Concept Art – Storm’s Bane

Hey there folks.  We’ve come to another inevitable conclusion, wrapping up the latest set of ten artifacts that we had commissioned by Azot.  This time around we’ve shown a lot of really cool items, from crowns, to lanterns to musical instruments, but we’re going out with a more aggressive tone, and a weapon that has a lot of oomph (and history within the Tellest universe).

Way back in Son of the Storm, we introduced the idea of Storm’s Bane, a mighty hammer that came into possession of the king of the Thunderfury Dwarves.  Since his passing, it’s gone missing, and the dwarves have spent decades (if not centuries) trying to locate it.  In fact, it even played into the tale a little bit in that first book, although it was just hopeful thinking.

As we move closer to “phase 3” of the Tellest universe being put into place, we’re going to possibly hear more about Storm’s Bane.  Azot delivered an awesome piece of work here, so I’m happy that we’re signing off with this set with the mightiest of his works.

We’re certainly not done with Azot, but it will be a while before the fourth set of artifacts inevitably shows up.  Stay tuned for future news from that series of art pieces.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.