The Sky Talon



The Sky Talon is one of Kaos Kreegan’s magical antiquities.  It is also one of several that he cannot explain his possession of.  In the year 976, a sizable portion of Kaos’ memory had lapsed.  One day, he woke up in a field in southwestern Raleigh, the Sky Talon among his belongings.


At first glance, the Sky Talon appears to be naught but a mundane grappling hook.  Unlike its commonplace counterparts, however, it can rest in midair.  Whoever wields the Sky Talon can will it to lock into place, where it will act as though it has hooked onto stone.  Likewise, the wielder can express their desire to release the hold, which will drop the device into their hands.

Early Events

Upon waking far from home in a strange land, Kaos realized that he had acquired several items that he was unfamiliar with.  Among them was a simple looking grappling hook.  Unfortunately, because of its innocuous appearance, Kaos was unaware of its uncanny ability for quite some time.

Kaos activated the Sky Talon for the first time without being conscious of his actions.  Beset upon by goblins, he ran for his life, and was keen on leaping from the height of a waterfall, praying that he would land safely within its gentle embrace below.  He realized his err too late, however, when the sight of the rocks caught his attention.  His prayer instead landed upon his nameless grappling hook, which he desperately swung toward the rock face.

Miraculously, he believed he caught himself on one of the waterfall’s jutting rocks on his way down.  As he carefully ascended the cable of the hook, he realized the truth.  The grapple was merely resting in midair, answering his prayer in the most insane way he could think of.

Ongoing Operations

Once Kaos was aware of the grappling hook’s amazing characteristics, he gave it the name Sky Talon.  It became one of his more regularly used tools, gaining him entry into hard to reach places and offering him escapes when they were sorely needed.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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