Character Art – Venathryn

Howdy fantasy fans!  It’s always a great new day when I get to show off work from a new artist, and this one is especially fun.  We’ve long been trying to get this artist, who goes by the name John, to lend us his talent, and he delivers in a big way.  His first take on our characters is the lovely Venathryn.  Let’s dive right in!

The first thing that you’ll notice is that John’s work is neatly stylized.  He gives our characters some very cool dynamic poses that make them look likely to jump out of the screen.  We haven’t had too many of those, so it’s great to introduce them to Tellest.

Of course a sketch only tells so much of a tale.  This black and white version of the final piece displays so much more, and really puts a shine to our elven maiden.

Once we add arrive at the colored version though, that’s when things really pop.  You can see the texture more clearly, including the holes in Venathryn’s cloak, and you can see the little effects that really bring this piece to life.  But wait… There’s one more little thing…

With some extra effects, Venathryn is complete.  I’m so happy that we were able to get John to join the team and provide his awesome talent to this world.  We’ve got more coming, but it’s going to be a while before we have anything to show.  It’ll be worth the wait though, I promise!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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