
Hey there folks!

So, as some of you know, we didn’t quite hit the goals we were trying to for November.  The Kickstarter for Quantum Quest fell pretty short, and I sure as heck didn’t lose the pounds I was trying to, heh!

The awesome news is that I’ve got another NaNoWriMo in the bag.  The Quantum Quest novelization is 50,000 words strong, and it’ll probably end up growing another 20-25 thousand words before its done.

Here’s some more good news: that novelization is going to have the game to bolster.  We’re going to be running a new campaign for Quantum Quest in March of 2018.  We’ve rejiggered things so that we’ll be printing domestically instead of overseas.  Now, this does have its drawbacks.  For one, it’s going to be a somewhat more costly endeavor on a per-unit basis.  We’ll have to sell for $30 instead of $25, but we’re working on ways to build value into that package. This also makes international shipping a huge burden.  It’ll likely have to be a case by case basis where we determine how much we have to ask for people who want the game who are outside of the US.  We’re also still trying to figure what to do if we manage to somehow climb up to that $15,000 mark that we were looking at before.  Do we switch over and do overseas again at that point?  Not quite sure.  The original version of the game might have to remain domestic and then we can do huge print runs down the road.

The other good news about a domestic printing is that it’s usually handled much quicker.  With that in mind, we’re hoping we’ll be able to do another showing at Comic Con next year, where we can actually sell the game!

Alright, enough about Quantum Quest.  First and foremost, Tellest is a literary universe, so it’s time to talk books.  We’re so close to releasing the next book that I can almost taste it.  Silver Serpent just needs me to finish tweaking some things post-first-edit, and then off to the second editor it goes.  It’s a longer book, so it’s taking a while to polish, but I’m eager to get it in front of folks.  The other good news is that each of the three books that follow it are at least 66% done their first drafts each.  Arise, the sequel to Awake, is getting so good.  And with Heart of the Forest and the QQ novelization having been tackled over the course of the last three NaNoWriMos, they’re very near to done as well.

After that comes Stealing Seramore and The Maelstrom, as well as another short story compilation in the vein of Tales of Tellest.  That set is going to be nothing but short stories, as opposed to the earlier set that included the five novellas I wrote.  Trust me though, that book is going to be bursting with awesome.

So that’s it for now.  I’m hoping to have a great book ready for you soon, but until then, I hope everyone has a great holiday season.

P.S.: Another DeAngelo Christmas tale will be up on the 23rd (or so)!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.