Fantasy Promo – The Carbynarah Chronicles

Howdy folks!  It’s been one heck of a busy week.  I’ve been hard at work on one of my books behind the curtains, but we’ve also been keeping the Tellest website busy, as we have had one great story to promote after another.  Today, we’re looking at another book we’ve had the privilege of showing before, from one of our favorite authors.

The Carbynarah Chronicles by Jon Franklyn continues to grow its fanbase, and check off some jaw-dropping achievements.  When we last featured it, it had already been in the top 100 over at Amazon, but now, it can say that it hit number 1 across multiple countries and categories.  It took second place for ebook of the year at and it was even nominated for a Pulitzer Prize in fiction.  What more could you want?  How about a little bit more about this amazing book:

I’ve said before that The Carbynarah Chronicles has incredible value.  It continues to be a very affordable book at just 99 cents.  But it’s also an amazing read.  Franklyn is like a painter with his words, and every picture he delivers is vivid and detailed.  He knows how to write interesting characters, his world is filled with interesting magic and artifacts, and of course, that world is growing with its own incredible myths and legends.  This book definitely checks the boxes of swords and sorcery fans.

The Carbynarah Chronicles takes the reader on a tale of magic, swords, and sorcery as the battle for the very soul of this magical realm unfolds. With a cast of unforgettable characters, perfectly paced adventures, and epic battles, The Carbynarah Chronicles delivers a world that leaves the reader desperate for more.

Prepare for a journey of fantasy, swords, and a battle for a world of unsurpassed magic

Having reached the #1 spot on Amazon in several categories and across several countries, The Carbynarah Chronicles is delighting readers with its epic tale of magic wielders and an ending that blows everyone away. Aimed at the entire family, The Carbynarah Chronicles is destined to become a classic, in science fiction and fantasy, that will capture the imagination of all generations.

Thank you for reading! We can’t wait for you to discover the incredible world of Carbynarah.

I’m so happy that Franklyn continues to push this awesome book.  The fact that it’s gone out to so many readers at this point and nobody has a bad thing to say about it is very telling.  With a second book in the works, it’s good to know that Carbynarah is in good hands.  Don’t forget, this massive title won’t set you back badly at all.  You can pick up The Carbynarah Chronicles on Amazon for under a buck today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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