Character Art – Isabella

Hey there folks.  It has been a long while since we last saw something from Barnswallow.  Last time it was Adelia, arguably one of our most popular and well known characters.  Today, we’re showing off a character who hasn’t yet had her time in the spotlight, though we have talked about her before.  We also have a character premiere coming from Barnswallow in the next couple of weeks, so keep your eyes peeled for that.

Today, we’re looking at Isabella, our vampire dancer out for revenge.

Our first look is the sketch that Barnswallow sent our way.  Isabella is one of a few characters who has a timeless look to her.  Her gown looks modern among all the fantasy outfits (apart from Azura—maybe they should meet at some point).  Still, Barnswallow captures it in a really awesome way.

With color, the piece practically explodes off the screen.  Barnswallow did a great job with this commission, and brought Isabella to life in a way that only she can.  We’re very excited to eventually get to this character, and also to work with Barnswallow again.  Remember, stay tuned here for the next couple of weeks when we unveil a brand new character!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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