Cover Art – D’Aprile’s Fools

Howdy folks.  It has been a super long time since we had a cover reveal, but that time has finally come.  Since D’Aprile’s Fools is coming out in just a few short weeks (October 26th launch date), it felt like a good time to see how we arrived at this point.  So let’s try and take a step back, and figure out just how it came together.

Let’s start out with this piece.  This is the first time that I put anything together like this, because I had a pretty good idea of what I wanted the cover to look like.  I knew that I wanted the characters in a tavern, and that I wanted them kind of posed at a table.  I’m not great at sketching things myself, but I found a tool online that is spectacular for posing (and great help for artists that want their work to be anatomically correct).  JustSketchMe is great, and it let me set up a roundabout way of what I wanted the D’Aprile’s Fools cover to look like for Leo.

After that, Leo went to work making it his own.  My original sketch was far too wide for a front cover, but it gave the better understanding of where we were trying to go for it, and it allowed Leo to compose things better.  Six characters is a lot for a front cover, but he made it look easy.

Leo didn’t only fit them in, he made them pop.  This is the most characters we’ve ever featured on the front cover, even considering things like Tales of Tellest.  And each of them looks like part of the crew.  From left to right, we have Bixby Alladocious, Caira, Frederic D’Aprile, Leonell, Nellie and Mireya.

But of course a full book cover has a back, so we had Leo keep working…

If you click on this cover, you’ll see a full sized version of it.  We had to tweak things a little bit because our other two characters on the back weren’t fully centered, so this isn’t the final version.  Leo worked on it a bit more though, and you’ll see that final version here:

Assuming the book is out now, all you have to do to pick it up is click this link.  Check out D’Aprile’s Fools on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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