Art: Bolt Concepts

Hot off the publishing of Son of the Storm, we’ve got some beautiful artwork by Joman to discuss.  Bolt Thunderfury is the first non-Bindings of Fate inspired piece that we’ve got on hand, and our character artist did a phenomenal job capturing that effort.

This piece actually came as a portion of a larger request (more on that in the weeks to come), which meant this was the first really big Tellest project for Joman.  He captured the source material just about perfectly, as always.

Below, as with our processes for Steel Tip and Kaos, you’ll see how we came about picking the poses we did, and where we ended up.

Bolt Poses

We really like the dynamic artwork among these choices, and it was a hard decision nailing one down. Because we knew what we wanted in the grand, final piece, we chose number 3.

Next, we tested out how Bolt would look in Joman's tried and true style.

Next, we tested out how Bolt would look in Joman’s tried and true style.

And here we have our final piece before coloring.  You'll notice Bolt shaved prior to waiting around for this lineart.

And here we have our final piece before coloring. You’ll notice Bolt shaved prior to waiting around for this lineart.


There was still a good deal of work that went into the final version of Bolt.  This is a good look at what we came up with though.  We hope next week you’ll come back and see what Bolt looked like in all of his glory.

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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