Character Art – Iliana

Hey there!  Back in July, we showed off the sophomore work of one of our favorite new artists, John, when he did an expressive and awesome job with Adelia.  Today, we return back to bow-wielding maidens, this time focusing on the delver, Iliana.  Let’s jump in and see how he brings this character to life in his style.

We start off with a sketch of the character.  John usually has these dynamic, in motion shots that really makes his characters pop.  Iliana is leaping and firing in front of the northern mountains of Cracius, similar to where we found her in Lord of Thunder.

Next up, we’ll look at a black and white version of the final piece, because the jump from this to color will absolutely blow your mind, but just by itself, this one absolutely jumps out at you.  John is excelling in leaps and bounds!

Finally we see our awesome delver in all her glory.  John really crushed it, and we’re so lucky to have been able to leverage his talents over the last year or so.  The good news is that we have him on tap for at least two more characters, so be on the lookout for another one soon!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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