What’s New in Tellest

A lot of the time that I’ve spent on the blog in the past month has been regarding things related to the sidelines of Tellest.  Whether that means I’m thanking the people who have made me as successful as I am within this experience, or talking about my hangups and roadblocks – Since July 31st, no real news has been given.  I would like to remedy that.

The Enemy Within is still coming along nicely.  The pace has slowed down just a bit, due to some unforeseen issues on the homefront (no big deal, just normal house stuff), but it won’t be enough to derail the book or my plans for it.

Rather, big things are happening in Tellest. 

I haven’t really talked about him much, but my friend Kevin Gallagher has always been one of my biggest supporters when it comes to my made up little world.  He’s always on the front lines when it comes to reading them and offering advice, he’s promoted the hell out of the books since their first release, and he’s been nailing the back end work on the website and on The Bindings of Fate facebook page.  Recently, he has been helping me to update Tellest.com.  We’re working together on making the site more user friendly, and easier on the eyes as well.  We’ll also be rolling out a new format for the Tellest Encyclopedia on that site soon – hopefully that will be something that will make perusing the deeper lore of the fantasy world a little more attractive.

Speaking of applications related to Tellest, I’ve mentioned before that I was looking to do some tie-in games.  I’ve started working alongside some brilliant people who will help to reach that goal, and make that dream of mine a reality.  I’m not as confident with my ability at programming to nail down a specific date or deadline that I am anticipating.  Suffice it to say, however, whatever the wait will be, I’ll make sure it’s worth it.

My brief experience with the paperback release of The Bindings of Fate has been beyond my expectations.  I’m not going to be the next J.K. Rowling or G.R.R. Martin, mind you, but for an independent writer with no agent (if Kevin would just learn how to become one, I’d be set), I am truly blessed.  With that in mind, I think it is fairly obvious that I would attempt to release the second book in the series in paperback as well.  I’m still not certain of a date, but I’m looking toward releasing it between the December-January months.  With the release of The Enemy Within just around the corner, I want to give hard copy lovers a good reason to jump back into Tellest (or, get a good second look).  I don’t want to rush it though, as people who may have just purchased The Bindings of Fate may want a brief respite before they delve deeper into the Tellest fantasy.

Hopefully this glance into what’s going on behind the scenes will appease the people who have been patiently waiting for a follow-up in Tellest since last November.  It’s very odd to think of time having passed so quickly.  They say time flies when you’re having fun.  I have my friends, family and supporters of Tellest for entertaining me beyond what words can say.  I hope that I am able to reciprocate, and that you are enjoying interacting with the fantasy world as much as I enjoy delivering it.

Thank you!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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