Science Fantasy Promo – Reverberation (Inworld saga Book 1)

Greetings travelers, and welcome to our second stop amongst the stars this week.  While we focused on something with a bit more fantasy earlier, we’ve got a fresh mix of sci-fi and fantasy, so we’re categorizing today’s entry as science fantasy!  If you’re ready for a genre-bending story that is sure to give you thrills and laughs, read on to learn about Reverberation!

Author Adam Jacobson debuts with a quirky and expressive story with Reverberation (Inworld saga Book 1).  This tale is instantly catching, thanks to excellent pacing and its witty, irreverent prose.  Indeed, it is a blend of everything in near-perfect balance that sees Jacobson’s story take off with such captivation.  An ensemble cast will keep smiles on readers’ faces throughout, and a series of strange and exciting sequences will keep them on their toes.  And the farther they travel, the more endearing they become, and the more rooted in the journey fans will be.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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