Christian Fantasy Promo – I will pray for you

Howdy folks!  It’s a new week, and that means new stops to exciting new worlds.  I’ve got something a little different for you today.  Janet Odani is a well-accomplished renaissance entertainer, finding some praise in her singer-songwriter career, and now dipping her toes into literary fiction as well.  I’ll actually be posting two of her stories this week, starting with a short Christian fantasy about the power of prayer.

Odani’s I will pray for you is a little less fantasy and a little more spiritual.  There are no traditional fantasy elements here, but Odani delivers a story that focuses on a husband and wife who are struggling with things, including their faith and their place in the world.  It’s a short read filled with a lot of heart.

This fictional story focuses on the spiritual gift of intercession and shows how effective prayer can be in the life of a young married couple still trying to find their way in life and trying to define what a beautiful life should be for them. It aims to show that even though there is a place for material things, this cannot bring happiness and peace. The story focuses on the impact of the intercessor and the spiritual battles won in their journey.

While Odani’s main two characters in this tale, Mulenga and Amby, struggle with different kinds of loss, you can’t help but hope for their happiness.  This isn’t the typical kind of story that we typically look at from the Otherworld, but perhaps its just the kind we need right now.  Check out Janet Odani’s I will pray for you on Amazon today.  The book is also available on Apple Books.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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