Fantasy Promo – The Staff of Tzaddi

Every good writer knows that there is a precarious balance that you need to find the perfect center of to truly capture the attention of your readers.  Romance has to be explored in a way that isn’t too sappy.  Action has to be reserved enough not be exhausting, but impressive enough to get your blood flowing.  Mysteries have to unfold with just the right pace, else you surprise too early or drag on too long.

T. N. Newborn is a tightrope walker who is excellent at her job.  With her debut novel, The Staff of Tzaddi, she deftly toes the line between love and vengeance, action and storytelling.  It’s the Romeo and Juliet of this genre, spun with such care and clever wordplay that you’d swear the author had been writing for all her life.

Staff of Tzaddi


Their love was born from centuries of hatred… will it be enough to save the world? Prince Teiwaz Zayin is the future king of the Dark Dwellers. He is obsessed with one thing: vengeance. Since his mother’s untimely demise, nothing has mattered more to him than retribution.

Meanwhile, a secret menace is rising, seeking to use the Staff of Tzaddi to destroy the world. When Teiwaz meets Sowelu Kano, the first Light Dweller he’s ever seen, they embark upon a quest to stop the staff from falling into the wrong hands. Can they restore balance to the land of Tau before it’s too late?


The Staff of Tzaddi, Newborn’s debut novel, is available on Amazon.  Do yourself a favor and check it out!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.