Anime Style Art – Alicia Mane

Hey there folks.  We’ve got a pretty cool treat for you today.  Most of the time when we’ve been doing all of this artwork over the past few years, we had a very consistent style.  Our characters are supposed to look almost like they could be on the front cover of a comic book.  Well, I’ve always wanted to take things a step further.  With that in mind, I’m happy to show off our very first anime-fied version of one of our characters.

We worked with Enananiki to create a few looks at our characters in a more anime/manga style than you’ve seen before, and I think they turned out great.  We’re going to start you off with one of our more popular characters today, with Alicia Mane.

Not only does she look like something straight out of a manga, but it looks like you could use her for some JRPG art as well.  It looks even better in color, too!

And there you have it.  Our sorceress has this awesome witchy feeling.  I could see her looking like this for a brawler, can’t you?  We’ve got at least two more to show off as the weeks and months move forward, so stay tuned for more from Enananiki!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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