Urban Fantasy Promo – Exoden by Jeron Ricks

If you listen to my podcast, Everything is Awesome, you know that I’m a big fan of indie–no matter the form. Jeron Ricks is one of those indie guys you should be paying attention to. A shy kid growing up in Idaho, he was always fascinated with books. A good story is a great way to escape the stress of the real world. After years of living the typical young adult life, he was finally inspired by his brother to write his own story–thus the world of Exoden was born.

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Jeron connected to his characters from Exoden on such a deep and personal level, that he found it difficult to leave them when it came time to prepare it for release. However, his perfectionism pays off–when reading the story, you feel like you are living within the world of Exoden, right along with the characters.

In the beginning God created man in His own image and His own likeness, including having a measure of His power. Adam and Eve had this power and when they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden they named the land Exoden. Mankind lived on Exoden wielding God’s power and ultimately abusing it, superstitiously calling it magic. To humble man God called on Noah to colonize a new planet which he called Earth where people no longer held God’s power, but the people of Exoden still held it…

Brooklyn is your typical high school senior and book nerd until a new high school librarian reveals that magic might not belong in the fiction section after all. The librarian tells of another world where people wield magic and Brooklyn just might belong there, but he must leave everything he knows behind if he wants to find out.

Find out more about the world of Exoden here.

Click here to purchase your copy of Exoden TODAYAlso, this book will be on sale for $.99 from June 2nd, 2016 to June 4th, 2016!

Stay tuned, as we are currently conducting an interview with the author, Jeron Ricks!

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Kev is the co-founder/co-president and CTO of Crude Humor Studios. He's also the producer for The hhwst.net Radio Network division of CHS and is one of the writers for their skits, sharts, and web series. He's a writer/editor for Crude Humor Studios, The hhwst.net Radio Network, Dorky Daddy, and Legends of Staploria. Kev also finds time to contribute to the Tellest blog. Most importantly, Kev is a father to an awesome little boy and an adorable baby girl.