Fantasy Promo – The Water Witch

Greetings Otherworld travelers.  Welcome to a new week filled with new possibilities.  We’re starting off with another whimsical Ron Foster tale.  You’ve seen the Water Wizard.  Now it’s time to check out The Water Witch.

Author Ron Foster’s original fantasy tale, The Water Witch, is a delight.  This tale is certainly unlike anything readers will have seen before, and it has such personality that they won’t be able to pry themselves away from it.  The characters are incredible, and though they’re so vastly different from what people come to expect in their day to day lives, they’re also relatable, and it’s easy to be captivated by them.

An orphaned sea witch named Lorelei and her seagull familiar have grown up living far inland at a magic reclaimer mage’s castle never having seen the beach or ocean. Gavin the apprentice sorcery recycler and supernatural estate liquidator takes over their master’s trading wagon caravan after his mysterious death and sets out on a journey of discovery. A Hydromancer may work with any liquid and a chance encounter with a Squonk and its tears creates unusual magical possibilities for a water witch.

In The Water Witch, the magic is in the making.

Foster manages to take this story and really make it pop.  It’s full of whimsy and humor, but also some more deeply emotional sections that will resonate a little differently.  It’s great to see the characters develop and grow, and by the last pages, you’ll be ready to jump onboard for more adventures yet to come.  Check out The Water Witch on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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