Character Art – Baby Suja Mak

Hey there folks.  It’s been three weeks, so as is tradition, we’re ready to show off the next in the line of the baby series we’re currently unveiling.  Last time around we showed what happens when an orc gets babified.  Today, it’s time to see what one of Tellest’s trolls looks like!

We’re leveraging the talent of Cristiano Reina once again, and he comes right out of the gate with another awesome look at one of our characters.  Suja is a troll assassin, but she looks positively adorable rather than deadly in this piece.

The color Cristiano uses just 100% pops, making Suja look like she’s having a great time.  Her outfit is perfect, and she has just the right amount of sass.

So it’s just a quick post today, but of course it’s an awesome one.  Suja leads the pack with her confidence and snarkiness.  I’m very excited to show off our other two characters!  Check back in about a month and we’ll have a new one to show off!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.