Dark Fantasy Promo – Liefdom: A Tale from Perilisc

Hello there folks!  I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend.  They always seem like they go by so fast.  Luckily, with the longer, brighter days, it feels like we have more time to follow our imaginations and spend times in worlds beyond our own.

Now that it’s getting a little brighter out, those of us who love darker fantasies need something a little wrong to make us feel right.  For that, you don’t have to look any further than Liefdom, by Jesse Teller. Blending together the apparent innocence of the fairy world with horrors you might not expect, this story screams out to be read, and you’ll be happy to oblige.


Liefdom is the story of Gentry Mandrake. Born with natural weapons in a race known for pacifism, he is cast out and hated for his differences. He hunts for a place among his people, while fighting to defend the human child bound to him. His violent nature makes him wonder at the purity of his soul, while the dark creatures he must face seem too great to defeat. Can he overcome such terrible foes to defend those he loves?

Teller’s lifelong passion for fantasy is delightfully apparent throughout this story.  Every page is just as interesting as the last, and it’s no surprise why people are entertained by the tale.  If you’re interested in picking up the book, you can check it out on Amazon. You can also see some of the reviews it’s been getting on Goodreads.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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