Character Art – Zoe Hart

Howdy folks!  If you’ll recall, about two months ago, we introduced you to a new artist that we began working with.  Deilan did a really awesome job with Adelia Kreegan, so we gave him his choice at another of the Tellest characters.  He chose to work on Zoe Hart.  So let’s see what he did!

So, we started off with a sketch to see how things would go.  We had suggestions for where Zoe should be, and Deilan put it together really well.  There’s a golden bridge in Atalatha that passes over the Spirit River when it’s not so torrential.  It’s one of Zoe’s favorite places to go.

Zoe and Adelia are pretty similar when you think about it.  They’re both country girls who end up spending time in cities.  Theonly difference is the size of the cities.  I have a feeling they’d get along pretty well.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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