Fantasy Promo – Anthony: The Descended One

Howdy folks!  It’s a good time of the year to sit down with a hot drink and a good book.  I love the way autumn smells, and it’s even better with a crisp new paperback in my hands.  We’re keen to a new book that’s sure to intrigue you, and might just be that next paperback you pick up.

Author MLH delivers a magical story that is filled with mystery and adventure.  It’s a difficult road for the titular character, but it’s one you want to be a part of.  There are pretty dire stakes in Chaizo, and you want to see it through to the end.

Carnage is his bloodline. Salvation will be his legacy. In a world where humans are scorned and Hizards are hunted, Anthony, a hard-knock teenager, must overcome the hardships of being the last Hizard in Chaizo. In this journey, Anthony and his best friend seek to destroy the malicious wizard Sayno, who crushed their home. But Anthony must realize that his desire for vengeance is insignificant when faced with a catastrophic threat unleashed.

Currently, you can only purchase Anthony: The Descended One in paperback or hardcover.  I’m hoping that as time moves forward, we’ll see it released in ebook format as well, because this is the kind of story I’d like a lot of people to be able to experience.  MLH seems to have enjoyed creating this story, and it will be good to see other people enjoy it as well.  For now, pick up Anthony: The Descended One on Amazon!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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