Character Art – Alura

Hey there fantasy fans!  We have an awesome first look for you today that I am so excited about.  As some of you know, I have more story ideas than I have time, so I’ve been sitting on a character that I’ve wanted to write for a long while now.  She’s not going to be unveiled in the most upcoming phases—she’s definitely further down the line.  That said, she’s one of the reasons I want to write faster, because I’m very excited to take on her story.

We managed to put Barnswallow on the case, and she did an incredible job.  Check out the very first look at our new character, Alura:

Alura is a character born of dark circumstances.  She’s technically a half-elf, but there’s a lot more to it than that.  She’s one with nature, hence all the flora—though that also does a nice job of keeping this piece PG!

Here you have the full piece.  Barnswallow consistently surprises with her awesome work, but I think this might be one of my favorites that she’s ever done.  Alura feels like a top tier Tellest character and she hasn’t even had a page written for her yet.

Stay tuned for future news about Alura, and more works from Barnswallow!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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