Character Art – Baby Olig Tharci

Hey there folks!  We are back with our final look at the QQ babies crew.  We saved the most adorable for last.  In the Quantum Quest tabletop game (both in the card and on the cover) Olig Tharci exercises his magical talents with his cold spells.  We captured that in an incredibly cute way when we turned him into a toddler.

What better way to show his affinity to cold as a kiddo than to give him an ice pop?  That was a brilliant idea that Cristiano brought to life in his great style.

The line art barely does it justice, too.  With the shading and everything in place, Olig really pops. He’s a great final member of this group, for sure.

And in full color?  Magnificent.  Cristiano took the concepts we were building with Hozure, made it his own, and did an absolutely fantastic job with it.


We gave him a neat little background like the others in his group for consistency.  But we also have one more cool little piece…

Here’s all our adorably QQ babies in one place.  It made for a fantastic design on a T-Shirt, which I happily wore at Wizard World Comic Con this year!

While we don’t currently have anything else to show in the “babies” line-up, we’re always hard at work thinking of new ways to show off the cuter side of Tellest.  We hope to see you soon with more of these kind of things!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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