Halloween Art – The Forest of Silence

Howdy folks.  I’ve got a cool little sneak peek for you today.  Tomorrow, we’re releasing our Halloween story, The Forest of Silence, but you get to see the art that was inspired by it a day early.  Hope you enjoy it!

So we started with a basic concept.  The Forest of Silence is filled with fairies, but this one that Dennis came up with was a little…not what we intended.  Things definitely changed from the initial concept, but you can see that some parts remained the same.

One of the main characters in the story is a young woman, Annabelle, who has the most interaction with the fairies.  We wanted her to get the biggest presence in the cover.

After a decent amount of refining, we ended up with this cool work in progress where Annabelle reaches out to one of the fairies to make meaningful contact.  But you can see there are darker images within the trees in the background.

That brings us to the complete piece.  That little splash of color really helps to tell the story, and shows the grisly sight of the victims of the forest.  Do you want to find out why things have gone like that?  Come back tomorrow to see the tale in its totality!

Big thanks to Dennis Kessel for doing such an awesome job with the image!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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