Character Art – Icarus

Hey folks!  Back again, and with another look at Icarus, no less.  When I was scheduling all these, I’m sure I was planning on being much closer to a release for The Maelstrom than we are, but that’s okay.  We can still show off some of our favorite once-winged elf.

Today’s artist is Hozure.  If you’ll recall, he did a version of Icarus for us about two or three years ago, so it’s nice to have him utilize his polished talents on one of our characters.  As always, we’ll start off with the poses.

We got a lot of cool options to choose from, including a couple where he’s a pseudo-Disney princess.  Maybe we’ll put some birds and butterflies in his story, haha.

We ended up going with the fourth pose.  It seemed in line with what the elf was going through.  Looking at the sword was like looking inward at himself, and putting himself to task for his failings.

A little bit more detail made Icarus pop even more.  His outfit is awesome, and the sword has more character in this form.

Of course, it’s the final version that’s always our favorite.  I’m very impressed with this work, and I’m excited to continue working with Hozure in the future.  We have some more great stuff from him on the way, so keep your eyes peeled!

Enjoy your holidays!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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