasked with solving a mystery that is presented across a number of pages, with each riddle helping to create a cipher of sorts. The puzzles are challenging enough where the book can be played with others, as it helps to have different sorts of analytical styles. Yet, even if you don’t have a couch-ready think tank, Journal29 has you covered, inviting other players to their site to help with tips.
With fresh puzzles that challenge your way of thinking, Chassapakis delivers fun in a style that you might not have been considering. But as you make your way along, there are countless opportunities to break that state of mind and really enjoy oneself. There is no doubt that if you pick up Journal29, you’ll enjoy the follow-ups, of which two have been released. But it all starts here, with the original, which you should dive into as soon as you can. Check out Journal29: Interactive Book Game on Amazon today, and do be sure to check out the mysterious Journal29 website as well!
Ruin of the Dead, Book 1 of the Cleric Trilogy
Lee Brown has a penchant for stories where the reader is in control of their fate. In Ruin of the Dead, a Choose Your Own Adventure book revolving around divinity and doom—and the first book in a planned trilogy—the focus is on the reader-slash-player embodying a cleric in service of the goddess of Justice. After a long pilgrimage, the very artifact that you have journeyed to pray upon has been stolen by dark forces, and it is up to you to determine the steps necessary to serve your order, and be seen as a champion to your goddess. Brown had his work cut out for him, having to not only write a great story, but also to develop a branching path with an interface that was tidy, and he’s managed to do both to great effect.
When it comes to Choose Your Own Adventure stories, the book usually asks more of both the writer and the reader, but Brown keeps things simple and elegant, ensuring that the player doesn’t have to do too much on their end. Just a bit of paper, a pencil and a six-sided die, or a computer to keep your notes and do some randomization checks is all you need. If you think you have what it takes to fight against the undead and savage lizardfolk that threaten peace and order, give Brown’s fun adventure a try. Check out Ruin of the Dead, Book 1 of the Cleric Trilogy on Amazon today!
Book of Forsaken Futures: MAGI (Books of Forsaken Futures 2)
One of the first things you’ll notice about Shawn Nichols is that he has a lot to say. In his newest book, Book of Forsaken Futures: MAGI (Books of Forsaken Futures 2), that’s readily apparent, as the book clocks in at over a thousand pages in Kindle format. None of that is superfluous, mind you. Nichols presents just the right amount of exposition, and dialog, and action, and manages to deliver a book that marches forth at a wonderful pace. Moreover, he does so with a book that hops in many different directions. Choose Your Own Adventure stories have a chance to go off the rails at any point, but Nichols built his tracks sturdy and strong, and they’ll entice readers all the way to the end, no matter which ending they’ll get.
It’s always great when you can return to enjoy a book a second time. With Nichols’s excellent book, readers can come back to it again and again, learning what choices they may have skipped out on, and how things might have been different if they had taken a chance. On top of that, they’ll get a chance to see the author’s gripping, exciting prose executed in other sequences. The best news is that if you enjoy the world that Nichols unleashes here, he’s got more on the way, in a bit more of a linear fashion that explores it in some other ways. But you should start here, as it’s a great introduction to his writing craftsmanship. Check out Book of Forsaken Futures: MAGI (Books of Forsaken Futures 2) on Amazon today!
Kronos Online
If you’ve ever dreamed about escaping the troubles of your day to day life and becoming the great hero, author Mitchell Nelson has a story that might have been written just for you. His fantasy debut is Kronos Online, a LitRPG that’s a breath of fresh air for the genre. It presents with a bigger focus on what’s going on in the real world, giving the tale a heartier feel. It’s a timely book, with trends pushing people’s interactions online. Nelson isn’t afraid to show some of the cracks that exist in the foundation between his worlds, or his characters.
Each chapter ends in a way that draws you in more and more. Nelson has fashioned a story that is addicting and immersive, whether it is what’s happening to Theo in game or outside of it. It’s a perfect story for those who want to dream big, and see their passions turn into epic successes, although it certainly shows the struggles that one must endure as well. Though Nelson’s book has a fantasy heartbeat, it takes care to present reality in a compelling way as well, giving this LitRPG a breath of fresh air you might not otherwise find. With more stories from this series undoubtedly on the way, now’s a great time to pick up the debut. Check out Kronos Online on Amazon today! If you pick it up this weekend, between May 6th and May 9th, you’ll get it absolutely free!
Manga and Comics
Buumba Ta Juba: Sorrow ta Fearless
Brought to life by creators Carlos Luis, and Brian “Proffess” Howelton, Buumba Ta Juba: Sorrow ta Fearless is a graphic novel that is unlike many that you’ve seen. To start, it’s driving focus is its heart. There is a lot of emotion and positivity here, written with a lot of thought and care by Proffess, and illustrated beautifully by Luis. It can be described as having a Phineas and Ferb feeling with an almost Animaniacs look, which makes it instantly accessible and appreciated by a wide variety of fans. Howelton and Luis effortlessly bring a good deal of feelings to the forefront, bringing a respectful amount of humor to a story about identity and community.
Created by some very talented people, Buumba Ta Juba has a lot of endearing qualities that position it as a story that can help readers cope with some feelings of their own. Luis and Proffess bring the fun and the funny, ensuring their graphic novel is something that anyone can pick up and enjoy. It’s a project that has been percolating for some time, and these creators have been hard at work bringing it to life with the love and respect that it deserves. Check out Buumba Ta Juba: Sorrow Ta Fearless and get on the mailing list before its release by going to this link at Pugnacious Publishing.
Gifts from the Sacred Warrior
Coming to you from the mind of Iami Breaux, and illustrator Alexander Santer, a native Ukrainian, Gifts from the Sacred Warrior is a beautiful and exciting graphic novel adventure about people taking destiny into their own hands by training the champions meant to bring humanity into the next age. Breaux and Santer bring this project to life in haunting beauty, whether its the artwork, or the wonderful prose layered beneath. This set of one dozen tales will be sure to stoke the imagination of anyone who dreams of seeing life beyond the stars, as well as humanity’s journey toward the future.
On the Kickstarter side, Breaux ensures that there is a plethora of goodies to amass, from copies of the book, to prints of the artwork, and beyond. Even when the project finds its funding, there are also stretch goals planned, which almost every backer level will have access to. This duo and the rest of their team are a force to watch out for, so do be sure to keep an eye open for the campaign as it makes it way forward, collecting one new backer after another on its road to release. Check out the Kickstarter for Gifts from the Sacred Warriors, which is now live!
There are few fantasy creators out there who have everything scoped out so well as Bill Shook. With his illustrated novel, WALDO BEYOND THE WALLS: ADVENTURES IN THE GALAXY, he manages to create a new sticking point in a long-running series, which anchors a tremendous universe teeming with potential. Pop culture references are present here and there, most notably in its nods to Kilroy (and mostly on the older books Shook has released). This latest story is delightfully silly, as the author has a witty and clever sense of humor. It feels like it was made for this format, as its full page spreads look gorgeous, and the style elsewhere is similarly spectacular. Waldo features culture-hopping events across our world, and helps readers learn more about our history, so it’s perfect for kids who want to learn in a fun way. An incredible work of imagination for those who love to let theirs run wild.
As Shook mentions in his blurb, we’re seeing not just these expressive, beautiful looks at our world, but the advent of a new and expanding universe starring Waldo and his friends. And it gets bigger than just a sequel. Shook has music inspired by his work, a forthcoming movie, preceding books that helped to set Waldo in place, and more books to come, making this one amazing universe to look out for. But this is a wonderful spot to start, and you can venture off in so many different directions from here. Check out WALDO BEYOND THE WALLS: ADVENTURES IN THE GALAXY on Amazon today!
The Adventures of Ganja Girl
Charles Ahonotu is a storyteller and comic book aficionado who has tapped into his social group and his hobbies to bring a new tale to life. This quirky, humorous, good-natured story is The Adventures of Ganja Girl, a story of ordinary people finding great power within themselves, even if it’s with the help of an external substance. Ahonotu’s advantages stem from his entertaining relationships with his friends, as well as an aim toward making the story enjoyable by anyone.
The Adventures of Ganja Girl is crowdfunding on IndieGoGo at this time, and is trending in the right direction. If you like your stories to be fun and quirky, and you like to see people fight for progress and the good of humanity, all while kicking butt, this is a comic that could be right up your alley. The artist is enjoying this story, and he’s made it clear that he wants to continue the character’s escapades, but you can get it at the onset if you help this comic reach its crowdfunding goal. Check out The Adventures of Ganja Girl on IndieGoGo today!