Black Furnace Games

Hi there everyone.  This is going to be a small update, and we are stepping away from Otherworld for a week or two, but that doesn’t mean that things aren’t happening in the background.  I’d like to present to you the logo for the Tellest game development company, Black Furnace Games.


Black Furnace Games 3

For some reason that is honestly beyond me, the name Black Furnace Games has always been in my mind if I were to have a development company of my own.  As of right now, that company is one person who is subcontracting to other people, but hey, this logo right here is going to be what you see as you’re loading Heart of the Forest (and all the other games I plan on creating)!

It’s such a simple thing, but I really dig the logo, and I hope you do, too!

Heart of the Forest is chugging along in the background.  We’re done our initial phase, which is cobbling together images for mockups. Now we’re moving onto our next phase of development, where we keep our eyes peeled for a Unity programmer.  We’ll keep you apprised of the details in the weeks and months to come!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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