Quantum Quest Character Creation Guide

In order to make the adventurer you want show up in our game the way you imagine it, we need to put together a description and references to help our artist understand what he should make them look like.  If you have a backstory for your character, that’s fantastic as well, because it can help us construct flavor text and possibly guide us in the right direction as far as their look goes.

Below, you’ll see the components of a good character.  Please answer as much as you can in order to help us bring your creation to life!

Character bio: This will help us to determine your adventurer’s health, and if your character has any ability in the game.  If their story is rich and full, we can try to make something work within the mechanics of the game.  If nothing else, it will help us make their flavor text interesting and fun to read!


Physical description


Physical Traits



Hair Color

Eye Color




The setting you’d prefer for them.  This link will take you to the backgrounds that we currently have available from the first set.


Must-haves: these are the things that you definitely want your character to appear with.  It might be a cool bow, or a flowing robe—something to that effect.


Picture references: When I’m working with our artist, I collect a lot of different pictures off the internet that help me to present what I want.  Feel free to employ this same tactic and give me some pictures that could help us narrow down the look of your character.  You might send a picture and say something about liking their outfit, or you like the weapon or shield they’re wielding.  Anything helps.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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