Kickstarter Incoming

Though the Enemy Within has been firmly planted in a desk somewhere for the last few weeks, I cannot possibly pretend that it hasn’t been on my mind.

I’d like to officially announce that I’ll be running a Kickstarter campaign for the third book beginning in March.  I’m asking for pledges to help offset my administrative and editing costs, which should be around the tune of $2000.

I haven’t even gone live with this Kickstarter yet, and I can tell you, it’s one of the most intensive projects I’ve ever worked on.  With the books, I have the freedom to work at my own pace.  I probably could have finished The Enemy Within in a year or less, but the stress of that might have hindered the quality.  I have an ultimate deadline for Kickstarter, and not all the pieces are in place yet.  Once it is up, every day is going to be painfully busy.  If people are going to be pledging to me, I am going to make a pledge to them to stay in contact throughout the entire process.  From the opening day of the Kickstarter campaign to the last day of reward fulfillment (and beyond), I’ll be available.  It’ll be over a month of constant updates, accounting and advertising, but I’m cautiously optomistic that it’ll work out.

I’d like to give you a sneak peek at the rewards that I’m considering.

Obviously, some of the pledge rewards are the products themselves.  I’ll have various types of the books available to acquire, some which will be unique to the Kickstarter.  For instance, there will be a limited run, numbered hardcover edition of each of the first three books of the Tellest series.  You’ll also be able to get autographed copies of the work I’ve put my heart into.  Plus, exclusive first looks at some of the not-so-distant happenings in Tellest.

Then, there will the swag that you could end up getting, including custom bookmarks, buttons and magnets. 

I’ll be working with Rhianna to bring you some awesome art, including charcoal prints and special Tarot cards featuring the characters.

For some of the higher pledges, I’ve got some really cool rewards lined up, including dedicated short stories and artwork for characters that you inspire.

I’m very interested in this Kickstarter campaign, and cannot wait to see where it ends up, but I also have to keep in mind, not everything is in place just yet.  I still have to record the campaign video, for instance.  Like I said earlier, though, I’m cautiously optomistic that everything will fall into place.  Hopefully I can balance the heavy workload of editing the book and administrating the campaign.  If not, it’ll just be another learning experience.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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