Special Tellest Newsletter – November 2023

Greetings, traveler!

We’re taking care of a very special Tuesday newsletter blast today because something very special has happened: the latest Tellest Kickstarter has launched!

Matt and I have spent the last year making 50 gorgeous tabletop battlemaps that game masters can bring into their campaigns, and they’re available at very affordable prices here.  If you are a D&D or Pathfinder nut, these maps might be a quick way for you to add to your experience.  And even if you aren’t, you might know someone who is.  Please help us spread the word so that we can keep doing things like this, and continue to bring new experiences to tabletops all over the world!

Today is the best day to move on this deal, because we have a day-one backer level that will get those who pledge a bonus five maps, as well as an earlybird deal to get the maps even cheaper!

Just click below to be brought to the Kickstarter page.

Back the latest Tellest Kickstarter – 50+ Battlemaps

Remember, you won’t be charged until the campaign is complete, just before Christmas.  And these maps will be available for download before Santa hops in his sleigh, so it makes for a great present as well!

Thank you so much for helping us to bring other corners of Tellest to life.  We’re excited to make magic with you again!

Our weekly content will be short and sweet today because we want the focus to be on the maps.  Please enjoy.

Wyrd Witch Wands

We’re usually pretty consistent about what we put out on these newsletter blasts, but you know what hasn’t been consistent?  The weather!  Well, I guess it’s been consistently rainy.  There haven’t been a lot of opportunities for Rhianna to get any really nice pictures of the foliage outside, so we’re digging back a little farther in our timeline for this adorable little Barn Owl Wand.  A bit of larimar adds to the magic here, and might help this little fellow take flight, to a new wielder!

Tellest Etsy

If you’re looking for a dark elf to grace your computer desk, Iliana, a Vision in Black is ready and waiting!  This is the latest of our portrait projects that we’ve done with artist barn-swallow, and Iliana joins a host of other great characters from our series.  This delver was one of our fan favorites, so we expect to see some nice attention on her here!

Tellest Battlemaps

I am very happy to announce that the fiftieth base map, Savanna Crossroads, is officially complete!  We are 100% a wrap for the base-level of our Kickstarter with that in mind, but we have to wrap up at least one variant for this map, which I’ll be doing tonight on the stream.  This map feels a little barren, but that’s by nature.  And yet, we still managed to get five points of interest jammed into the crossroads, and without feeling as though they’re unnatural.

This map will also be available on our Patreon, but if a one-time buy sounds more up your alley, be sure to check out the Kickstarter!

I’ve also been working on not just our 51st map, but our 52nd, 53rd, and 54th as well.  That’s because the next map I’m working on is a huge tavern that sits on an island in the middle of the forest, and I wanted to make sure that I could adequately represent it.  That ought to be something fun that I can show off on Wednesday’s stream.

Talking Tellest

It’s kind of strange to think that we’re 22 episodes into Talking Tellest, and we’re just now getting to the point that we’re talking about the Strain.  It’s a rather fundamental part of the Tellest universe, and though we’ve seen other things that amplify character powers to an insane amount, the main focal point of the Strain is that there are people born with powers.

Rhianna and I talked about the Strain, how it came to be, and some of our favorite people who are afflicted with such powers.

This video will be live on Thursday at 3PM EST.

Riddle and Reward!

It’s our last email of the period before the Riddle and Reward expires, so make sure you get your guesses in soon!

What is something you create, even if you do nothing?

If you think you know the answer, do be sure to take a guess.  You can reply to this email or click here to send me your answer.  Remember, I don’t care if you’re right or wrong.  As long as you send me any attempt, I’ll enter you into the drawing to get yourself an Amazon gift card or a four-pack of Tellest posters, or a $5 coupon for a Wyrd Witch Wand on our Etsy shop!

For this riddle, we’ll need your answer before the end of the day on Friday, December 1st in order to have you entered in the drawing.

Thank you very much for taking a peek at this newsletter.  Hopefully the shift in days didn’t send you off balance.  If you can, don’t forget to check out our Kickstarter and help spread the word.  We would really appreciate it!

Cheers, and be well.
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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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