Character Art – Lyla

Hey there folks.  A while back we began our collaboration with Deilan on a trio of three awesome pieces of art, and today’s post wraps that up for us.  We’re definitely planning on doing more with Deilan, of course, because each of these commissions was a great addition to our catalog.  Without further adieu, here is the final piece of the first trio!

We definitely went a little bit more playful with Zoe and Adelia, but Lyla is supposed to be a little bit more down to business.  We imagined her overlooking an operation from the top of a cliff side, and Deilan delivered.

Out of all three of the characters we had done, I think Lyla ended up being my favorite.  She has a fire emblem vibe here that I can’t shake (nor would I want to).

Big cheers to Deilan for this incredible work.  It’s cool seeing Lyla in a new way, and I think this is my favorite take on the character thus far.

Be on the lookout for more collaborations with Deilan in the future.  We definitely want to try out some more characters to see what he can do!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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