Urban Fantasy Promo – A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas

Greetings, travelers!  We’re starting the week off with a pretty fun vampire story.  Please be advised though, it does have some darker and sexual content.  But maybe that’s exactly what you’re looking for—something edgy, and edge of your seat exciting.  If that sounds like it’s up your alley, take a look at A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas.

Author Bob Litt is an explorer of creativity, as one can see by diving into his contemporary fantasy novel, A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas.  Despite all the lights shining on the strip, there’s plenty of darkness that is to be found there as well, and Litt ensures there’s no stone unturned in that regard.  Blood and sex happen to be attractive bedfellows in vampire lit, and the author doesn’t skimp on either of them here.  But none of this coagulates into a strong presence without interesting characters, and that is where Blood Moon thrives.  You can’t write about a vampire clan without ensuring they’re all interesting, and Litt delivers here.  They help to ramp up the immersion, keeping readers locked into the story throughout.

Sex, Drugs and Human Blood

A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas is a modern, adult, vampire tale that chronicles the Las Vegas clan: An extended family that requires human blood to survive, and sex to bind them together.

After 20 years, Rick returns to the Las Vegas clan threatening to interfere with his Uncle Franda’s intrigues. He has come back seeking revenge on the man who arranged the death of his father.

Franda’s mother, Grandma Sofi, is the matriarch of the family which runs the Desert Rest Mortuary and Crematorium. Uncle Franda controls the business with an iron fist and secretly deals drugs on the side.

Aunt Cindith knows his secret and will do whatever she must to keep her piece of the pie, setting up an epic family conflict.

The Las Vegas clan are not vampires in the traditional sense: No magic, no shape-shifting and no immortality. But they do live longer than humans and they do need human blood, which they acquire each month during the Celebration of the Blood Moon.

While there is a lot on the table as far as what Litt throws into his story, everything moves at a snappy pace, which are convenient for readers who like to experience things that are more…ahem…bite-sized.  Of course, the big challenge you’ll encounter is whether you can hold off or get sucked into just one more chapter.  It’s written visually well, so you can imagine the events occurring on the page to be playing out on TV or film as well, which is no surprise, considering there’s a screenplay treatment already done for the book.  If that’s piqued your interest, don’t hesitate to sink your teeth into this modern vampire story.  Check out A Blood Moon Over Las Vegas, a story by Bob Litt, on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.