The Tellest 2014 Kickstarter is Live!

Hello ladies and gentlemen, friends and family, longtime fans and newcomers!  I am pleased to announce to you that our Kickstarter for 2014 is now live, and we are accepting pledges.

We address it on the Kickstarter page and in the video, but I wanted to quickly note what we’re doing this for, why, and what you get for pledging toward this ambitious project.

Tellest is growing at a rapid pace, and to keep up with that tempo, we’re asking fans of fantasy to support us in that growth.  The flagship for 2014 is the release of the Tales of Tellest, a quintet of stories that goes into some established characters’ backgrounds.  Your pledges will help to provide high quality cover artwork for those stories, as well as cleaning up the original trilogy.  We’d also like to try to bring other writers under our banner, so throughout the year we’ll be hosting writing contests with prizes, and forge new alliance with other fantasy storytellers.

We’ve got plenty of cool rewards to pledge for, including copies of the books in eBook or paperback format, digital prints of the artwork, dedicated audiobook narrations and collaborations with me that will result in your very own Tellest character.  Anyone who pledges even a dollar will also gain access to the weekly serialized fiction a week early, too.

If we happen to do well, we’ve got other ideas to spice things up.  We don’t want to get ahead of ourselves, though, so just keep your eyes peeled for plenty of updates over the next month.  Just because the Kickstarter is live, that doesn’t mean that we’ll relax and wait to see how things turn out.  We’ve got plenty of work to do, and we’d love to see you happy!

Thank you so much for your patronage!

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Michael DeAngelo

Michael is the creator of the Tellest brand of fantasy novels and stories. He is actively seeking to expand the world of Tellest to be accessible to everyone.
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