Interview with Daniel Rappaport

Hello friends of fantasy!

Last week, we had the awesome opportunity to promote The Legend of the Lost Rose, a story that’s come from the hard work of Pazzaria Productions.  Today, we’re proud to take you behind the scenes, with an interview with Pazzaria’s Daniel Rappaport, their Director of Creation and the writer of The Legend of the Lost Rose.  Daniel gave us a bunch of great information about Pazzaria’s upcoming projects and whether or not we can see more from the world that Spark the Flying Frog plays in.


Tellest: How did The Legend of the Lost Rose and Spark the Flying Frog come into being?  

Daniel Rappaport: The Legend of the Lost Rose came into being as a first, premiere property for Pazzaria Productions, because we needed to establish ourselves as a credible and noteworthy company.  The form of a book was chosen, in large part, due to budget.  Some of the higher grades I received in school were in writing.  I felt that there was a big economic opportunity here.  In doing research for my book, I came across a beautiful fantasy clip art book from the publisher Dover:

 Other larger forms of inspiration are Disney’s The Princess and the Frog, and Wicked the Musical.  For the religious background of the planet LIGHT (where the story takes place), in a world that is rich with Christian values, and those values being twisted into things like hatred of LGBTQ people, the fact that the Bible has been rewritten many times over throughout history, etc., I felt that Wicca was a very suitable choice.  It’s not only a commentary on repressive religions, but, as well, in fantasy stories, magic just happens, without any explanation as to how it happens.  Wicca introduces a definite logical form and process for spells.

 In flipping through the book, the vibrant images spoke to me.  The Legend of the Lost Rose was born.

At the time of writing Spark the Flying Frog, prequels were very popular in Hollywood.  I also thought it a great opportunity to tell a little bit about how the main character, Spark, came to be.


T: How did you conceptualize such whimsical tales?

DR: When I read this question, I interpret is as, “How did you go through the writing process?”  After coming up with a basic breakdown, I hit the keyboard.  What flowed from my fingers was a somewhat autobiographical sketch, where the main character is concerned.  Being fascinated with fantasy stories and creatures, it was a natural choice for me.  I should also point out that one or two people attend films that are not family oriented.  In the case of fantasy, it’s often an entire family event.

There are no epic fantasy books out there that have full, touch screen animations, or pieces of merchandise, within each chapter, that either have something to do with the main character and/or advance the story.   We are both wholly unique and cutting edge in this manner.




T: Do you think we’ve seen the last of Spark?  Or are we bound to see him again?

DR: Adorable, cute, popular Spark!?  Indeed.  He will live in the hearts and minds of children, and children at heart, around the world, for all time.


T: What made you think of the frightening Apovil?

DR: His name is a combination of the Egyptian mythological being “Apophis” :

( – An evil snake-god who tries to devour the sun every night.), and the word “evil”.

He was very much inspired by Elpheba in Wicked.  The general public thinks that he is pure evil, because he is flying through towns, and completely destroying them.  He’s really a sweet dragon-like creature, and is just frustrated.


T: Do you think The Legend of the Lost Rose invokes an idea of trying to understand that which is different from you?

DR: Yes.  I absolutely think so.  After all, we are talking about gay frogs!  These sort of themes, with a king dog being called Prince, the evil Chef Crevette being potentially misunderstood, and even the whole question as to how the planet of LIGHT is dying (is it the Apovil, or is the rose dying?) all play into the idea of trying to understand that which is different from the reader.  We believe that it’s a very healthy tale, in this way.


T: Did you write these stories for anyone in particular, or more for yourself?

DR: I believe that on some level, every writer needs to write for themselves.  Writing is far from an easy process.  If you are not enjoying what you are doing, there are plenty of other things out there, which will probably yield a much higher return for the work.  With that being said, our guests are our number one priority.  It is our sincere wish that many people may enjoy a bit of escape into the world of LIGHT, finding out the truth of the “Lost Rose”, and perhaps learn something more about themselves along the way.


T: Could you share with us an example of a way that The Legend of the Lost Rose, Spark, or Pazzaria in general has touched one of your readers?

DR: Here is one of our positive reviews from iTunes:

We need more Sparks on this Planet. ★★★★★
“I was not expecting to read such an amazing story, especially at such a low price. This is a delightfully written fantasy story, full of metaphors and beautiful messages. It expresses the challenges that our planet is currently facing and how our kids will have to face even worse challenges than the ones we are facing right now. The earth is being destroyed by humans and our future generations, in this case, Spark will have to deal with the effect or consequences of our greed and our lack of appreciation towards the earth.”
– Kornfredy


T: What’s next for Pazzaria?

DR: Lots of things!  The Legend of the Lost Rose is part of “The Legend” series:

Part I: The Legend of the Lost Rose epic, fantasy, interactive novel.

Part II: The Legend of the Wizard Coven, which is the world’s first MMORWRPG, which stands for Massive Multi-player Online and Real World Role Playing Game.

Part III: The Legend of the Lost Oberon, which is a built environment theme park.  It will exemplify the highest form of our mission statement: Everything that a guest sees, eats, buys, touches, does, wears, etc., all has to do with their own personal adventure within our world.


T: Well now I’m very intrigued.  First off, what can we expect from your MMORWRPG?  I don’t think anyone has ever heard of such an idea!

DR: You are correct.  The MMORWRPG is an original idea.  Suffice it to say that, in light of some of the other questions on here, it will certainly be an amazing extension of our world of LIGHT.  I can also tell you that it will feature black faeries – another first.


T: You know, that’s right.  We never really see any fairies of any other ethnicities unless we’re looking at something as nuanced as Disney’s Fairies franchise.  Did you decide to include black faeries as part of a mission of openness, similar to what you did with Spark and LGBTQ folks?

DR: Our black faeries have nothing to do with race.  You will just have to wait and see what happens!




T: And then directly following that, what can you tell us about what a built environment theme park is?  You certainly seem to have a big imagination!

DR: I really appreciate your comment about Pazzaria Productions having a big imagination!  Sometimes, I don’t think that it’s big enough!  Please understand.  While I am the director of creation, Pazzaria Productions is a team.  There is no “I” in team, and we wouldn’t be anywhere near our strength if it wasn’t for our people.  This part of our website is also a small sampling.  As we grow, we look forward to credit ever many more people. 

“A built environment theme park”.   We really can’t say too much about our plans.  It’s only fair, as we wouldn’t want to disappoint our guests, should our high profile plans not come to fruition.  For now, we would like you to please experience all of our current offerings.


T: What would you suggest to other writers who are just beginning their journey?

DR: Be true to yourself, and your heart.  I think that a lot of writers out there (especially new ones) tend to ignore the market.  I am not suggesting to be cookie-cutter, and to copy what others are doing.  Not at all.  I am suggesting that one should take a look at the playing field, and add something to what is already being said.  What concerns and issues do you have with the world?  Alice in Wonderland is partly a commentary on the British monarchy of the time.  To me, Star Wars is basically WWII in space.  Look to history, myths, modern politics, etc., for inspiration.  What angers you?  What concerns you?

If you intend to make any money with your writing, don’t be so cryptic that only your stuffed plush toy understands what you are all about.  Indeed, J.K. Rowling didn’t choose the fantasy genre on accident.

Lastly, I will request that you enjoy the process.  Have fun with it!


T: How do you see Pazzaria growing over the next few years?

DR: Please see our “The Future” page.

T: Are you planning on extending the world of LIGHT and the other things that Pazzaria encompasses to other writers as well?

DR: It is entirely possible.  It will depend upon the strength and background of any writer that may wish to submit their résumé.

T: Are there any other mediums that we can expect to see Spark or any other Pazzaria creation grace in the near future?

DR: We are planning an audio book and a YouTube show.


T: Finally, where would you like to see Pazzaria by the year 2050?

DR: This is really difficult to say.  Technology and methods of telling stories change so rapidly.  We are always looking to be on the cutting edge, and explore other areas of entertainment that others aren’t touching.  Even today, there is a lot that can be done with holographic projection (does anyone remember the Time Traveler video game?), computer networks, audio design, animation, etc., that hasn’t been explored.  Another thing that we are very interested in is notions of different countries working together towards peaceful goals, and pushing the boundaries of technology, and transportation beyond entertainment.



We’d like to thank Mr. Rappaport for his time.  Pazzaria certainly seems like a busy place to work, and we’re sure that their Director of Creation is busy!  Don’t forget, if you’re looking to find out more about their current offerings, you can check them out on the Pazzaria site,  iBooks and Amazon!



If you’re the creator of fantasy worlds and you would like to be interviewed for your work, contact us via the link in the menu bar.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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