Treasure Concept Art – Fitz’s Whistle

Now I know what you’re thinking.  This looks nothing like a whistle!  Well neither did the so-called whistle from The Legend of Zelda, which is what we were gently ribbing here with this treasure from the world of Tellest!  Greetings, travelers, and welcome to another one of these artifact posts.  Today we’re looking at a magical instrument that performs similarly to the pre-Ocarina of old, in that it helps its user travel across great distances.

Steven Bellshaw once again became our artist for this wonderful project, and right from the get-go, he took this pan flute and helped to bring it to life.

Though the first image definitely helps to sell some level of distinction, it’s the follow-ups that always show the polish, so we’ll take a deeper dive as we go.  We began to see shapes and colors that helped to sell the idea in a more distinguished manner.  But one of the things that we decided to move away from was the “peace and love” sort of message that we felt from the doves.

A touch of gold and a brush of metal adds a richer feel to Fitz’s Whistle.  While your first thought might take you to visions of satyrs playing this musical instrument, it can in fact be played by anyone, regardless of their musical acumen.  While they are probably excited about the idea of playing flawlessly considering they didn’t previously have the talents to pull off such a melody, it won’t be long before they pay attention to the otherworldly wind whisking them off to a new place instead!

Here in our final look at the treasure, you can see the final layers of polish that Steven added to Fitz’s Whistle.  The gorgeous wood and metalwork pops off the screen, really looking at times like you could just reach out and grab it.  This treasure will be making its way to both Quantum Quest and TowerSphere in various ways, so be on the look out for that when we’re ready to show it off.

That wraps us up for the day, but we still have plenty more from Steven to come.  If you’re looking for treasures from the world of Tellest, we’ve got you covered for sure!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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