DeAngelo Holiday Bookmark 2016

Hey there folks!

Some of you may have already happened upon the Christmas story that I’m writing this year, and you may have seen the cute bookmark at the bottom of that page.  This is your opportunity to see how it came to be!

When Rhianna and I got married, we wanted our party favors to be personal, and speak to who we were.  We met because of Tellest, and it was a combination of our various arts that brought us together. For our party favors, we gave our bookmarks with us and our pets stylized in a really cool way.  It went over very well, and we talked then about making it an annual thing and making it our Christmas card, essentially.

So this year, we decided to go all out, and put ourselves in a cool winter-themed situation, with our dog pulling us to safety, away from giant, angry penguins.  Here’s how the bookmark came to be, from inception to finish:

Rhianna started us off with a very rudimentary version of our bookmark.  Leo always likes when we give him something to work with, so this worked well!

From there, Leo did his own sketch, cleaning up  our mess.  It did’t change too much though, and we were happy with what we saw.

From there, we added a splash of color, and personalized the “characters” a little further.  The penguins look even more menacing in this version.

This is the 97% done version.  Everything is very expressive, and it just pops so well.  It’s a beautiful bit of artwork, if I do say so myself!

Here you have the final piece.  There were a few tweaks made to Rhianna and Zelda, but we were left with our final product here.  I am a huge fan of this tradition, and I hope to keep this up for many, many years!

Happy holidays everyone!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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