April Fool’s Art – Tellest Babies

Hey there folks.  So, if you managed to check out our site on Saturday morning, you may have caught our April Fool’s “prank” for this year.

I was going to have a story ready for this year, but the work on the big novels and novellas have kind of worn me down.  So, in an 11th hour bid, we came up with a cute secondary idea that has completely taken over my life.

There’s got to be plenty of people who know the show Muppet Babies.  Well, we just took that concept and applied it to Tellest.

We teamed with Hozure to turn six of our already established characters into miniaturized, adorable versions of themselves. Here’s the sketches we started with.

We fell in love with this style, and Rhianna is even working on a sculpy clay version of at least one of the characters.

Here is a gallery of the six individual characters:

And here is how our finished piece came together:

I would absolutely love to have Hozure do more of these.  In fact, I’ve already got the next sets of heroes all lined up.  If we get some positive feedback, we’ll definitely do more!

Also, Rhianna came up with a jingle:

♪ Tellest Babies, big adventures for little people /
Tellest Babies, waking up from naptime and fighting evil. ♫


*   *   *

Today’s post was sponsored by L.E.Parr and her incredible Fariidinus series.  If you haven’t had the chance to check it out yet, why not catch a preview of it right now?  Check out Wings of the Exile on Amazon today!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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