Character Art – Adelia

Howdy there folks!  A few months back, I had the honor of introducing you to a new artist, John, who delivered an amazing look at Venathryn.  John’s work understandably takes time, but it’s worth the wait, and to prove that, I give you his second collaboration with Tellest today, in the form of a new Adelia piece.  Let’s jump right in, shall we?

John started us off with some flat colors for our aspiring mage.  He also seems to have taken some inspiration from the cover of Mageborn, as he threw in a look at Merlin, who is playfully batting at one of Adelia’s spells.

We move onto a more complete version of the art.  This time Merlin isn’t there, but he makes his way back.  One of the things that we did was remove the jewel on Adelia’s right breast.  We thought (and you might believe so as well) that from a distance, it looks too suggestive!

Here is the final look at our lovely would-be sorceress.  John went a huge step further and made an awesome background to go with Adelia.  We’re so impressed with his work, and you can bet that we’ll be taking every opportunity to work with him more in the future!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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