Character Art – Vya Moot

Greeting questers and fantasy fans!  A few weeks back, we showed you the first of our sponsored Quantum Quest characters.  Today, we’re bringing you the second, a kobold warlock named Vya Moot who may or may not have some gnoll heritage in her bloodline.  Vya was sponsored during the Kickstarter by a backer named Cuddles.  Here’s how Hozure brought the character to life:

Hozure gave us three poses to choose from.  These were definitely some hard choices (as they usually are, since he always gives us good material to work with).  Which one do you think we chose?

Pretty much everyone was on the same page here.  Hozure liked pose B, as did Cuddles.  We were very happy with it too, as this piece ended up looking very dynamic.

Here you have it, our kobold warlock of uncertain origins.  I want to thank Cuddles once again for sponsoring this Quantum Quest character.  It was awesome to see her end up brought to life this way.  And thanks to Hozure for his awesome designs and details!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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