Concept Art – Kaiyonani’s Staff and the Bracelet of Travel

Good morning folks!  We’re back with another Azot grab bag today, focusing on the magical and weird things of Tellest.

First up, let’s take a look at the weapon of choice that our Dragonspeaker, Kaiyonani, uses.

Kaiyonani’s Staff

Here’s Azot’s initial look at the staff.  It’s definitely got a more gnarled look to it than in the other views we’ve had of it.  We always talk about how he stylizes everything, and I liked the way this was going.


The finalized version was definitely not what we would have usually seen Kai use.  The little idols looked more akin to a witch doctor, but I was okay with how this looked.  Maybe in another universe, Kai’s desert was swampland instead.


Bracelet of Travel

Next up, we’ve got the Bracelet of Travel.  It was introduced in The Enemy Within to help me out with some long distance meetups.  It feels like it happens all the time in Game of Thrones without any explanation—well, I found a way to make it work in my series.  This bracelet let’s people travel through the Nexus in order to arrive at different places in Tellest.  This version of it was a little too busy for me, so we had Azot tweak it somewhat.

This version still had a somewhat eerie, otherworldly feel to it, but it wasn’t as crazy.  In my original write-up, it wasn’t anything like this, but I can dig it!

Here you can see the complete version of Azot’s bracelet.  I imagine a dark energy pours out of that spiral, and coerces doorways to the Nexus to manifest.


We’ll be back one more time before the end of the year to show off some more artifacts.  Keep your eyes peeled here just before New Years if these relics of Tellest entertain you!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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