Art: Christopher

It’s strange to think we’ve come this far without any art for Christopher!  He’s one of the big trio of heroes in Tellest (in addition to Steel Tip and Kaos) or even the bigger quintet (adding David and Eclipse into the mix), and yet we haven’t really featured him anywhere just yet.

The funny thing is that he was originally going to be our go-to hero for the Tellest games.  I really want to make a slot-machine game with a story, and he’d be the perfect character to help me tell it.

In the meantime, we see some truly great work once again from RedPear, who puts her own personal spin on the hero.  As is normally the case for us, we began with possible poses.


While I always love the various sketches we get for our characters, I knew right away that this one wasn’t for Christopher.  If you know his history, you know how tragic it is.  And while he gets some jabs in on Steel Tip, it’d be very rare to see him crack a smile.


Now this, on the other hand… this is the face of someone who has had to deal with some pretty tremendous tragedy in his life.  You also get to see the scars he bears on his arms, a constant reminder of the failures he’s made, and the man that was left behind.


Christopher BW

As always, after we knew what we wanted, we bumped up the level of awesome…


Christopher CT


…And then we added a splash of color that gave Christopher even more personality.  RedPear did an awesome job as always, and brought one more character from Tellest to life.

We recently began working with RedPear again this month, so we’ll have plenty more of her talent to showcase in the weeks and months to come!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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