State of Tellest, March 2014

Ladies and gentlemen, fans of fantasy, and residents of Tellest, it has been a long while since I last had a big post here on the old website.  I’ve been kept fairly busy with the Kickstarter updates and the steady weekly content that you’ve seen here on the site as well, including the chapter by chapter Tales of Tellest releases, interviews, art reveals and encyclopedia entries.

What I’d like to do now is let you know what we’ve got planned so far for the rest of 2014.


A New Look

As you can see, the look of the site has changed somewhat…

One of the things that highlighted our big push for Tellest in the end of 2013 was a new website.  Nace Phlaux did a fantastic job of putting everything together in a convenient little package, helping us get to the point where things posted in the right spots automatically, and it all wrapped up with a nice little bow.

Now, we’ve reached a point where it’s time to update once again.  Because of the added content, chapters from the books and novellas and so forth, we need to forge a new path once more.

We know now that there are still some tweaks that we can make to push the website even further, from giving it a unique personality all its own, to helping with readability.  We’re going to continue to bring you great content, and we hope to be able to expand the amount as well.


Tales of Tellest and The Child of the Stars

We’re pushing ahead full steam with the Tales of Tellest series, and I’m confident that we’ll be able to maintain that momentum.  The third tale is in edit mode right now, and I’m on the back half of writing the Awake, with hopes that it’ll be ready to be swapped over to Nace’s hands when he is done with the The Tinker’s Tale.

The fifth story, The Fall, is going a little bit more smoothly because I have more time to work on it, and I knew better where that story was going.  It also doesn’t hurt that the plot is awesome.

Meanwhile, we are taking a step back to the Child of the Stars trilogy once more, because Leo is hard at work on the cover for Bindings of Fate!  We’re in the preliminary phase, where he’s working on sketches and we’re coming to agreement on what works best for the piece.  That looks like it’ll be right on schedule for a big May rerelease.


Side Project

I am always very tenuous when it comes to announcing a new project when it doesn’t pertain strictly to writing.  I’ve been working in the shadows with a couple other people though, and I think it’s time to reveal what else has been going on.

Those that have followed my blog for a while know that I’ve always been very passionate about games and game design.  I’ve often said that I wanted to bring a game into the mix for Tellest, and we’re getting to the point of late where one is starting to come together.

Now, we’ve been down this path before.  I’ve started preproduction on a title once upon a time and seen it fall to pieces.  This time though, I feel like something is a little different.  I’m working with another designer and artist, and he’s just as interested in the project as I am.

I don’t want to give away too many details just yet, because it is still early in preproduction, but it’ll highlight Steel Tip’s arrival on mainland Draconis, in the country of Daltain.

When we are ready for a big push, we’ll likely use the website as a kind of developer’s diary.  The fans of Tellest have been integral in just about everything we’ve done so far, and the game is likely going to need the same kind of sense of community.

Coming off the heels of what I’d consider a monumentally successful Kickstarter campaign, I’d be foolish not to try and secure the same kind of release structure for this game, so be on the lookout for details over the next few months regarding this development.


Other than that, it’s business as usual here at Tellest.  We’re still interested in how to best help out other writers, so the monthly writing prompts are continuing.  For now, we’re trying to set ourselves in place a little more firmly, and if that should go well, we’ll begin taking submissions for full length novels, but that’s still just a bit into the future.

Thanks everyone for making this the best year so far for us.  We can’t wait to bring more great stories and content your way!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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