Urban Fantasy – Hotel Pennsylvania

Howdy folks.  As we move into the second quarter of the year (Spring, please come to the east coast soon), we have got plenty of other things to keep us warm.  There have been so many great books that we’ve been proud to show off lately, and we’re not slowing down anytime soon.

The latest and greatest is a book by educator and storyteller extraordinaire, M.G. Pappas.  Hotel Pennsylvania introduces you to her Dreamcatcher gang as they venture to a mysterious hotel in…you guessed it: Pennsylvania.  It’s a light read that is perfect for tweens and young teens, and it has a lot of pop culture references to keep you interested.

An extraordinary weekend!
Sarah, Aubrey and their friends are in their most exciting adventure yet! They are visiting a 150-year-old hotel and get caught in the magic.
What seems mysterious is not, and what looks fine might not be. Follow the DreamCatchers on their adventures from a person who appears and disappears to accidentally traveling the world.
Can they handle his new superpower?
Can they solve the mystery to find a way to reunite?

Pappas has a lot of passion for language and education, and her debut fantasy shows that. If unexplained phenomena in an old hotel seems like a fun way to spend your night, this book is right up your alley. This is just the beginning for the Dreamcatcher gang, and it’s a great start for kids and kids at heart. Check out Hotel Pennsylvania on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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