Your Vote Counts!

Since the rebranding of the site, and the new logo, and all the new encyclopedia entries have started coming out, we’ve tried to push our motto to you.  “The World is in Your Hands” – today marks the first day that we’re really pushing to make sure you know it.

While we don’t have any new encyclopedia entry today, we spent all week touching up the existing entries.  It’ll feel more like a wikipedia page now, where hyperlinks will lead you from one entry to another with the click of a button.

But that’s not quite enough.  We want to make sure you feel involved.  You have to be.  For all intents and purposes, this is your world as much as it is ours.  With that said, I’d like to invite you to have a little more control over Tellest.

Since the launch of the new site, I’ve been toiling away in the shadows, trying to have additional content ready for the year to follow.  I’ve come up with 45 new encyclopedia entries, separated into nine different categories.  Your vote will determine which of the categories will feature first.  We’ll let you continue making the decisions as the year goes on, as well.

Here are the categories that you can vote on:

  • Creatures
  • Draconis Countries
  • Evil Races
  • Herbalism
  • Heroes from The Bindings of Fate
  • Hero Artifacts
  • Locales of Atalatha
  • Raleighn Natural Landmarks
  • Raleighn Towns

And here are the rules:

  1. You can vote in two places.  Either post a comment on this blog page, or leave your choice in the comments of this entry on the Tellest Facebook page.
  2. The winning category will run for five weeks until all five entries are uploaded.  During that time, we will post a link to the next voting contest.

This first voting session will last until Friday the 29th.  We’ll take off for Black Friday, but we’ll still have content waiting for you on those other days.

We really hope you have fun with this, and we’ll have a lot more entertaining opportunities to get involved in the world of Tellest in the weeks and months to come!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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