Tellest Pixels 2

So, after our last Otherworld absence, I thought it might be fun to highlight what almost was, and make it a nice three week (spread out, of course) feature.

Last time, we showed you a couple of our earliest heroes (Kaos, Steel Tip and Dirk).  But we wanted to focus on a locale this week.  Atalatha is a huge part of the story for Tellest, and with that in mind, we worked on three heroes from the glorious city.

8-bit Zachariah version 4 8-bit Alicia version 3 8-bit David version 5


From top to bottom there, you have Zachariah, Alicia Mane, and David Garus.  These ones are a couple of the ones that took the most work, because we were outfitting them so specifically, and we gave Alicia, for instance, some magical abilities.  David’s just a smidge taller than all the other characters, too, to account for his size.

Stay tuned for our final feature on Tellest Pixels in the next couple of weeks!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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