Tellest Header – Tavern

Chances are, if you’ve been looking at this website over the past few weeks/months/so on, you’ve seen our header image that we’ve been rolling with.  Heck, it might have even been subconscious.  But it’s also going to be there at the top of the site, at least for a little bit.  Actually, by the time you read this, Wild Magic might be out, and we might change the header image accordingly.  Who knows for sure what the future will bring?

In any case, let’s take a look at how the tavern header came to be, before it takes its part time retirement.

We wanted to get the tavern background because we knew we were going to be putting a bit of focus on D’Aprile Fools.  In a lot of ways, that’s a new introduction to the world.  We wanted to make sure that it had a bit of a chance to shine, and we talked to Paul about doing a new header with that in mind.  We started with something a little different than what we ended up with.  This was kind of a look at the whole tavern, and we ended up shifting to just a look behind the bar.

Just as a rough draft, you can see that we were aiming to look at the area that the tavernkeeper would be, although we went a bit differently than what you see in this initial look.  There was a bunch of extra accoutrement that we added to the piece.

First and foremost, we thought adding a couple of “could-be-potions” and a wanted poster added a lot of character to the piece.  You can also see a lot more detail when it comes to the stuff behind the logo, and the magic dagger stabbed into the counter.

Could-be-potions become definite potions here, and Paul added more and more polish here and there as we moved everything around.  One of the added objects you’ll see here is a shield that ended up behind the logo.  Ultimately, we didn’t like the placement of that, and we asked for a bit of cleanup.

The shield looked much nicer centered behind the logo, and the addition of a few books near the barrels made everything really pop.  This has long been one of my favorite headers that we’ve ever had, and even though it’ll be coming out of circulation for a little while, I can’t imagine it being gone forever.

We’ve got a new header either on the way, or already up there, and it’s also one that we’re very proud of, which Paul brought to life for us.  Here’s to hoping we can collaborate with the talented artist again in order to bring more places to life in the world of Tellest!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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