Concept Art – Female Lagano

A few weeks back, we showed off the lagano in its male form.  While the word lagano technically covers the whole of the humanoid reptile races on Tellest, we chose to cover the most popular form.  In typical fantasies, they’re called lizardmen.

Now, we get a chance to look at the fairer sex.


Once again, we’d like to shout out to Luigiix for his work on this series.  He did an awesome job.

We started off with a sketch of our lagano priestess, which I’m very happy with.


From there, we graduated to lines.  You can see a bit more regarding the material (or lack thereof) that she’s wearing.  Apparently, skin is in when it comes to religion for these folks!


Finally, Luigi threw on a coat of paint, and gave her some lovely textures.  Those scales must have taken a long time to perfect, but he did a great job.  You’ll see this lady in our upcoming card game next year.

We hope to bring you more from Luigiix soon.  In the meantime though, check out both of our lagano side by side.


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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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