Character Art – Narallyndra

Howdy folks.  Welcome to the third to last update of the year.  It’s also the final original collaboration we’ve made together with Lee Jun, who you’ll remember also did work for us that included Azura and Icarus.  Today, we’re giving her another elf to try her hand at: Venathryn’s cousin Narallyndra.  Let’s see what she did to bring this maiden to life.

Here’s our first look at the Whisperwind elf sorceress.  She’s definitely got this almost child-like innocence, and Jun captured it flawlessly.  It comes out even better with more detail.

I don’t know why, but I almost get a bit of a Zelda vibe from here.  This is very impressive work—a great send-off for this first trio!

Here is the complete piece.  Jun did a marvelous job, not just with Narallyndra, but with the other two characters we set aside for her as well.  We’re so happy with her work, and we’re excited for the potential to continue working with her.  Keep your eyes peeled for our next collaboration!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.