Character Art – Adelia Kreegan

Hey there folks.  I’m happy to announce that today is another day where we get to work with one of our long-time collaborators, Joman Mercado.  He did an amazing job on all the character pieces we gave him in the past, and today he’s taking on what is arguably our most famous hero.

As always, we start with some cool poses.  I liked the way #2 looked for Adelia, and was intrigued to see where Joman would take that.


This is the biggest our sorceress’ staff has been, and of course Joman is known to do that kind of thing.  You’ll notice her hair is particularly large as well, and her dress blows around a lot.

We lose the ice wall for the line art, but I assure you, it’ll be back!  The line art phase shows a little more detail on everything, and you can see things coming together.

And here we have the final piece.  I like the motion that Joman put together for Adelia.  She’s almost like a rock start with that staff back there.  So what do you think?  Any other characters from the Tellest catalog that you want Joman to tackle?

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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