Trick or Treat! The Halloween 2023 Ligomorphs are Here!

Howdy folks!  While you’re going to have to wait a little longer for our Halloween tale this year (vacation made me a little delayed), I don’t want to leave you empty-handed.  We worked with Steven Bellshaw to design three new ligomorphs that are in the holiday spirit…

These ligomorphs absolutely understand the assignment, even if they can’t quite get the look right.  If you zoom in on the text, you’ll see we have three critters this time, portraying Drac, Werewolf, and Frankie!

A little bit of color helps you see the shift in poses.  The werewolf stayed pretty even, and the Frankenstein ligomorph remained close to his original appearance, but the Dracula one changed in pose in the best of ways.  You can also see how we envisioned the color scheme of these little critters, too!

Even then, you can barely be prepared for the strides that Steven makes.  I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again, even when Steven puts work into the concepts he makes, you’ll always be blown away by the final product.

Case in point: here are your Halloween 2023 ligomorphs in all their glory!  We’re very happy with how these turned out, and we think that this is going to be the beginning of a wonderful new Tellest tradition.  I hope that you enjoyed them, and that you have a safe, fun, happy Halloween!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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